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G.  F.  GAUSE 

Professor  of  Experimental  Blologij 

No.  2  of  a  series  of  monographs  on  general  physiology 

edited  by  B.  J.  Luyet 

Published  by 

BIODYNAMICA,  Normandy^  Missouri 



LI8RAR  Y|  ^ 


Judging  by  the  bibliographical  list  of  publications  deal- 
ing with  optical  activity  in  biological  material,  one  has 
the  impression  that  this  subject  did  not  arouse  among 
American  scientists  the  same  degree  of  interest  as  did 
many  other  problems  of  biophysics  and  biochemistry.  It 
is  thought  that  this  review  will  contribute  to  focus  the 
attention  of  more  of  the  so  active  investigators  of  this 
country  on  the  important  role  of  asymmetry  in  the  build- 
ing stones  of  protoplasm. 

In  presenting  ''(9p^«c«^  Activity  and  Living  Matter"  by 
G.  F.  Gause  to  scientists  at  large,  the  object  of  the  editor 
of  this  series  of  monographs  is  to  bring  to  the  fore  a 
subject  w^hich  seems  to  be  of  fundamental  significance  in 
the  problem  of  the  structure  and  the  mechanism  of  action 
of  living  matter. 

The  contents  of  this  monograph  with  the  exception  of 
the  General  Bibliography,  are  reprinted  from  BIODY- 
NAMICA,  Nos.  52  and  56,  1939;  62  and  63,  1940;  70  and 
71,  1941. 

The  Editoe. 

Saint  Louis,  Missouri,  May  1941. 



Althongli  the  study  of  the  asymmetry  of  protoplasm 
was  begun  by  Louis  Pasteur  about  a  century  ago,  it  did 
not  receive  from  the  biologists  the  attention  which  it  de- 
serves. The  observations  on  that  subject  are  scattered 
and  need  to  be  brought  together  into  a  separate  division 
of  experimental  biology.  The  author  of  the  present  mon- 
ograph, who  has  for  several  years  been  engaged  in  expe- 
rimental studies  of  the  structure  and  of  the  activity  of 
living  systems  as  related  to  the  asymmetric  configuration 
of  their  constituents,  intends  to  review  here  this  scat- 
tered literature  and  to  discuss  the  various  problems  which 
the  subject  involves. 

Pasteur  would,  no  doubt,  rejoice  in  the  importance  that 
a  number  of  questions  related  to  the  asymmetry  of  proto- 
plasm have  acquired  in  the  development  of  medical 
sciences.  The  recent  findings  on  anthrax,  a  subject  to 
which  Pasteur  has  contributed  so  much,  illustrate  this 
point.  Bruckner  and  Ivanovics  showed  in  1937,  in  the  lab- 
oratory of  Professor  Szent-Gyorgyi,  that  the  unnatural 
optical  isomer  of  glutamic  acid,  which  was  not  found 
anywhere  before  in  organic  nature,  enters  into  the  compo- 
sition of  the  capsules  which  enclose  the  anthrax  bacilli. 
The  capsules  are  responsible  for  the  virulence  of  the 
bacilli,  and  the  investigators  just  mentioned  suggest  that 
the  protective  role  of  the  capsules  is  due  to  the  unnatural 
configuration  of  glutamic  acid. 

The  author  wishes  to  express  his  thanks  to  Professor 
W.  W.  Alpatov  (Moscow)  and  to  Professor  W.  J.  Ver- 
nadsky  (Moscow)  for  their  aid  in  the  course  of  the  prep- 
aration of  this  work,  and  to  Professor  B.  J.  Luyet  (St. 
Louis)  for  the  revision  of  the  manuscript. 

G.  F.  Gause. 



PREFArE  - 4 



1.  Dissymmetry  and  Asymmetry 9 

2.  Optical  and  Geometrical  Asymmetry 11 

3.  Dissymmetric  Structure  as  a  Basis  of  Optical  Ac- 

tivity     - - 12 

4.  "Eelative  Configuration"  and  "Biological  Series" 

of  Optical  Isomers - 15 


1.  Dissymmetry  in  Organic  and  in  Inorganic  Nature.—  19 

2.  Asymmetry  as  a  Specific  Property  of  Protoplasm.—  20 

3.  Asymmetry  of  Primary  Constituents  of  Protoplasm  21 

4.  Asymmetry  of  Secondary  Constituents  of  Proto- 

plasm    24 

5.  Exclusiveness  of  Asymmetry-Sign  in  Primary  Sub- 

stances    27 

6.  Non-Exclusiveness  of  the  Asymmetry-Sign  in  Sec- 

ondary Substances  28 

7.  Relative  Configuration  of  Biological  Material 30 

8.  Asymmetry  as  a  Criterion  of  the  Organic  Origin 

of  a  Substance 31 



1.  The   Transmission   of  the   Asymmetric   State   by 

Asymmetric  Synthesis  35 

2.  The  Transmission  of  Asymmetry,  from  the  Ther- 

modynamic and  Kinetic  Point  of  View 37 


3.  Maintenance  of  Optical  Purity  by  the  So-Called 

''Stereo-autonomic  Substances"  43 

4.  Procedures  Used  by  Nature  for  Maintaining  Opti- 

cal Puritv  and  Establishing  a  ''Fixed  Internal 
Milieu"   ■ 45 

5.  Biological  Advantages  of  Optical  Purity 51 

6.  The  Origin  of  the  Asymmetry  of  Protoplasm. 52 

7.  General  Survey  of  the  Problem  of  the  Origin  and 

Maintenance  of  Optical  Asymmetry 53 





1.  The  Impossibility  of  Inverting  the  Optical  Prop- 

erties  of   the  Primary   Constituents    of   Proto- 
plasm    59 

2.  The  Impossibility  of  Modifying  Protoplasm  so  as 

to  Cause  it  to  Invert  the  Optical  Properties  of 
the  Products  of  its  Metabolism 61 

3.  Mechanisms  Controlling  the  Production  of  a  Given 

Optical  Isomer  67 

a.  Production    of    Dissyinmetrir    Substances    from 

Symmetric  Phenyl-Glyoxal   67 

&.  Production  of  Optical  Isomers  by  Esterases 68 

c.  Production  of  Optical  Isomers  bv  Oi)tically  Active 

Alkaloid  Catalysts  ' *.... 68 

d.  Production  of  a  Given  Optical  Isomer  by  a  Chemi- 

cal Alteration  of  the  Catalyst .'. 69 

e.  Control  of  the  Production  of  Optical  Isomers  by 

Intermediate  "Pathways'' 70 

/.  Control  of  the  Production  of  Optical  Isomers  by 

an  Inversion  of  the  Waldeu  Tyije 73 






1.  Morphological  Dissymmetry  and  Morphological  In- 
version   - 79 

2.  Mori)li()l()ij;ical  J)issyiinnetry  and  Morphological  In- 

version mBacillus  Mycoides 81 

3.  Morphological  Dissymmetry  and  IMorphological  In- 

version in  the  Snail,  F ruticicola  lantzi 83 

4.  Some  Physiological  Properties  of  the  Dextral  and 

the  Sinistral  Strains  of  Bacillus  mycoides 84 

5.  Some  Physiological  Properties  of  the  Dextral  and 

of  the  Sinistral  Strains  of  the  Snail,  Fruticicola 
lantzi 89 

6.  On  the  Relation  between  Morphological  Inversion 

and  Molecular  Inversion..... 91 

7.  Morphological  Inversions  and  the  Theory  of  Spiral 

Growth _ i 93 



Asymmetric  Analysis  99 

Section-  I.  Analysis  of  the  Mechanism  of  Toxic 

1.  Toxic  Action  of  the  Optical  Isomers  of  Nicotine 100 

2.  Toxic  Action  of  the  Optical  Isomers  of  Organic 

Acids    - 108 

Section  II.   Analysis  of  the  Evolution  of  the 

Nervous  S^^stem.  I 

1.  Stereo-coefficients  of  Action  of  the  Optical  Isomers 

of  Nicotine  in  the  Phylogenetic  Series 116 

2.  The  Acetylcholine  System  and  the  Differential  Ef- 

fect of  the  Optical  Isomers  of  Nicotine 120 

Section  III.  Analysis  of  the  Mechanism  of  Va- 
rious Physiological  Functions  in  Protozoa. 





SUBJECT  INDEX  154     /^^^ 

AUTHOR  INDEX  157     -  *        ■ 

1 2: 


1.  Dissymmetry  and  Asymmetry.  A  survey  of  the  litera- 
ture on  optical  activity  of  protoplasm  reveals  some  confu- 
sion in  the  terminology.  Terms  such  as  dissymmetry  and 
asymmetry,  which  are  so  often  used,  are  not  always  clearly 
defined.  Some  preliminary  definitions  are,  therefore, 

Dissymmetry  is  a  property  of  the  individual  components 
of  a  system,  that  is,  in  the  cases  to  be  considered  here,  a 
property  of  molecules,  while  asymmetry  refers  to  an  aggre- 
gate of  molecules. 

The  term  dissymmetry  was  used  in  this  sense  for  the  first 
time  by  Pasteur  in  the  classical  paper  that  he  wrote  in  1848 
on  the  relations  between  crystalline  form,  chemical  compo- 
sition and  optical  rotation  and  that  he  summarized  in  the 
two  well-known  lectures  delivered  in  1860  before  the  Paris 
Chemical  Society  on  the  molecular  dissymmetry  of  natural 
organic  products.  Pasteur  says  that  when  we  study  mate- 
rial objects  of  whatever  nature,  as  regards  their  form  and 
the  repetition  of  their  identical  constituent  parts,  we  soon 
recognize  that  they  fall  into  two  large  classes  which  present 
the  following  characters.  Those  of  the  one  class,  placed 
before  a  mirror,  give  images  which  are  superposable  on 
the  objects  themselves,  while  the  images  of  the  others  are 
not  superposable  on  the  objects.  A  cube,  straight  stairs,  a 
branch  with  opposite  leaves,  the  human  body — these  are  of 
the  former  class ;  an  irregular  tetrahedron,  winding  stairs, 
a  hand — these  belong  to  the  second  group.     The  latter  are 


dissymmetric,^  and  are  defined  as  objects  possessing  non- 
superposable  mirror  images. 

Dissymmetric  objects  can  exist  in  two  forms,  right  and 

When  the  two  forms  of  dissymmetric  molecules  are  rep- 
resented in  equal  concentrations  (racemic  mixture),'  the 
aggregate  of  molecules  is  symmetric.  When  they  are  rep- 
resented in  unequal  concentrations,  the  aggregate  is  non- 
symmetric.  There  may  be  a  predominance  of  the  right 
forms  (dextrality)  or  of  the  left  forms  of  molecules  (sinis- 
trality). Pasteur  did  not  propose  any  special  term  for  such 
a  deviation  of  the  molecular  aggregate  from  the  racemic 
state.  His  views  on  this  subject  were  somewhat  uncer- 
tain.' Following  Emil  Fischer  (1894)  and  Japp*  (1898), 
we  shall  designate  this  condition  by  the  term  asymmetry. 

1  In  the  German  (1891)  and  in  the  English  (1897)  translations  of  Pasteur's 
work  (lectures  of  1860),  the  word  dissymmetry  was  arbitrarily  replaced  by 
the  word  asymmetry. 

2  Eecently  Findlay  (1937)  pointed  out  that  the  term  acide  racemique,  as 
applied  to  tartaric  acid,  was  due  to  Gay-Lussac  (1828),  but  its  use  in  the 
sense  accepted  at  present  originated  with  Pasteur  (1861).  Pasteur  wrote  in 
1860 :  ' '  We  still  need  a  word  in  chemical  terminology  to  express  the  fact 
of  a  double  molecular  dissymmetry  concealed  by  the  neutralisation  of  two 
opposite  dissymmetries,  the  physical  and  geometrical  effects  of  which  com- 
pensate each  other  exactly. ' ' 

3  Pasteur  did  not  distinguish  sharply  the  dissymmetry  of  individual  mole- 
cules from  the  asymmetry  of  their  aggregates  in  the  sense  given  above.  For 
him  the  molecules  acquire  dissymmetry  by  receiving  a  ' '  twist ' '  in  living 
organisms  or  in  contact  with  products  of  living  organisms  and  they  lose  their 
dissymmetry  by  being  untwisted.  In  1860  he  wrote  that  "the  twisted  organic 
group  can  be  untwisted  and  so  assume  the  ordinary  character  of  artificial  and 
mineral  substances. ' '  The  ' '  twisting ' '  was  considered  as  characteristically 
' '  vital ' '  and  destructible  by  energetic  chemical  reactions.  According  to  mod- 
ern views,  these  reactions,  instead  of  ' '  untwisting ' '  the  molecules,  produce  a 
racemisation  or  an  equalization  in  the  concentrations  of  the  right  and  left 
forms  of  a  substance.  While  Pasteur  is  the  discoverer  of  the  fact  that 
' '  Racemic  tartaric  acid  of  chemists,  inactive  as  to  the  optical  rotatory  power, 
consists  of  two  acids,  the  rotations  of  which  mutually  neutralize  each  other, 
as  one  of  them  rotates  to  the  right  and  the  other  to  the  left,  and  both  in  the 
same  degree,"  (Pasteur,  1848,  p.  458)  he  thought  that  the  molecules  of  the 
racemates  were  symmetric  by  their  very  nature,  and  that  they  became  dis- 
symmetric in  their  separation  from  the  racemate  by  crystallization  of  the  anti- 
podes under  the  action  of  some  dissymmetry  forces  which  might  be  furnished 
by  ' '  organic  dissymmetric  particles  on  the  surface  of  the  crystallization  dish ' ' 


From  what  has  been  said,  it  follows  that  dissymmetry, 
or  noii-siiperposability  of  mirror  image  on  the  original 
object,  can  exist  without  any  asymmetry,  as  in  racemic 
mixtures.  Dissymmetric  molecules  have  the  possibility 
of  forming  symmetric  or  asymmetric  aggregates ;  asym- 
metry is  the  realization  of  one  of  these  two  potentialities. 
It  is,  therefore,  obvious  that  dissymmetry  represents  a 
necessary  pre-requisite  condition  for  any  asymmetric  state. 

2.  Optical  and  Geometrical  Asymmetry.  Asymmetry  as 
defined  here  should  be  distinguished  from  geometrical 
asymmetry.  A  geometrically  asymmetric  figure  is  one 
which  possesses  no  element  of  symmetry,  that  is,  no  center, 
no  axis  and  no  plane  of  symmetry,  while  dissymmetric 
figures  (in  the  sense  of  Pasteur)  might  possess  a  complex 
system  of  axes  of  symmetry,  although  they  cannot  possess 

(Pasteur,  1884).  According  to  our  views,  one  half  of  a  racemic  aggregate 
consists  of  the  right  and  the  other  of  the  left  form  of  molecules,  before,  as 
well  as  after,  crystallization. 

That  Pasteur  was  mistaken  in  this  particular  point  is  evidenced  by  the  fol- 
lowing investigations.  Ostwald  (1889)  has  shown  by  electric  conductivity 
methods  that,  in  dilute  water  solutions,  racemic  tartaric  acid  does  not  exist 
as  such  but  is  entirely  dissociated  into  its  dextrorotatory  and  laevorotatory 
components.  Eaoult  reached  the  same  conclusion  by  cryoscopic  methods. 
Wyrouboff  (1884),  Jungfleisch  (1884),  and  Errera  (1898)  pointed  out  that 
the  separate  crystallization  of  antipodes  from  racemic  tartrate  depends  on  the 
relative  solubilities  of  the  individual  components  and  of  the  mixture.  These 
solubilities,  in  their  turn,  are  controlled  by  the  temperature.  Thus,  at  ordi- 
nary room  temperature  the  antipodes  are  less  soluble  than  the  racemic  mix- 
ture, and  they  crystallize  separately,  while,  at  temperatures  above  26°  C,  the 
order  of  solubility  is  reversed,  and  the  racemate  crystallizes. 

4  Emil  Fischer  (1894)  introduced  the  concept  of  asymmetric  synthesis,  that 
is,  of  the  production  of  molecules  which  exhibit  a  rotation  of  a  given  sign 
with  full  or  partial  exclusion  of  the  antipode.  But  the  term  asymmetry  for 
expressing  the  properties  of  aggregates  of  molecules  was  employed^ — for  the 
first  time,  it  seems — by  Japp  (1898)  in  his  well  known  address,  "Stereo- 
chemistry and  Vitalism,"  which  was  followed  by  an  interesting  discussion  in 
' '  Nature. ' '  Japp  wrote  that  the  simultaneous  production  of  two  opposite 
asymmetric  halves  is  equivalent  to  the  production  of  a  symmetric  whole, 
whether  the  two  asymmetric  halves  be  actually  united  in  the  same  molecule, 
as  in  the  case  of  meso-tartaric  acid,  or  whether  they  exist  as  separate  mole- 
cules in  the  loft  and  right  constituents  of  racemic  acid.  This  statement  shows 
quite  clearly  that  the  author  conceived  asymmetry  as  the  property  of  the 
aggregate  of  molecules  and  not  as  the  configurational  character  of  the  indi- 
vidual molecules  (the  term  enantiomorph  was  used  in  this  latter  sense). 


a  plane,  a  center  or  an  alternating  axis  of  symmetry  {cf. 
the  definition  of  Lowry,  1935),  these  elements  being  incom- 
patible with  the  non-superposability  of  the  image.  So, 
dissymmetric  molecules  are  not  necessarily  asymmetric  in 
the  geometrical  sense. 

3.  Dissymmetric  Structure  as  a  Basis  of  Optical  Activ- 
ity. The  fact  that  the  rotation  of  the  plane  of  polarized 
light  is  caused  by  a  dissymmetric  structure  of  molecules 
leaves  no  place  for  doubt,  but  the  problem  of  the  physical 
mechanism  by  which  this  is  done  did  not  yet  receive  a  defi- 
nite solution.  Two  models  proposed  by  Pasteur — irregu- 
lar tetrahedron  and  spiral  line — have  formed  the  basis  for 
further  theories.  We  shall  consider  separately  the  case  in 
which  optical  activity  is  due  to  a  dissymmetric  spatial  dis- 
tribution of  atoms  as  found  in  entire  crystals  and  the  case 
in  which  it  is  due  to  a  dissymmetric  structure  of  isolated 

It  is  known  that  the  optical  activity  of  quartz  depends 
on  the  structure  of  the  crystal  itself,  since  the  rotation  of 
the  plane  of  polarized  light  disappears  with  the  crystalline 
state.  The  optical  effect  also  diminishes,  and  at  last  van- 
ishes when  a  plate  cut  out  from  a  crystal  of  quartz  passes 
from  a  position  perpendicular  to  the  direction  of  the  ray 
to  an  inclined  position.  Consequently,  the  fundamental 
difference  between  the  dissymmetry  of  quartz  and  the  mo- 
lecular dissymmetry  of  organic  substances  lies  in  the  fact 
that  in  the  former  case  the  crystal  as  a  whole  is  anisotropic, 
i.e.,  possesses  different  properties  in  diiferent  directions, 
while,  in  the  latter,  as  it  was  ascertained  by  Pasteur,  dis- 
symmetry represents  a  property  of  the  separate  molecules 
independent  of  their  relative  position  in  space.  A  sub- 
stance in  which  one  of  the  two  possible  dissymmetric  forms 
of  molecules,  right  or  left,  predominates,  will  possess 
optical  activity. 

It  was  Fresnel  (1824)  who  suggested  for  the  first  time, 
that  the  structural  dissymmetry  of  quartz  may  be  ex- 
plained on  the  basis  of  the  spiral  distribution  in  space  of 
the  molecules  of  silicon.     In  one  of  the  two  optical  anti- 


podes  of  quartz,  these  spirals  would  turn  from  right  to 
left  and,  in  the  other,  from  left  to  right.  This  view  was 
adopted  by  Pasteur  (1860),  and,  about  a  hundred  years 
after  its  formulation  by  Fresnel,  it  received  full  confirma- 
tion in  the  X-ray  analysis  of  quartz  made  by  Bragg  (1913, 
1925).  This  investigator  showed  that  crystals  of  quartz 
can  be  considered  as  giant  molecules  in  which  the  constitu- 
ent units  build  up  a  three-dimensional  network,  w^liere 
every  atom  of  silicon  is  linked  to  four  atoms  of  oxygen, 
wiiilst  every  atom  of  oxygen  unites  two  atoms  of  silicon. 
The  complex  aggregate  thus  formed  has  a  spiral  structure 
which  is  shown  in  Fig.  1.     The  lines  uniting  the  centers  of 

Fig.  1.  Spiral  structure  in  a  crystal  of  quartz.  The  silicon  atoms  are 
represented  by  solid  black  circles,  the  oxygen  atoms  by  lighter  and  larger 
circles.  Three  atoms  of  silicon  form  a  spire.  Each  atom  of  silicon  is  in 
the  center  of  a  tetrahedron  at  the  apices  of  wliicli  are  4  oxygen  atoms;  only 
2  of  the  latter  are  represented  in  the  figure. 

the  atoms  are  spirals,  and  these  spirals  are  twisted  in 
opposite  directions  in  dextrorotatory  and  in  laevorotatory 
quartz.  (For  further  details  on  the  coordination  of  sepa- 
rate spirals  in  the  so-called  a  and  3  form  of  quartz,  cf. 
Bragg.)  Let  it  be  noticed,  then,  that  it  is  the  spiral  type 
of  structure  which  prevails  in  the  dissymmetric  spatial 
distribution  of  elements  in  crystals  of  quartz. 

What  is  the  structure  of  dissymmetric  organic  molecules 
and  its  relation  to  optical  rotation?  Modern  theories,  a 
detailed  account  of  which  may  be  found  in  the  excellent 
monograph  by  Lowry  (1935),  consider  the  irregular  tetra- 



lieclron  with  four  different  radicals  situated  in  its  corners 
as  the  basis  for  the  explanation  of  the  origin  of  optical 
activity.  This  structure  accounts  for  both  the  existence 
as  well  as  the  approximate  value  of  optical  rotation  in  the 
simplest  dissymmetric  molecules.  It  should  be  noticed 
that  a  tetrahedric  molecule  presents  a  spiral  type  of  dis- 
tribution of  its  atoms.     In  Fig,  2  (a)  is  represented  an 

Fig.    2.      Dissymmetric  configuration  of  organic  molecules;  a)   1-isomer, 
b)   d-isomer. 

irregular  tetrahedron  in  the  corners  of  which  are  placed 
four  different  groups.  In  the  order  of  diminishing  mag- 
nitude these  groups  can  be  arranged  in  the  following- 
manner:  Ri  >  R2  >  R3  >  R4.  By  joining  the  centers  of 
these  groups  in  the  order  just  given  a  spiral  is  obtained. 
If  the  largest  group  (Ri)  is  placed  nearest  to  a  hypotheti- 
cal observer,  the  spiral  represented  in  Fig.  2  (a)  will 
appear  to  rotate  counter-clockwise.  According  to  Boys 
(1934),  such  a  structure  would  correspond  to  the  left  abso- 
lute configuration  of  the  molecule.  If  we  interchange  the 
groups  R2  and  Rs,  we  obtain  a  figure  which  is  the  mirror 
image  of  the  preceding  one ;  the  spiral  twist  will  now  as- 
sume a  clockwise  direction  and  the  molecule  will  possess 
the  right  configuration. 

Recently  an  attempt  has  been  made  to  adapt  the  concept 
of  absolute  configuration  to  the  definition  of  the  configura- 


tioii  of  natural  a-amiiio-acids  (see  Eainey,  1937).  We 
shall  also  mention  as  related  to  this  problem  the  geometri- 
cal investigations  of  Study  (1913)  on  the  right  and  left 
structures  in  a  system  of  points.  Finally  we  wish  to  point 
out  again  that  the  spiral  distribution  of  elements  appears 
as  basic  in  the  mechanism  of  optical  rotation  in  molecules 
as  well  as  in  crystals. 

4.  ^'Relative  Configuration"  and  ''Biological  Series" 
of  Optical  Isomers.  Emil  Fischer  (1894)  drew  attention 
to  the  necessity  of  distinguishing  the  relative  configura- 
tion of  a  substance  from  the  sign  of  its  optical  rotation, 
there  being  substances  which  possess  the  same  relative 
configuration  but  rotate  the  plane  of  polarized  light  in 
opposite  directions.  The  importance  of  this  remark  be- 
came more  evident  in  the  subsequent  developments  of 
stereochemistry.  Changes  in  temperature,  solvent,  con- 
centration, etc.,  are  often  accompanied  by  a  change  in  the 
sign  of  the  optical  rotation.  As  Lowry  (1935)  pointed  out, 
these  changes  make  it  impossible  to  judge  the  configura- 
tion of  a  substance  by  the  sign  of  its  rotation.  This  may 
be  demonstrated  by  the  following  example.  Let  us  con- 
sider an  optically  active  compound 

CH3  X 

\        / 


/  \ 
/       \ 

containing  a  single  asymmetric  carbon  atom,  linked  to 
methyl  and  ethyl  and  to  two  other  radicals,  X  and  Y.  No 
matter  what  the  influence  of  temperature  and  of  solvent 
is,  the  sign  of  the  rotation  will  be  reversed  but  its  magni- 
tude will  be  unaltered  if  the  methyl  and  ethyl  radicals  are 
interchanged,  i.e.,  if  usual  optical  inversion  takes  place. 
The  rotation  will  disappear  completely  if  methyl  is  re- 
placed by  a  second  ethyl  radical,  or  conversely,  since  then 
the  plane  of  symmetry  will  appear  in  the  molecule.  If 
methyl  is  replaced  not  by  ethyl  but  by  propyl,  it  is  gen- 


erally  admitted  (Lowry,  1935)  that  the  sign  of  the  rotation 
will  be  reversed,  i.e.,  that  the  molecules 

CH,  X  C,H,  X 

\        /  \        / 

\  /  \  / 

C  and  C 

/  \  /  \ 

/  \  /  \ 

C,H,  Y  C,H,  Y 

will  have  opposite  rotations,  although  the  position  of  the 
univalent  radical  C2H5CXY  is  identical,  and  although  there 
has  been  only  a  substitution  of  one  chemical  group  in  the 
molecule  by  another.  Such  possibilities  render  illusory 
any  conclusion  as  to  the  configuration  of  a  substance  on 
the  basis  of  the  direction  of  its  rotation. 

To  clarify  this  situation,  Fischer  (1894)  proposed  to 
take  as  a  prototype  of  configuration  that  of  a  specific 
isomer  of  some  definite  substance  and  compare  to  this  pro- 
totype the  optical  isomers  of  other  substances.  In  this 
manner  a  series  of  optical  isomers  of  different  substances 
can  be  established,  all  the  members  of  this  series  possess- 
ing the  same  relative  configuration.  Wohl  and  Freuden- 
berg  (1923)  suggested  that  the  members  of  one  such  series 
be  designated  by  the  letter  d  and  their  antipodes  by  the 
letter  /,  while  the  sign  of  their  optical  rotation  w^ould  be 
indicated  by  (+)  for  a  rotation  to  the  right  and  by  (-)  for 
a  rotation  to  the  left.  The  decision  as  to  which  one  of  the 
two  series  should  be  marked  by  the  letter  d  is,  of  course, 
arbitrary,  the  absolute  configuration  of  the  substance  being- 
unknown.  According  to  this  system,  a  substance  belong- 
ing, for  example,  to  the  left  steric  series,  but  rotating  the 
plane  of  polarized  light  to  the  right  will  be  marked  by  I  (+). 
Fischer,  furthermore,  suggested  to  take  as  a  standard  of 
comparison  dextrorotatory  glucose,  conventionally  taking 
it  as  a  r/-form.  He  proposed  that,  in  writing  the  formulas, 
the  aldehydic  or  ketonic  group  of  sugars  and  the  carbonyl 
group  of  monobasic  acids  be  put  on  top  and  the  chain  of 
carbon  atoms  in  a  downward  direction,  the  hydroxyl  of  the 
fifth  carbon  atom  being  to  the  right.     If  one  figures  out. 


on  llie  basis  of  what  is  known  on  chemical  structure,  wliieh 
isomer  of  fructose  presents  the  same  position  for  the  tifth 
carbon  atom  as  rf-glucose,  one  finds  that  it  is  laevorotatory 
fructose.  Thus  d  (+)  glucose  and  d  (-)  fructose  possess 
the  same  relative  configuration  in  spite  of  their  rotation 
in  opposite  directions.  Both  these  isomers  are  found  in 
living  organisms  and  belong  to  the  same  *' biological 

Wohl  and  Freudenberg  (1923)  proposed  to  take  glycer- 
ine aldehyde  and  not  glucose,  as  a  standard  of  comparison, 
conventionally  considering  the  dextrorotatory  form  as  a 
member  of  the  <7-series  and  attributing  to  it  such  a  struc- 
ture that  the  hydroxyl  of  the  fifth  carbon  atom  be  again 
written  to  the  right. 


1.  Dissymmetry  is  the  property  of  molecules  of  possess- 
ing non-superposable  mirror-images.  Dissymmetric  mole- 
cules can  exist  in  two  forms,  right  and  left.  2.  Asymmetry 
is  the  property  of  molecular  aggregates  of  presenting  a 
predominance  of  the  right  or  the  left  form  of  dissymmetric 
molecules.  3,  Optical  asymmetry  is  to  be  distinguished 
from  geometrical  asymmetry.  4.  Optical  activity  is  at- 
tributed to  the  spiral  arrangement  of  atoms,  either  in 
entire  crystals,  as  in  quartz,  or  in  single  molecules,  as  in 
some  organic  compounds.  5.  If,  besides  the  sign  of  the 
optical  rotation  of  a  substance,  one  considers  the  config- 
uration of  its  molecules,  one  can  classify  the  optical  isomers 
into  "biological  series"  as  found  in  living  organisms. 


BEAGG,  W.,  Proc.  Boi/.  Soc.  A.,  89,  575,  1913;  IM,  405,  1925. 
EERERA,  G.,  Nature,  58,  616,  1898. 
FINDLAY,  A.,  Nature,  140,  22,  1937. 

FISCHER,  E.,  Ber.  cliem.  Ges.,  ^7,  3189,  1894;  3^,  3638,  1900. 
FRESNEL,  A.,  Bull.  Soc.  Philomat.,  p.  147,  1824. 
GAY-LIJSSAC,  L.,  Couvs  de  Chimie,  Paris,  1828. 
JAPP,  F.  R.,  Nature,  58,  452,  1898. 

JUNGFLEISCH,  M.  E.,  Bull.  Soc.  Chim.  Paris,  41,  222,  1884. 
LOWEY,  T.  M.,  Optical  Eotatoiy  Power,  Longmans,  Green  &  Co.,  Loudon, 


OSTWALD,  W.,  Z.  physikal.  Chem.,  3,  369,  1889. 

PASTEUR,  L.,  Ann.  Chim.  et  Phys.,  24,  442,  1848;  61,  484,  1861. 

,  Recliei'clies  sur  la  Dissymetrie  Moleculaire  des  Produits  Or- 

ganiques  Naturels.     Soc.  Chim.  Paris.     English  translation  in  Alembie 

Club  Beprints,  14,  1860. 
,  Bev.  Scieniif.  Hi,  4,  2,  1884. 

RAINEY,  R.  C,  Nature,  140,  150,  1937. 

STUDY,  E.,  Arcli.  Math,  unci  Physilc,  31,  193,  1913. 

WOHL,  A.  AND  FREUDENBEEG,  K.,  Ber.  chem.  Ges.,  56,  309,  1923. 

WYROUBOFF,  G.,  Bull.  Soc.  Chim.  Paris,  41,  212,  1884. 



1.  Dissymmetry  in  Organic  and  in  Inorganic  Nature.  It 
has  been  repeatedly  pointed  out  that  all  physiologically 
important  substances  possess  a  dissymmetric  structure. 
This  is  precisely  what  Pasteur  meant  when  he  wrote:  "On 
trouve  la  dissymetrie  etablie  notamment  dans  les  principes 
immediats  essentiels  a  la  vie. ' '  But  is  there  any  essential 
relation  between  dissymmetry  and  life,  in  the  sense  that 
one  is  a  necessary  attribute  of  the  other!  Dissymmetry 
is  certainlj^  much  more  general  than  life.  We  know  that 
the  dissymmetric  structure  exists  in  crystals  of  quartz. 
The  same  is  true  of  several  metallic  compounds  {cf.  Lowry, 
1935).  Recently  Jaeger  (1919),  after  having  investigated 
a  great  number  of  inorganic  compounds,  came  to  the  con- 
clusion that  the  dissymmetric  structure  might  be  much 
more  general  than  we  usually  assume,  but  that,  in  inorganic 
nature,  the  existence  of  dissymmetry  is  often  difficult  to 
establish,  there  being  no  method  for  separating  the  anti- 
podes. Vernadsky  (1934)  made  a  similar  remark.  In 
such  cases  at  least,  dissymmetry^  has  no  obvious  relation 
to  life.  But,  if  dissymmetry  exists  without  life,  life  might 
not  exist  without  dissymmetry.  The  possibility  that  life 
be  the  attribute  of  systems  built  of  substances  of  such  a 
level  of  complexity  that  dissymmetry  is  the  very  condition 
of  their  existence  is  not  excluded.  A  suggestion  which  was 
recently  made  by  Ackermann  (1935),  and  which  is  practi- 
cally identical  with  that  of  Pasteur  (1884),  is  that  dissym- 
metry is  characteristic  of  the  basic  components  of  proto- 
plasm, whilst  such  products  of  metabolism  as  urea,  uric 
acid,  creatinin  and  hippuric  acid  are  devoid  of  dissym- 
metry and  their  molecules  are  structurally  inactive.  The 
simplest  amino-acid  of  the  protein  molecule,  glycocoll,  is 


C         N 

Si        P 






the  only  one  devoid  of  dissymmetry,  and,  in  metabolic 
processes,  it  is  less  important  than  the  other  amino-acids 
which  are  dissymmetric. 

It  is  of  interest  to  mention  here  that  the  elements  of 
which  optically  active  compounds  consist  include  twenty- 
one  of  them,  as  follows  (Lowry,  1935) : 


B         C         N  Be 


Cr       Fe       Co       Ni       Cu       Zn 
Ell       Eh 

Ir        Pt 

2.  Asymmetry  as  a  Specific  Property  of  Protoplasm.  It 
is  generally  established  that  all  the  substances  which  are 
produced  in  the  laboratory  or  in  nature,  without  the  action 
of  living  organisms,  have  right  and  left  forms  represented 
in  equal  concentrations,  the  formation  of  both  being  equally 
probable.  It  has  never  been  observed,  for  example,  that 
in  any  quartz  bed  the  right  or  the  left  crystals  would  pre- 
dominate to  any  extent  (Tromsdorff,  1937;  Lemmlein, 
1938).  There  is,  of  course,  dissymmetry  in  individual 
components,  but  no  asymmetry  in  their  aggregation. 

On  the  other  hand,  all  basic  chemical  substances  of  which 
living  systems  are  made  up  or  which  are  formed  in  connec- 
tion with  the  activity  of  living  systems,  deviate  from  the 
racemic  state  and  are  represented  mainly  by  one  antipode. 
In  other  words,  asymmetry  is  a  specific  attribute  of  living- 
systems  and  an  essential  feature  of  their  organization. 
This  is  one  of  the  most  significant  principles  of  experi- 
mental biology ;  it  is  based  on  a  large  number  of  observa- 
tions accumulated  within  the  last  hundred  years,  since  the 
pioneer  work  of  Pasteur. 

We  shall  study  here,  in  some  detail,  which  parts  of  living- 
systems  consist  of  racemic  compounds  and  which  parts 
deviate  from  the  racemic  state  and  in  what  direction.  It 
will  appear  that  the  asymmetric  state  of  protoplasmic 
components  is  directly  related  to  the  role  played  by  these 
components  in  metabolic  activity. 


3.  Asymmeiry  of  Primary  Constituents  of  Protoplasm. 
From  the  view-point  of  their  asymmetric  molecular  aggre- 
gation, the  substances  which  enter  into  the  composition  of 
living  systems  may  be  divided  into  two  groups.  Physio- 
logists have  for  a  long  time  been  accustomed  to  call  these 
two  groups,  respectively,  the  primary  and  the  secondary 
constituents  of  protoplasm.  To  the  group  of  primary  sub- 
stances belong  the  proteins  and  the  lipoids  which  form 
together  the  so-called  lipoprotein  complexes,  and  the  carbo- 
hydrates which  functionally  are  closely  related  to  them. 
These  primary  substances,  except  for  some  stored  carbo- 
hydrates and  proteins,  build  up  protoplasm  itself  and  pre- 
side over  the  fundamental  living  processes.  To  the  group 
of  secondary  constituents  belong  various  products  of  trans- 
formation of  the  primary  substances,  which  represent 
either  storage  material  or  excreta. 

We  shall  study,  to  begin  with,  the  asymmetric  structure 
of  primary  substances,  and  we  shall  consider,  first,  the 
degree  in  which  they  deviate  from  the  racemic  state,  or,  in 
other  words,  their  optical  purity. 

As  far  as  proteins  are  concerned,  the  optical  activity  of 
which  was  already  known  to  Pasteur,  Emil  Fischer  was  the 
first  to  express  the  idea  that  their  constituent  amino-acids 
are  always  found  in  protoplasm  in  the  optically  pure  state, 
and  that,  when  a  total  or  partial  racemisation  occurs,  it  is 
due  to  the  application  of  too  coarse  methods  of  isolation. 
For  instance,  serine  from  silk  was  known  for  a  long  time 
only  in  the  form  of  a  racemic  compound,  as  it  is  rather 
easily  racemised  in  the  process  of  protein  hydrolysis. 
However,  Fischer  (1907)  succeeded  in  isolating  from  silk 
optically  active  serine,  of  which  the  specific  rotation  (in 
hydrochloride  solution,^  at  18°)  was  +  11.6°,  while  the  rota- 
tion of  optically  pure  laevorotatory  serine  prepared  syn- 
thetically {i.e.,  crystallized  from  racemate  with  alkaloids) 
was  +  14.4°  (at  20°).  On  the  ground  of  these  experimental 
data  alone  it  is,  of  course,  impossible  to  conclude  that  serine 
in  silk  is  optically  pure,  and  that  it  is  partially  racemised 

1  The  hvdroc'liloride  of  laevorotatory  serine  is  dextrorotatory. 


ill  the  process  of  isolation,  but  we  shall  see  below  that  the 
principle  itself  is  definitely  established. 

Pringsheim  (1910)  had  shown  on  asparagine  that  the 
optically  pure  form  is  gradually  racemised  by  boiling  with 
water,  a  step  in  the  isolation  procedure. 

With  appropriate  treatment,  amino-acids  both  of  vege- 
table and  animal  origin,  always  prove  to  be  optically  pure, 
that  is,  one  isomer  only  of  each  amino-acid  is  present,  its 
antipode  being  completely  absent.  In  the  case  of  leucine, 
this  was  established  by  the  elaborate  investigations  of 
Ehrlich  and  Wendel  (1908),  the  results  of  which  are  given 
in  Table  1. 


Specific  Eotation  of  Preparations  of  Leucine  of  Different  Origin, 
IN  Water  at  20°  (Ehrlich  and  Wendel,  1908) 

Synthetic,  optically  pure  preparation  -  10.3° 

From  egg-wliite    (chicken)    - 10.4° 

From  casein   (cow's  milk)    -10.3° 

From  yeast   {Saccharomyces  cerevisiae)    -  10.8° 

The  optical  purity  of  tyrosine  remained  for  a  long  time 
questionable  as  a  result  of  a  number  of  old  contradictory 
observations  (Lippman,  1884).  But  Schulze  and  Winter- 
stein  (1905)  have  definitely  shown  that,  after  careful 
preparation  from  vegetable  material,  one  obtains  always 
optically  pure  substances  and  that  racemisation  and  the 
consequent  decrease  of  rotatory  power  are  the  result  of 
the  application  of  coarse  methods  of  isolation  (Table  2). 


Optical  Eotation  of  Preparations  of  Tyrosine  of  Different 

Origin,  in  Hydrochloride  Solution 

Synthetic,  optically  pure  prep- 
"  aration -  16.4°  Fischer,  1900 

From  Cow 's  Milk  ;   hydrolysis  |  -  13.2° 

of  casein  by  HCl  \  -  11.6°  ' ' 

From  the  bulbs  of  Dahlia 
variabilis;  80%  boiling 
alcohol  was  used  in  the 
isolation  procedure  

- 12.5°  Schulze    and   Winterstein,    1905 

-  12.9° 

From     embryos     of     Liipinus 

albvs;   autolysis   - 16.2^^ 


The  pveparation  from  cow's  milk  and  that  from  the 
bulbs  of  Dahlia  show  a  weak  racemisatioii  as  a  result  of 
the  treatment,  while  the  preparation  from  the  embryos  of 
Lupinus  is  optically  pure ;  the  autolysis  procedure  used  in 
this  last  case  prevents  racemisation. 

One  can,  at  present,  consider  as  an  established  fact  that 
all  amino-acids  entering  into  the  composition  of  proto- 
plasmic proteins  are  optically  pure ;  not  a  single  exception 
is  known/ 

The  fats  or  lecithins,  which  contain  nitrogen  and  phos- 
phorus, and  which  are  considered  integral  constituents  of 
the  fundamental  units  of  protoplasm,  are  also  optically 
pure,  as  it  was,  for  instance,  established  by  the  investiga- 
tions of  Mayer  (1906). 

Among  primary  substances,  the  carbohydrates,  as  well, 
are  for  the  most  part  optically  pure.  Brown  and  Morris 
(1893)  have  shown  in  an  extensive  investigation  that  glu- 
cose and  other  sugars  are  found  in  the  optically  pure  form 
in  the  leaves  of  the  plant  Tropaeolum  majus. 

An  interesting  exception  to  the  general  rule  has  been 
observed  in  sugars.  Neuberg  (1900)  found  in  the  human 
organism  optically  inactive,  racemic  sugar  under  patho- 
logical conditions.  Salkowsky  (1892),  who  had  discovered 
that  in  this  case  a  pentose  (arabinose)  is  excreted  in  urine, 
instead  of  glucose  as  it  happens  in  glucosuria,  called  the 
disease  pentosuria.  Neuberg  established  that  the  arabi- 
nose excreted  in  urine  is  optically  inactive.  These  obser- 
vations were  later  confirmed  by  a  number  of  other  physi- 
ologists. In  what  relation  the  inactive  arabinose  stands 
to  the  active  arabinose  entering  into  the  composition  of  the 
nucleo-proteids  of  our  body  is  at  present  unknown. 

Racemic  sugar,  dl-galactose,  was  also  found  in  plants. 
Oshima  and  Tollens  (1901)  isolated  it  from  the  Japanese 
marine  alga,  Porphyra  laciniafa. 

The  presence  of  racemic  sugars  in  plants  and  animals  is 

1  It  seems  preferable,  for  the  present,  to  suspend  judgment  on  the  recent 
data  of  Kogl  and  Erxleben  (1939)  concerning  partial  racemisation  of  some 
amino-acids  in  proteins  of  malignant  cells. 


very  rare  but  it  is  particularly  significant.  Since  sugars 
do  not  racemise  when  boiled  in  water,  it  seems  that  the 
racemic  state  does  not  result  from  the  process  of  isolation 
but  that  the  optically  inactive  forms  actually  enter  into  the 
composition  of  living  systems.  The  origin  of  racemic 
sugars  in  living  organisms  is  by  no  means  clear.  Neuberg 
(see  Fiirber,  Nord  and  Neuberg,  1920)  remarks  that  it 
might  not  be  a  mere  accidental  fact  that  the  two  racemic 
sugars  found  are  just  arabinose  and  galactose. 

To  conclude,  among  the  primary  substances,  all  the 
amino-acicls,  the  lecithins  and  the  majority  of  important 
sugars  such  as  glucose,  fructose  and  many  others  are 
always  present  in  protoplasm  in  the  optically  pure  state. 

4.  Asymmetry  of  Secondary  Constituents  of  Proto- 
plasm. As  one  passes  from  primary  to  secondary  sub- 
stances, the  optical  purity  loses  its  obligatory  character. 
This  is  particularly  evident  in  organic  acids  which  repre- 
sent intermediate  products  of  metabolism.  Their  origin 
and  their  signification  is  still  a  source  of  controversy, 
especially  in  plants.  Whether,  in  the  latter,  the  forma- 
tion of  organic  acids  is  related  to  the  metabolism  of  the 
amino-acids,  or  whether  they  represent  a  stage  in  the 
carbohydrate  cycle  cannot  be  decided.  When  the  organic 
acids  begin  to  appear,  they  are  optically  pure,  as  if  bear- 
ing some  birth  marks  from  the  primary  substances,  but  as 
soon  as  they  separate  from  the  primary  asymmetric  sys- 
tem, beginning  perhaps  to  play  the  role  of  storage  material, 
they  assume  the  character  of  racemic  compounds. 

The  experimental  data  on  which  these  conclusions  are 
based  are  principally  those  of  Ruhland  and  of  his  school.^ 
Ruhland  and  Wetzel  (1929),  and  later  Schwarze  (1932) 
observed  that,  in  the  leaves  of  different  plants,  malic  acid 
is  found  especially  in  the  two  forms:  laevorotatory  and 
racemic  (Table  3). 

1  The  data  of  the  Leipzig  school  and,  particularly,  the  analytical  part  of 
the  work  were  severely  criticized  by  Bennet-Clark  (1937).  But,  as  far  as 
optical  activity  is  concerned,  Euhland's  data  are  reliable.  Enzymatic  race- 
misation  of  malic  acid  in  plants,  according  to  Bennet-Clark,  was  observed  also 
by  Naylor   (unpublished  Thesis,  Manchester  University,  1935). 



Content  of  Optically  Active  and  of  Racemic  Malic  Acid,  in  ml.  of 

Molar  Acid  Solution  per  gr.  of  Dry  Weight,  in  Leaves 

OF  Different  Plants  (Schwarze,  1932) 













Nicotiana  tabacuvi  .. 
Pelargonium  zonule 
P.  peltatiini  

Pub  IIS  iclaeiis  

According  to  Rulilancl  and  Wetzel,  the  newly  formed 
malic  acid  is  always  optically  active  and  only  later  does  it 
pass  into  the  racemic  form.  In  Rheum  liyhridum,  laevo- 
rotatory  acid  was  found  to  be  racemised  after  the  newly 
formed  portions  of  it  had  penetrated  into  the  roots. 

Bendrat  (1929)  observed  that  all  malic  acid,  in  the  plant 
Sempervivum  glaucum,  is  in  the  racemic  form  in  the  even- 
ing, that  it  increases  during  the  night,  and  that,  after  this 
increase  one  can  find  some  laevorotatory  acid,  in  the  morn- 
ing (Table  4).  It  seems,  then,  that  the  optically  active 
form  appears  in  metabolic  processes  and  that  it  is  race- 
mised later.  ■ 


Content  of  Total  and  Laevorotatory  Malic  Acid,  in  ml.  of  Molar 

Acid  Solution  per  gr.  of  Dry  Weight,  in  the  Middle 

Leaves  of  Sempervivum  glaucum  (Bendrat,  1929) 

Total  malic  l-malic 

acid  acid 

Evening    0.140  0 

Morning  0.194  0.013 

Data  on  other  organic  acids,  though  incomplete,  agree 
in  general  with  the  observations  just  mentioned.  Thus  it 
was  known  to  Pasteur  that  d-tartaric  acid  as  well  as  dl- 
tartaric  acid  are  present  in  grape  juice  (see  Thiele,  1911). 

Inactive  lactic  acid  has  been  found  in  the  leaves  of  the 
common  ash,  Fraximis  excelsior  (Gintl,  1869)  and  in  a 
number  of  other  plants  (Stoklasa,  1907). 


Katagiri  and  Katahara  (1937)  have  shown  that,  in  bac- 
teria, optically  pure  lactic  acid  is  formed  first  and  that  it 
racemises  later  under  the  influence  of  some  environmental 

Inactive  lactic  acid  was  also  recorded  in  comparatively 
rare  post  mortem  observations  in  animals  (Morishima, 

As  is  well  known,  dextrorotatory  lactic  acid  is  found  in 
vertebrates  and  in  different  organs  of  invertebrates  and 
racemisation  is  rare.  The  tendency  has  been,  for  a  long- 
time, to  explain  the  presence  of  this  racemic  lactic  acid 
(especially  in  the  case  of  bacterial  fermentation)  by  the 
inactivity  of  the  intermediate  product,  methylglyoxal, 
which  has  no  asymmetric  carbon  atom  and  from  which 
racemic  lactic  acid  could  be  formed  without  the  participa- 
tion of  an  optically  active  enzyme.  But,  at  present, 
methylglyoxal  is  no  longer  considered  an  intermediate 
product  in  the  transformation  of  the  carbohydrates,  and, 
besides,  the  thorough  investigations  of  Katagiri  and  Kata- 
hara (1937)  have  demonstrated  an  initial  formation  of 
active  lactic  acid,  which  racemises  later. 

Racemisation  of  the  secondary  substances  after  they  are 
detached  from  the  primary  asymmetric  complex  takes  place 
also  in  the  glucosides  which,  in  plants,  play  the  part  of 
storage  material.  The  nitrite  of  mandelic  acid  which  is 
enzymatically  synthesised  in  plants  in  the  relatively  pure 
dextrorotatory  form  is  subsequently  racemisecl,  and  in  the 
leaves  of  Primus  laurocerasus,  a  glucoside  of  racemic  dl- 
nitrile  is  found  (Kuhn,  1936;  this  subject  will  be  examined 
in  detail  elsewhere). 

The  terpenes  which,  in  general,  represent  vegetable 
secretions  but  on  whose  origin  and  physiological  function 
much  remains  to  be  investigated  are  also  often  found  in 
plants  in  the  racemic  state.  For  instance,  racemic  limo- 
nene  or  dipentene  has  been  observed  in  Pinus  silvestris, 
Lauriis  camphora,  Valeriana  ojjic'malis  and  many  others 
(Bartelt,  1910,  names  16  of  them).  But  optically  active 
limonene  as  well  is  found  in  the  same  or  similar  kinds  of 


plants ;  consequently,  the  secondary  origin  of  the  racemic 
form  from  initially  active  limonene  appears  to  be  probable. 
The  same  conld  be  said  also  of  racemic  borneol. 

The  last  group  of  secondary  substances  to  be  considered 
is  that  of  the  alkaloids.  They  seem  to  represent  some 
moditied  fragments  of  protein  molecules  which  perhaps  are 
some  end  products  of  metabolism.  The  question  of  the 
optical  purity  of  the  alkaloids  in  plants  has  been  repeat- 
edly and  extensively  discussed.  Apparently  in  a  great 
number  of  cases  racemisation  results  from  the  process  of 
isolation.  This  seems  to  hold,  in  particular,  for  optically 
inactive  atropine,  which  represents  the  product  of  race- 
misation of  the  laevorotatory  hyoscyamine,  the  latter  being- 
found  in  plants  in  the  optically  active  state  (McKenzie 
and  Wood,  1919;  Hess  and  Weltzien,  1920).  It  is  known 
that  hyoscyamine  is  very  easily  racemised  by  w^eak  alkalis 
at  room  temperature.  Some  alkaloids,  however,  it  was 
suggested,  might  be  present  in  plants  in  the  racemic  state, 
for  instance,  coniine  and  scopoline.  Since  the  racemisa- 
tion of  these  alkaloids  proceeds  very  slowly  even  at  high 
temperatures  and  pressures,  an  artificial  racemisation  in 
the  process  of  isolation  seems  excluded  (Hess  and  Welt- 
zien, 1920).  The  origin,  in  the  plant,  of  racemic  coniine 
and  scopoline  is  therefore  still  a  mystery. 

In  spite  of  the  presence  of  a  number  of  racemic  forms 
of  alkaloids  in  plants,  the  majority  of  them  are  found  in 
the  optically  pure  state,  for  instance,  nicotine,  anabasine, 
etc.  The  alkaloids  constitute,  therefore,  an  exception 
among  the  secondary  substances  which  have  severed  their 
connection  with  the  primary  complex.  It  is  probable  that, 
owing  to  peculiarities  of  chemical  structure,  the  mobility 
of  some  groups  in  the  molecule  of  several  alkaloids  is  ex- 
ceptionally low;  their  optical  purity  would  be  due,  then, 
to  a  too  slow  racemisation.  In  fact,  it  has  not  been  pos- 
sible to  attain  racemisation  of  the  alkaloid  heliotridane  by 
any  of  the  means  employed  successfully  in  other  cases 
(Menshikov,  1937). 

5.  Exclusiveness  of  the  Asymmetry-Sign  in  Primary 


Substances.  As  has  been  said,  the  primary  organic  sub- 
stances are  obligatorily  asymmetric  and  the  secondary 
substances  are  optionally  asymmetric.  To  this  character- 
istic property  one  should  add  another  which  might  be  called 
the  "replaceability"  or  "non-replaceability"  of  a  given 
optic  isomer  by  its  antipode.  Substances  possessing  ob- 
ligatory asymmetry  are  found  in  nature  in  the  form  of  one 
only  of  the  two  optical  isomers,  whilst  the  secondary  sub- 
stances are  found  as  well  in  the  dextrorotatory  as  in  the 
laevorotatory  form,  often  as  inactive  racemates.  We  shall 
describe  this  property  as  exclusiveness  or  non-exclusive- 
ness  of  the  asymmetry-sign. 

Exclusiveness  of  the  asymmetry-sign  in  primary  sub- 
stances is  a  well  established  fact.  In  amino-acids,  no 
exception  has  ever  been  recorded.  Only  dextrorotatory 
alanine,  laevorotatory  leucine,  dextrorotatory  valine, 
laevorotatory  histidine,  laevorotatory  aspartic  acid,  etc., 
have  been  isolated  from  animal  or  plant  tissues.  All 
apparent  exceptions  to  this  rule  could  be  traced  to  some 
experimental  error  as  shown  by  Pringsheim  (1910). 

The  same  holds  true  for  the  carbohydrates  which  pos- 
sess obligatory  asymmetry.  Only  dextrorotatory  glucose, 
laevorotatory  fructose,  etc.,  can  be  found  in  living  material. 

The  isomer  which  is  present  in  the  biological  material 
is  often  called  "natural,"  whilst  its  antipode  which  is  pre- 
pared synthetically  is  considered  unnatural,  but  it  is  evi- 
dent that  the  term  "natural"  as  a  synonym  of  "biological" 
is  somewhat  improper. 

6.  N on-Exdusiveness  of  the  Asymmetry-Sign  in  Sec- 
ondary Substances.  Turning  now  to  the  substances  in 
which  optical  purity  is  not  obligatory,  we  find  that  one 
optical  isomer  is  found  in  one  species  of  plants  and  its 
antipode  in  another. 

Let  us  consider  first  the  optionally  asymmetric  carbohy- 
drates. Arabinose,  which  is  found  in  organic  nature  in  the 
racemic  state,  can  also  be  present  in  the  form  of  the  rela- 
tively pure  dextrorotatory  and  of  the  relatively  pure  lae- 
vorotatory isomers.     The  left  form  is  the  most  widely 



spread ;  it  was  found,  for  example,  in  the  leaves  of  Adonis 
verualis  (Eken-stein  and  Blanksma,  1908),  entering  in  the 
composition  of  their  glucosides.  The  right  arabinose  was 
found  in  the  gincoside  from  Barbados,  the  so-called  barba- 
loine  (Leger,  1910). 

Similar  findings  were  recorded  in  alkaloids.  The  laevo- 
rotatory  alkaloid  sparteine,  for  instance,  is  widely  spread 
in  plants ;  it  was  repeatedly  isolated  from  Spartium  sco- 
pariiim  and  Liipinus  liiteus.  Recently  Orechoff,  Eabino- 
witch  and  Konowalowa  (1933)  discovered  the  dextrorota- 
tory isomer  of  sparteine  in  SopJiora  pachycarpa,  a  plant 
from  Middle  Asia. 

Blockmann  and  Roth  (1935)  reported  to  have  isolated 
and  obtained  in  a  chemically  pure  state  laevorotatory  alca- 
nine,  a  red  dye  found  in  the  roots  of  Alkanna  tinctoria,  a 
South-European  species ;  the  dextrorotatory  isomer  of  the 
same  substance  was  obtained  from  the  roots  of  the  Japa- 
nese plant,  Lithospermum  erytlirorhizon. 

The  terpenes  were  recorded  often  as  dextrorotatory  in 
one  species  and  laevorotatory  in  another  (Oudin,  1932; 
Branke  and  Parishev,  1937).  We  tabulated  below  (Tables 
5  and  6)  some  data  on  the  distribution  of  the  optical 
isomers  of  the  two  most  important  terpenes,  borneol  and 

It  is  clear,  then,  that  in  secondary  substances,  both  opti- 
cal isomers  participate  in  the  composition  of  living  sys- 


The  Distribution  of  the  Optical  Isomers  of  Borneol  in 
Different  Plants  (Bartelt,  1910) 



Finns  maritima   (Belloni,  1906) 

Amomum    cordamomiim    (Schimmel, 

Thuja  occideiitalifi    (Wallacli,   1901) 


Andropogon  nardus   (Schimmel,  1899) 

Dryobalanops  sp.   (Schimmel,  1905) 

Asarum  canadense    (Power   and   Lees, 

Lavandula  spica  (Bouchardat,  1893) 


Salvia  officinalis    (Schimmel,   1895) 

Blumea  hdlsamifera    (Haller,   1886) 

Fyrctlirum    partheniiim    (Schimmel, 


Tanacetum  vulgare    (Schimmel,   1895) 




The  Distribution  of  the  Optical  Isomers  of  Limonene  and  of  Its 
Eacemic  Form  in  Different  Plants  (Bartelt,  1910) 



(=  dipentene) 

Pinus  serofina 
Juniperus  virginiana 
Andropogon  sp. 

Laurus  campliora 
Pittosporum  tmdulaium 
Canarium  sp. 
Citrus    madurensis 
Barosma  sp. 
Myrrlia  electa 

Andropogon  nardus 

Finns  silvestris 

Andropogon  citratus; 

A.  nardus 
Laurus  camphora 

Citrus  madurensis 
Barosma  sp. 

Carum  carvi 
Foenicidum  vulgare 
Anethum  graveolens 
Apimn  graveolens 
Mentha  sp. 
Erigeron  canadensis 
Lindera  sericea 
Massoia  aromatica 

Mentha  sp. 

Foenicidum  vulgare 
Mentha  sp. 

Abies  pectinata 
Monodora  myristica 
Peumus  holdus 
Croton  eluteria 
E ucalyptus  staige- 

Picea  excelsa 
Piper  nigrum 
Myristica  officinalis 
Lindera  sericea 
Xanthoxylum  sp. 
Myrtus  communis 
Thymus  capitatus 
Valeriana  officinalis 
Solidago  canadensis 

terns,  although  one  of  them  is  usually  found  more  often 
than  the  other. 

7.  Relative  Configuration  of  Biological  Material.  The 
results  of  numerous  investigations  undertaken  to  establish 
the  relative  configuration  of  organic  substances  may  be 
summarized  as  follows.  All  biological  isomers  of  amino- 
acids  possess  the  same  relative  configuration,  Fischer  and 
Raske  (1907)  observed  that  from  biological  (-)  serine  can 
be  obtained  biological  (+)  alanine  and  biological  (-)  cys- 


tine.  The  suggestion  that  the  reUitive  configuration  in  all 
biological  isomers  of  amino-acids  is  identical  was  made  by 
Clougli  (1918) ;  it  received  confirmation  from  the  work  of 
a  number  of  later  investigators  (Freudenberg  and  Rhino, 
1924;  Langenbeck,  1925;  Karrer  and  Ehrenstein,  1926; 
Levene  and  Mardaschew,  1937 ;  Pfeitf er  and  Christeleit, 
1937).  In  general,  it  is  established  that  the  primary  sub- 
stances, although  they  rotate  the  plane  of  polarized  light 
in  different  directions,  possess  the  same  relative  configura- 
tion and  form  a  definite  "biological  series"  of  optical 
isomers.  Their  antipodes  are  excluded  from  participation 
in  living  processes.  Not  all  the  potentialities  of  dissym- 
metric configuration,  therefore,  are  employed  in  the 
organization  of  living  systems. 

8.  Asymmetry  as  a  Criterion  of  the  Organic  Origin  of 
a  Substance.  From  what  has  been  said,  it  follow^s  that 
every  deviation  from  the  racemic  state,  that  is,  every 
asymmetry  of  molecular  aggregates  represents  actually  a 
specific  attribute  of  biological  systems,  and  we  do  not  know 
a  single  case  when  it  would  take  place  outside  of  living* 
organisms  or  of  the  products  of  their  activity.  Conse- 
quently, optical  activity  can  be  used  as  a  criterion  of  the 
biological  origin  of  such  natural  products  as  petroleum. 
Two  theories  of  the  origin  of  petroleum  are  generally  held, 
one  attributing  it  to  an  inorganic,  the  other  to  an  organic 
source.  The  first  suggestion  concerning  the  inorganic, 
volcanic  origin  of  this  so-called  mineral  oil  is  due  to  Hum- 
boldt (1804).  The  theory  of  its  organic  origin  is  still 
older  (Lemery,  1675;  Lomonosoff,  1761;  Spielmann,  1774). 
In  its  more  modern  form  (see,  e.g.,  Engler,  1906),  this 
theory  implies  that  the  fat  contained  in  the  dead  bodies  of 
fishes,  molluscs  and  other  sea  animals,  and  especially  the 
stable  palmitic,  stearic  and  oleinic  acids  are  the  ancestors 
of  petroleum.  As  a  result  of  a  breaking  down  of  the  chains 
of  carbon  compounds  under  high  pressure,  hydrocarbons 
with  comparatively  low  boiling  point  could  arise,  a  poly- 
merization of  which,  during  geological  periods,  resulted  in 
our  present-day  oil.  It  is  also  possible  that  in  some  cases 
the  initial  substance  was  of  vegetable  origin. 


The  theory  of  the  organic  origin  of  oil  entered  a  new 
phase  when  Tschngaeff  and  Walden  (1900)  pointed  ont  the 
significance  of  the  forgotten  observations  of  Biot  (1835) 
on  the  optical  activity  of  oil  as  a  criterion  of  its  origin  (see 
for  further  confirmation  of  these  views  Vernadsky,  1934). 
Since  the  asymmetry  of  molecular  aggregates  and  their 
optical  activity  represent  an  attribute  of  the  material  of 
living  systems  only,  the  theory  of  the  organic  origin  of  oil 
can  be  considered  as  based  on  solid  ground. 

The  genesis  of  the  optical  activity  of  oil  is  far  from  clear. 
Natural  fats  or  glycerides,  except  lipoids  of  the  lecithin 
type  and  fats  with  active  acid  radicals,  are  optically  inac- 
tive and  do  not  possess  any  structural  dissymmetry. 
Neuberg  (1907)  outlined  the  following  scheme  for  the 
transformations  undergone  by  these  structurally  inactive 
fats  in  the  process  of  oil  formation.  Inactive  trioleine, 
which  constitutes  a  considerable  part  of  vegetable  and 
animal  fats,  would  be  the  original  source.  By  oxidation 
or  hydration,  the  structurally  inactive  free  oleinic  acid 
would  be  transformed  into  a  dissymmetric  racemic  body, 
for  instance,  into  dioxystearic  acid.  If  now  the  racemic 
trioleine  with  oxidized  or  hydratated  radicals  is  subjected 
to  the  asymmetry-producing  action  of  the  fat-splitting 
enzymes,  optically-active  fatty  acids  would  arise.  Neu- 
berg and  Rosenberg  (1907)  performed  all  these  transfor- 
mations experimentally;  after  having  obtained  optically 
active  fatty  acids  out  of  structurally  inactive  material  they 
transformed  these  active  acids  into  optically  active  oil. 
According  to  another  suggestion  of  Neuberg  (1906),  sup- 
ported by  Trask  (1937),  the  active  constituents  of  oil  may 
result  from  the  transformation  of  proteins  of  dead  bodies. 
In  putrefaction  and  in  autolysis,  the  transformation  of 
amino-acids  into  corresponding  fatty  acids  is  possible ; 
dextrorotatory  isoleucine,  for  instance,  has  been  trans- 
formed into  optically  active  capronic  acid.  The  latter 
could,  by  further  condensation,  give  the  numerous  optically 
active  hydrocarbons  of  oil. 



1.  Dissymmetric  molecules  are  found  in  inorganic  nature 
where  they  have  evidently  no  relation  to  life,  but  it  is  ques- 
tionable whether  life  is  possible  without  dissymmetric 

2.  In  inorganic  nature,  the  two  forms  of  dissymmetric 
molecules  are  always  represented  in  equal  concentrations 
and  the  aggregate  of  molecules  thus  formed  is  symmetric 
(racemic  mixture).  3.  Asymmetry  of  molecular  aggre- 
gates is  a  specific  property  of  protoplasm  and  of  living 

4.  Primary  constituents  of  protoplasm,  such  as  the 
amino-acids,  the  lecithins  and  the  majority  of  the  impor- 
tant sugars  are  present  in  protoplasm  in  the  form  of  only 
one  of  the  optical  isomers:  they  are  obligatorily  asym- 
metric. 5.  In  these  substances,  the  sign  of  the  optical 
activity  is  not  replaceable  by  the  opposite  sign.  6.  The 
primary  constituents  of  protoplasm  are  structurally  re- 
lated to  each  other  and  form  ''biological  series"  of  optical 

7.  The  secondary  constituents  of  protoplasm  which, 
functionally,  represent  storage  material  or  excreta  are  not 
obligatorily  asymmetric ;  they  are  sometimes  found  in  liv- 
ing organisms  in  the  racemic  state.  8.  The  sign  of  their 
optical  activity  is  replaceable  by  the  opposite  sign,  so  that 
one  optical  isomer  is  sometimes  found  in  one  species  and 
its  antipode  in  another. 

9.  The  optical  activity  of  mineral  oil  lends  support  to 
the  theory  of  its  organic  origin. 


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TROMSDORFF,  Neue  Jahrb.  Mineralogie,  1937. 
VERNADSKY,   W.,   Problems   of   Biological   Geochemistry,   Leningrad    (in 

Russian),  1934. 
WALDBN,  P.,  Nat^irwiss.  Bundschau,  15,  145,  1900. 



There  are,  in  living  matter,  some  components  which  con- 
stantly prodnce  optically  active  substances  while  other 
components  always  racemize.  The  mechanism  which  in- 
sures the  constant  production  of  asymmetric  substances 
needs  an  explanation.  It  is  somewhat  surprising  that,  for 
a  long  time  after  optical  asymmetry  had  been  recognized 
as  a  characteristic  of  some  constituents  of  living  matter, 
the  problem  of  the  origin  of  this  asymmetry  and  of  the 
maintenance  of  the  optical  purity  of  protoplasm  was  so 
little  investigated. 

1.  The  Transmission  of  the  Asymmetric  State  hy  Asym- 
metric Synthesis.  Before  studying  how  the  asymmetric 
purity  of  the  primary  components  of  protoplasm  is  main- 
tained, let  us  consider  how  the  asymmetric  state  is  trans- 
mitted from  one  aggregate  of  molecules  to  another  or,  in 
other  words,  how  the  asymmetry  of  protoplasm  is  "multi- 
plied." To  answer  this  question,  Pasteur  (1860)  sug- 
gested that  every  asymmetry  owes  its  existence  to  some 
asymmetric  forces  operating  at  the  moment  at  wiiich  the 
asymmetry  appeared.  In  this  manner,  one  asymmetric 
substance  would  bring  into  being  another  in  the  same  way 
as  life  produces  life.  The  principle  "Omne  viviim  ex 
vivo"  would  be  paralleled  in  the  transmission  of  asym- 

Pierre  Curie  (1894)  expressed  the  same  fundamental 
principle  as  follows:  "If  a  phenomenon  possesses  a  defi- 
nite asymmetry,  the  same  asymmetry  can  also  be  detected 
in  the  causes  which  have  given  rise  to  the  phenomenon." 
Curie  admits  that  a  given  asymmetry  gives  birth  to  an- 


other  asymmetry  of  the  same  order  of  magnitude,  i.e., 
possessing  the  same  degree  of  optical  purity.  We  shall 
refer  to  this  view  as  Curie's  principle. 

Emil  Fischer  (1894),  after  having  stated  that  "one 
active  molecule  gives  birth  to  another,"  illustrates  his 
statement  by  the  following  concrete  example :  ' '  The  for- 
mation of  sugar  in  plants,  according  to  the  observations 
of  physiologists,  takes  place  in  chlorophyll  grains,  which 
themselves  consist  of  optically  active  substances."  (The 
optical  activity  of  chlorophyll  has  been  demonstrated 
recently  by  Stoll  and  Wiedemann,  1933.)  "I  assume," 
continues  Fisher,  "that,  in  the  formation  of  sugar,  there 
is  a  combination  of  carbon  dioxide  or  of  formaldehyde 
with  these  substances  of  the  chlorophyll  grains  and  that 
the  subsequent  production  of  sugar  proceeds  asymmetri- 
cally on  account  of  the  presence  of  the  asymmetric  mole- 
cules of  chlorophyll."  Thus  Fischer  considered  chloro- 
phyll to  be  an  asymmetric  catalyst,  the  asymmetric  state 
of  which  is  transmitted  to  the  molecules  of  the  organic 
substance  undergoing  synthesis  and  these  are,  therefore, 
represented  by  only  one  optical  isomer.  The  notion  of 
asymmetric  synthesis  was  thus  introduced. 

Somewhat  earlier,  Fischer  (1890)  had  proposed  another 
explanation  for  the  origin  of  the  asymmetric  state.  He 
assumed  that,  in  plants,  as  in  the  laboratory,  racemic  com- 
pounds would  appear  first  and  that  these  would  subse- 
quently be  split  up  by  the  plant  itself  into  their  optical 

A  few  years  after  Fischer  had  expressed  this  opinion, 
Brown  and  Morris  (1893),  in  a  thorough  study  of  sugar 
metabolism  in  plants,  could  find  in  them  neither  racemic 
nor  laevorotatory  glucose.  This  finding  caused  Fischer 
to  abandon  his  previous  idea. 

It  is  now  well  known  that  laevorotatory  glucose  does  not 
occur  in  living  organisms,  that  it  practically  does  not  fer- 
ment and  that  it  is  not  used  as  food  by  plants  or  animals. 
Furthermore,  a  great  deal  of  experimental  data  has  been 
accumulated  which  shows  that,  in  different  enzymatic  re- 


actions,  no  intermediate  racemic  glucose  is  formed,  but  the 
optically  active  product  is  obtained  immediately  (c/., 
Tomivasu,  1937). 

The  catalytic  transmission  of  the  asymmetric  state  was 
later  considered  by  Strong  (1898)  in  a  well  known  discus- 
sion on  asymmetry  and  vitalism. 

Asymmetric  syntheses  were  soon  experimentally  real- 
ized in  the  laboratory.  Marckwald  (1904)  synthesized 
optically  active  valerianic  acid  from  structurally  inactive 
methylethylmalonic  acid  in  the  presence  of  active  brucine. 
He  defined  asymmetric  synthesis  as  a  process  "in  which 
optically  active  substances  are  obtained  from  symmetric 
compounds  through  the  intermediary  of  optically  active 

The  same  year  McKenzie  also  realized  some  asym- 
metric syntheses. 

Since  these  pioneer  investigations,  the  literature  on  this 
subject  has  expanded  considerably  and  the  synthesis  of 
optically  active  compounds  from  structurally  inactive 
material  has  been  carried  out  by  a  number  of  other  chem- 
ists. These  researches  have  been  well  reviewed  by  Mc- 
Kenzie (1932,  1936)  and  by  Ritchie  (1933)  to  whom  we 
refer  the  reader. 

But,  on  the  question  of  the  fundamental  physical  mecha- 
nism by  which  the  asymmetric  state  of  the  catalyst  is 
transmitted  to  the  substance  acted  upon,  there  are  only 
some  still  incompletely  shaped  theories,  for  example,  the 
theory  of  the  so-called  asymmetric  induction  (see  Ritchie, 

To  summarize,  the  authors  whose  views  have  been  de- 
scribed in  this  section  admitted,  generally,  that  some  opti- 
cally active,  relatively  simple  compounds  appeared  once 
in  nature  and  that,  bv  asvmmetric  syntheses,  the  asvm- 
metric  state  has  been  transmitted  to  other  compounds 
more  and  more  complicated  in  structure. 

2.  The  Transmission  of  Asymmetry ,  from  the  Thermo- 
dynamic  and  Kinetic  Point  of  Vieiv.  Recent  investiga- 
tions of  the  kinetics  of  asymmetric  synthesis  have  con- 



siclerably  modified  our  ideas  concerning  the  maintenance 
of  the  asymmetric  state. 

Among  the  first  observations  on  this  subject,  one  should 
mention  those  of  Bredig  and  Fajans  (1908)  and  those  of 
Fajans  (1910)  on  the  asymmetric  splitting  of  racemic 
camphorocarbonic  acid  into  camphor  and  carbonic  acid  in 
the  presence  of  various  catalysts. 

Almost  simultaneously,  Rosenthaler  (1908)  began  his 
studies  on  the  asymmetric  synthesis  of  the  nitrite  of  man- 
delic  acid,  which  were  later  on  repeated  and  extended  by 
a  number  of  other  investigators  and  which  constitute,  at 
present,  the  basis  for  the  general  theory  of  asymmetric 
synthesis.  He  observed  that,  by  combining  the  symmet- 
ric molecule  of  benzaldehyde  with  the  symmetric  molecule 
of  hydrocyanic  acid  under  the  action  of  the  asymmetric 
catalyst  emulsine,  one  obtains  an  optically  active  nit  rile 
of  mandelic  acid.  A  considerable  excess  of  dextrorotatory 
over  laevorotatory  nitrite  was  recorded.  Rosenthaler 
also  pointed  out  that  the  optical  activity  of  the  product 
synthesized  by  emulsine  reached  a  maximum  value  after 
a  certain  time  and  then  decreased  (r/.  Table  7 ). 


Change  in  Optical  Activity  during  the  Enzymatic  Synthesis  of  the 

NiTRiLE  OF  Mandelic  Acid  (Eosenthaler,  1908) 

(The  numbers  give  the  optical  rotation  of  the  synthetic  product) 


Time  from  the  beginning  of  the  synthesis : 

1  hour 

3  hours 

24  hours 

25°  C. 
30°  C. 




Other  observations  on  the  change  of  optical  activity  dur- 
ing asymmetric  synthesis  were  made  by  Nordefeldt 
(1922).  The  optical  activity  was  found  to  tend  asympto- 
tically to  zero  {cf.  Fig.  3). 

Bayliss  (1913),  Krieble  (1913)  and  Nordefeldt  (1922) 
showed  the  important  fact  that  the  synthesis  of  racemic 
mandelo-nitrile  takes  place  in  the  absence  of  enzymes  and 










TIME    — *■ 
Fig.  3.     Change  in  optical  activity,  as  a  function  of  time,  in  the  enzymatic 
asymmetric  synthesis  of  the  nitrile  of  mandelic  acid   (from  Kulm,  1936). 

that  the  addition  of  the  latter  accelerates  the  reaction  and 
gives  to  it  an  asymmetric  character  but  does  not  influence 
its  equilibrium  constant. 

These  observations  made  it  possible  for  Werner  Kuhn 
(1936)  to  undertake  the  theoretical  analysis  of  the  prin- 
ciples of  the  asymmetric  synthetic  action  of  enzymes.  We 
shall  summarize  here  his  more  important  conclusions. 

It  should  be  pointed  out,  first,  that  the  separated  active 
components  of  a  given  organic  substance  and  the  equi- 
molecular  mixtures  of  these  components  (racemates)  are 
not  equivalent  from  the  thermodynamic  point  of  view. 
The  mixing  of  the  components  into  a  racemate  liberates 
energy,  while  their  separation  requires  an  expenditure  of 
work.  Consequently  the  optically  active  state  is  not  a 
state  of  equilibrium  as  compared  to  the  racemic  state. 
The  question  arises,  then,  as  to  the  manner  in  which  such 
conditions  of  thermodynamic  disequilibrium  can  be  real- 
ized in  catalytic  reactions  in  living  matter.  One  might 
first  inquire  whether  such  reactions  are  true  catalytic 
reactions  or  not. 

Let  us  consider  the  characters  of  a  true  catalysis  lead- 
ing to  the  formation  of  an  asymmetric  compound.  Inas- 
much as  the  preparation  of  the  left  and  that  of  the  right 
antipode  of  a  given  substance  in  equal  concentrations  are 
equivalent  from  the  standpoint  of  energy  expenditure,  the 


constant  Ki  of  equilibrium  between  the  /-antipode  of  the  fi- 
nal substance  and  the  initial  product  must  be  equal  to  the 
constant  K^  of  equilibrium  between  the  c/-antipode  of  the 
final  substance  and  the  initial  product.  If  c  is  the  con- 
centration of  the  initial  substance,  c'l  the  concentration 
of  the  7-antipode  and  c'a  the  concentration  of  the  d-m\ti- 
pode  of  the  final  substance,  one  has 

c'l/c  =  K,  =  c'd/c  =  Kd  (1) 

Condition  (1)  characterizes  a  true  catalysis.  If  this  con- 
dition is  not  fulfilled,  the  initial  substance  will  be  simul- 
taneously in  equilibrium  with  different  concentrations  c'l 
and  c\i  of  the  two  antipodes  and  the  final  product  will  be 
partially  optically  active.  But  this  is  thermodynamically 
impossible  in  the  case  of  true  catalysis. 

Another  character  of  true  catalysis  is  that  the  value  of 
the  equilibrium  constant  in  equation  (1)  is  the  same  ir- 
respective of  whether  a  catalyst  is  used  or  not.  The 
velocity  constant  A-,,  in  the  formation  of  the  f/-antipode 
from  the  initial  material  and  the  velocity  constant  k'^  in 
the  reverse  conversion  are  increased  by  the  catalyst  to 
the  same  degree.  If  the  addition  of  an  enzyme  would  in- 
fluence the  two  velocity  constants  differently  and  change 
the  equilibrium  constant,  the  reaction  would  not  be  a  true 
catalysis  and  the  final  product  would  be  optically  active. 

Experimentally,  as  has  been  said  above,  it  was  found 
that,  in  the  synthesis  of  the  nitrile  of  mandelic  acid,  the 
use  of  the  catalyst  does  not  change  the  equilibrium 

That  both  velocities  I'a  and  k'a  are  accelerated  to  the 
same  extent  by  the  catalyst  has  been  proved  in  optically 
non-specific  enzymatic  reactions  {cf.  Borsook,  1935). 

Furthermore,  Nordefeldt  (1922)  has  observed  that  if  in 
the  synthesis  of  mandelo-nitrile,  one  adds  emulsine  when 
the  reaction  has  already  proceeded  for  a  while,  the  enzyme 
does  not  change  anything  in  that  which  has  already  been 
transformed,  it  exerts  its  asymmetrical  effect  only  on  the 
material  yet  to  be  transformed.  In  a  system  which  has 
reached  the  state  of  equilibrium  without  enzymes,  the  ad- 


ditioii  of  an  enzyme  does  not  change  anything  either. 
This  does  not  leave  any  doubt  that,  in  the  case  of  these 
isolated  enzymatic  transformations,  we  are  dealing  with 
true  catalysis. 

Finalh%  in  true  catalysis,  the  optical  activity  of  the  sub- 
stance being  formed  represents  only  a  temporary  phe- 
nomenon which  gradually  disappears.  This  will  be  clearer 
when  we  have  examined  the  dynamics  of  the  two  ways  in 
which  optical  activity  could  be  obtained  in  biochemical  re- 
actions, namely,  the  splitting  up  of  racemates  and  asym- 
metric synthesis. 

In  the  splitting  of  a  racemate  consisting  of  two  anti- 
podes, Ai  and  A^,  which  change  respectively  into  Bi  and 
B,j,  one  can  represent  the  process  as  follows: 



If  the  left  initial  product  Ai  is  transformed  into  Bi  with 
a  velocity  constant  A,,  different  from  the  constant  A-^  with 
which  Aa  is  transformed  into  B^,  there  results  optical 
activity.  If  Jii  =  Jici  the  racemate  will  be  split  up  sym- 

In  asymmetric  synthesis,  a  symmetric  initial  substance 
A  is  transformed  with  different  velocities,  A^^  and  k^,  into, 
respectively,  Bi  and  B,„  according  to  the  diagram 


Kuhn  integrated  the  systems  of  differential  equations 


corresponding  to  these  two  cases  and  studied  the  dynamics 
of  the  change  of  optical  activity  in  terms  of  time. 

In  the  case  of  the  splitting  up  of  a  racemate  (2),  if 
ki/k,,  >>  J ,  and  K  >>  1,  the  substance  Bj  will  be  obtained 
almost  exclusively  at  the  beginning;  its  concentration 
might  approach  c„/2  (if  c,,  is  the  concentration  of  the  initial 
substance) ;  later,  A^,  will  be  transforming  itself  into  B,i 
till,  finally,  the  concentrations  Bj  and  Ba  are  equalized.  At 
the  initial  and  final  states  the  solutions  will  be  optically 

In  the  case  of  asymmetric  synthesis  (3),  assuming  again 
that  ki/ka  >>  1  and  K  >>  1,  there  will  be,  at  the  begin- 
ning, an  accumulation  of  the  /-form,  B,-,  the  whole  initial 
material  (c,,)  will  be  practically  transformed  into  this 
/-antipode,  since  the  velocity  constant  A",,  is  supposed  to  be 
very  low  as  compared  to  k,.  The  concentration  of  the  initial 
substance  A  will  approach  cjK.  A  will  also  change  very 
slowly  into  B,j  and,  as  a  result  of  this  change,  its  concentra- 
tion will  be  reduced  and  the  equilibrium  between  A  and  Bi 
will  be  disturbed:  consequently,  a  certain  quantity  of  B, 
will  be  transformed  into  A.  This  will  cause  a  further 
transformation  of  the  initial  substance  into  B,i.  The  pro- 
cess will  continue  as  long  as  the  initial  substance  A  is  in 
equilibrium  simultaneously  with  Bj  and  B,i  or,  in  other 
words,  until  the  racemic  state  is  obtained.  So  the  same 
catalyst  which,  at  first,  brought  about  the  transformation 
of  A  into  practically  pure  antipode  B,  later  causes  a  com- 
plete racemization  of  the  product. 

It  is  of  interest  to  inquire  what  is  the  difference  in  the 
stability  of  the  temporary  state  of  optical  activity  in  the 
case  of  the  splitting  up  of  a  racemate  and  in  that  of  asym- 
metric synthesis.  Kuhn  showed  that  the  ratio  H  between 
the  time  T^  necessary  for  racemization  and  the  time  Ti 
necessary  for  the  attainment  of  maximal  activity  is 
H  =  ki/ka  ■  K/2  in  the  case  of  asymmetric  synthesis  and 
H  =  ki/kf,  in  the  case  of  the  splitting  of  the  racemate.  The 
factor  K/2  is  absent  in  the  second  equation.  Since  the 
constant  K  is  large,  it  is  evident  that  the  stability  of  the 


optically  active  state  will  l)e  considerably  greater  in 
asymmetric  synthesis  than  in  the  splitting  of  racemates. 

The  experimental  data  reported  above,  concerning  the 
temporary  character  of  optical  activity  {cf.  also  Bredig 
and  Fajaiis,  1908;  Bredig  and  Minaeft",  1932;  Nordefeldt, 
1922)  are  in  agreement  with.  Knhn's  calculations.  The 
conclusion  to  derive  from  this  agreement  is  that 
true  catalysis  occurs  in  the  isolated  enzymatic  systems 

Furthermore,  it  should  be  noticed  that  asymmetric  syn- 
thesis, which  seems  to  take  place  in  protoplasm  rather 
than  dissociation  of  racemates,  is  precisely  the  process 
which  secures  a  longer  duration  of  the  state  of  optical 

The  maintenance  of  asymmetry  in  mineral  oils  is 
probably  to  be  explained  by  the  extreme  slowness  of  the 
transformations  which  take  place  in  them. 

3.  Maintenance  of  Optical  Purity  by  the  So-C ailed 
" Stereo-aiitonomic  Substances."  If,  in  enzymatic  sys- 
tems, one  has  to  do  with  true  catalysis,  and  in  true 
catalysis  there  is  a  gradual  decrease  in  optical  activity, 
one  might  expect  that  a  substance  formed  in  an  asym- 
metric synthesis  be  optically  less  pure  than  the  compound 
from  which  it  originates  (Langenbeck  and  Triem,  1936). 
Curie's  principle,  postulating  that  any  asymmetry  origin- 
ates from  another  asymmetry  of  the  same  order  would 
not  hold  then.  So  the  presence  of  protoplasmic  com- 
ponents in  the  form  of  pure  optical  isomers  for  an  in- 
detinitely  long  time  still  lacks  an  explanation.  The 
features  which,  in  the  organization  of  protoplasm,  are 
responsible  for  the  maintenance  of  optical  purity  are  still 
to  be  found. 

Kuhn  (1936)  showed  that,  in  some  cases,  the  mainten- 
ance of  optical  purity  in  a  system,  despite  the  gradual 
decrease  of  optical  activity  in  a  single  synthetic  enzymatic 
process,  can  be  explained  by  the  behavior  of  some  sub- 
stances that  he  called  "stereo-autonomic."  It  is  knowni 
that  the  right  nitrile  of  mandelic  acid,  when  synthesized 


by  the  plant,  is  stored  not  as  such  but  combined  with 
gentiobiose  in  the  form  of  3-giucoside  (natural  amyg'da- 
line).  The  latter  easily  crystallizes  from  water  solutions, 
while  the  glucoside  which  consists  of  gentiobiose  and  of 
the  left  nitrite  of  mandelic  acid  possesses  such  a  high 
solubility  that  it  does  not,  in  general,  crystallize  from 
water  solutions  (Walker  and  Krieble,  1909;  Krieble, 
1912).^  So,  the  fact  that  pure  natural  amygdaline  is  de- 
posited in  the  plant  does  not  necessarily  postulate  the 
existence  of  an  optically  specific  enzyme,  synthesizing  only 
the  right  nitrite  of  mandelic  acid.  The  right  and  the  left 
nitrites  may  be  produced;  then  the  right  component  pre- 
cipitates in  the  form  of  gentiobioside ;  the  excess  left 
nitrile  can  thereupon  be  racemized  according  to  the  re- 
quirements of  true  catalysis ;  the  right  nitrile  originating 
from  this  process  is  again  bound  to  gentiobiose  and  the 
process  continues  until  all  the  nitrile  is  converted  into  the 
less  soluble  gentiobioside  of  the  right  nitrile,  i.e.,  into  pure 
natural  amygdaline.  The  same  final  state  would  evi- 
dently ensue  no  matter  whether  the  enzyme  possesses  the 
capacity  of  preferential  synthesis  of  the  right  nitrile  or  if 
it  would  synthesize  racemic  nitrile.  In  the  latter  case, 
however,  the  gradual  catalytic  transformation  of  the  left 
component  into  the  initial  substance  (benzaldehyde  and 
hydrocyanic  acid)  and  the  resynthesis  of  the  right  com- 
ponent would  demand  a  long  time,  which  is  evidently 
spared  by  the  utilization  of  an  optically  specific  enzyme. 
Natural  optically  active  gentiobiose  is  a  stereo-autonomic 
substance  in  the  sense  that  it  conditions  the  stable  optical 
purity  of  the  synthetic  product.  Kuhn  sees  a  confirmation 
of  his  views  in  the  fact  that,  in  the  fruits  of  Prunns 
laurocerasus,  one  finds  a  gentiobioside  of  the  pure  right 
nitrile  of  mandelic  acid,  while,  in  the  leaves  of  the  same 
plant,  one  finds  a  glucoside  of  the  racemic  nitrile.  It  is 
probable  that  the  difference  in  solubility  brought  about 

1  Similar  differences  are  found,  in  general,  in  diastereomers,  that  is,  in 
substances  consisting  of  one  antipode  of  a  substance  A  combined  Avitli  either 
of  the  tAvo  antipodes  of  a  substance  B.  For  example,  AiBi  and  AiBa  are 
two  diastereomers. 


by  glucose  as  a  component  of  the  glucoside  and  by  gen- 
tiobiose  as  a  component  of  the  gentiobioside  is  responsible 
for  the  fact  that  they  are  fomid  in  nature  as  indicated. 

4.  Procedures  Used  by  Nature  for  Mainfaiuing  Optical 
Purity  and  Establishing  a  ''Fixed  Internal  Milieu."  The 
evolution  of  living  beings  has  consisted  in  a  gradual  in- 
crease of  the  number  of  fixed  parameters  of  the  internal 
milieu.  For  example,  in  the  transition  from  poikilother- 
mic  into  homoiothermic  animals,  the  body  temperature  has 
been  fixed  at  a  constant  value.  The  non-dependence  on 
the  temperature  of  the  external  medium  has  given  the 
homoiotherms  important  advantages  over  the  cold-blooded 
animals  in  natural  selection. 

Considering  such  cases  of  specific  fixity  acquired  by  the 
internal  medium,  Claude  Bernard  made  his  famous  state- 
ment :  * '  La  fixite  du  milieu  interieur  est  la  condition  de  la 
vie  libre "  ( "  The  fixity  of  the  internal  medium  is  the  con- 
dition of  independent  living"). 

The  elaboration  of  mechanisms  in  living  matter  to 
maintain  optical  purity  evidently  contributes  to  the  fixity 
of  the  internal  milieu.  The  spatial  parameters  which  de- 
termine the  asymmetry  of  a  substance  are  fixed  in  primary 
constituents  of  protoplasm  in  such  a  way  that  optical 
purity  is  maintained. 

Barcroft  (1934)  notes  that  two  methods  are  used  by 
nature  to  secure  the  constancy  of  internal  medium,  the 
method  of  evasion  and  the  method  of  correction. 
a)  Widely  Different  Velocities  in  the 
Formation  of  the  Two  Optical  Iso- 
mers. As  a  mechanism  of  evasion  nature  uses  a  high 
ratio  of  the  reaction  velocities.  A-,/ A',,.  While,  in  the  cases 
of  catalysis  more  commonly  encountered,  this  ratio  is  of 
the  order  of  1  to  2,  in  enzymatic  reactions  the  ratio  reaches 
100,  1000,  or  even  greater  values.  This  ratio  evidently 
determines  the  degree  of  predominance  of  the  right  or  of 
the  left  isomer  in  the  substance  synthesized.  A  great  dif- 
ference between  the  velocity  constants,  Jii  and  k,i,  makes  that 


the  non-iitilizable  isomer  appears  only  in  insignificant  con- 
centrations in  the  first  stages  of  synthesis.  A  large  value 
of  the  constant  of  equilibrium  K,  on  the  other  hand,  as- 
sures a  more  lasting  stability  of  the  active  state.  Both 
these  factors  contribute  toward  having  the  system 
"evade"  for  a  time  the  effects  of  inevitable  racemization. 
h )  Langenbeck  and  Triem's  IVIechan- 
i  s  m  .  Recently,  Langenbeck  and  Triem  (1936)  have 
shown  that  an  increase  of  optical  purity  can  be  obtained 
in  interrupted  reactions  between  two  optically  impure 
substances.  If  an  optically  impure  enzyme  is  acting  upon 
an  optically  impure  substance  and  if  the  reaction  is  not 
allowed  to  proceed  to  the  end,  the  optical  purity  of  the 
system  may  be  increased.  Let  us  suppose  that  two  sub- 
stances, optically  active  but  not  optically  pure,  A  and  B, 
combine  to  form  AB.  Let  us  assume  also  that  the 
laevorotatory  isomers,  Ai  and  Bi,  predominate  over  their 
antipodes.  A,,  and  B^.  The  following  partial  reactions 
will  take  place 

A.  +  B,->A,B. 

A,  +  B,  ^  A,B, 

A,  +  Ba  -^  A.Ba 

A,  +  B,^A,Bi 

Since  [A.]  >  [AJ  and  [B,]  >  [BJ,  we  shall  have,  if 
we  interrupt  the  reaction  before  it  is  completed, 
1A3J       [AJ  [A.B,]       rB.] 

[A,B,]  ^  [AJ    "^'^^   [A,BJ  ^  [BJ  ' 

If,  for  instance,  the  concentrations  of  the  initial  sub- 
stances, Ai  and  A,,,  are  in  the  ratio  2 : 1,  and  if  the  concen- 
trations of  Bi  and  B,,  are  identical  respectively  to  those  of 
Ai  and  A,,,  i.e.,  are  also  in  the  ratio  2: 1,  a  time  will  come 
at  which  the  ratio  of  the  concentrations  of  the  enantio- 
morphic  products,  AjB,  and  A^B,,,  will  be  the  product  of 

2  X  2 
the  ratios,  tttTj  that  is,  4 : 1.     If  the  reaction  is  inter- 
rupted at  that  time,  the  optical  purity  of  the  transformed 
material  will  be  increased.     (It  is  certain  that,  simultan- 


eoiislv,  the  remainder  of  the  untranst'ormed  substances 
will  undergo  a" corresponding  decrease  in  optical  purity.) 

Langenbeck  and  Triem  (1936)  proved  experimentally 
that  the  optical  activity  can  be  increased  in  reactions  of 
this  type.  They  synthesized  /-tyrosine  anhydride  from 
/-tyrosine  methyl  ether  and  observed  a  concentration  of 
30.8%  of  /-tyrosine  in  the  final  product  while  the  initial 
substance  contained  only  27.4%. 

It  is  possible  that  such  processes  have  taken  place  in 
the  enzymatic  origin  of  ferments,  that  is,  when  one  fer- 
ment has  been  synthesized  wdth  the  aid  of  another  opti- 
cally active  ferment.  Then  the  necessary  decrease  of 
optical  purity  of  the  initial  material  is  of  no  importance 
since  only  the  newly  formed  ferment,  in  the  interrupted 
reaction,  will  transmit  to  some  other  substance  its 
increased  optical  purity. 

It  should  be  noted,  in  relation  with  the  reactions 
described  in  this  section,  that  the  succession  of  synthetic 
processes  which  take  place  continuously  in  living  systems 
might  in  itself  be  an  important  factor  in  the  evasion  of 
the  effects  of  racemization.  The  incessant  reconstruction 
of  living  matter  should  then,  perhaps,  be  considered  as 
an  indispensible  condition  for  the  maintenance  of  the 
optical  purity  of  stereo-autonomic  substances. 

It  is  usually  thought  that,  though  nature  might  evade 
for  a  time  the  eifects  of  racemization,  finally  the  latter  will 
inevitably  set  in  and  that  nature  does  not  possess  any 
method  of  correction  by  which  it  would  remove  the  un- 
natural isomer  and  actively  resist  racemization.  Kuhn 
(1936)  not  only  accepted  the  idea  of  the  absence  of  such 
active  resistance,  there  being  no  enzyme  know^n  for  per- 
forming this  function,  but  he  thought  that  the  racemiza- 
tion which  finally  takes  place  might  constitute,  in  part,  the 
process  of  ageing. 

The  fact  that,  when  animals  and  plants  are  fed  with 
racemic  amino-acids,  they  principally  consume  the  natural 
isomers  of  the  left  steric  series  and  leave  the  other  isomer 
intact,  has  been,  in  general,  considered  as  proving  that  the 


organisms  are  devoid  of  enzymes  suitable  for  catalyzing 
transformations  of  the  unnatural  isomers. 

Scliulze  and  Bosshard  observed  this  selective  action  of 
one  isomer  in  lower  organisms  already  in  1886  and  their 
data  were  later  confirmed  by  a  great  number  of  authors 
and  especially  by  Pringsheim  (1910). 

Many  similar  observations  were  made  on  mammals.  A 
dog  which  receives  a  racemic  preparation  of  leucine 
(Abderhalden  and  Samuely,  1906)  or  of  alanine  (Abder- 
halden  and  Schittenhelm,  1907)  consumes  preferably  the 
natural  isomers  and  excretes  in  its  urine  a  large  portion 
of  the  unnatural  amino-acids.  The  same  was  observed 
later  by  Abderhalden  and  Tetzner  (1935)  in  rats,  rabbits 
and  dogs  fed  with  racemic  alanine. 

But  another  series  of  facts  points  out  the  possibility  of 
the  presence,  in  living  protoplasm,  of  an  active  mechanism 
contributing,  by  a  method  of  correction,  toward  maintain- 
ing optical  purity  and  thus  toward  securing  the  fixity  of 
the  internal  medium. 

(c)  Krebs'  Mechanism.  Krebs  (1933)  who  has 
undertaken  extensive  investigations  on  the  oxidative  de- 
amination  of  different  amino-acids  by  tissue  slices  of  liver 
and  kidney  from  rat,  pig,  cat,  dog  and  rabbit,  discovered 
the  very  important  fact  that,  while  both  optical  isomers  of 
amino-acids  are  deaminated,  the  unnatural  forms  of  the 
right  steric  series  are  almost  always  deaminated  much 
more  rapidly  than  the  natural  ones  {cf.  Table  8). 

These  observations  were  soon  confirmed  by  Kisch  (1935) 
and  by  Neber  (1936).  Some  data  of  Kisch  are  given  in 

Krebs  (1935)  assumes  that  there  are  two  different 
enzymatic  systems  one  of  which  catalyzes  the  deamination 
of  the  right  and  the  other  that  of  the  left  amino-acids. 
This  assumption  follows,  in  particular,  from  the  fact  that 
the  deamiiiation  of  the  left  amino-acids  is  inhibited  by 
octyl  alcohol,  Avhile  that  of  the  unnatural  isomer  of  the 
right  series  is  not  affected  by  octyl  alcohol  of  the  same 
concentration.     He  further  points  out  that  the  data  con- 




Deamination  of  Optically  Active  M/20  Amino-acids  by  Slices 
OF  Rat  Kidney  (Krebs,  1933) 


ml.  of  ammonia 

Ratio  of  the  velocity 

of  deamination  of 

the  unnatural  to 

mg.  of  tissue  x  hours 

that  of  the 


Z(+)  valine 
d(-)  valine 

I  (-)  loiu'ine 
d  (+)  leucine 

d  (+)  phenyl-alanine 

i(— )histidine 

3.36  ] 
37.80  ^ 

3.86  ] 
57.60  ^ 

6.68  ] 
34.90  1 

10.4    ] 
77.0     ( 

9.75  ( 







DEAiriNATioN  OF  M/50  Amino-acids  by  Slices  of  Liver  axd  Kidney 
OF  Different  Animals  (Kisch,  1935) 

(The  velocity  of  deamination  is  expressed  in  mI/5000  of  NH3  per 
gram  of  fresh  weight  of  tissue  in  2  hours) 






Velocity  of  deami- 
nation of  the 





Ratio  of  the 
velocity  of 
of  the  un- 
natural to 
that  of  the 








1 1 

1 1 






i  I 

1 1 






1 1 














<  < 

<  t 






( ( 

I  i 













( ( 

i  I 







1 1 






( ( 








cerning  the  oxidative  deamiiiatioii  do  not  contradict  the 
fact  of  a  more  rapid  consumption  by  the  whole  organism 
of  natural  isomers  of  amino-acids.  Natural  amino-acids 
can  evidently  be  consumed  without  deamination ;  consump- 
tion and  deamination  need  not  to  coincide. 

From  the  standpoint  of  the  problem  of  the  maintenance 
of  optical  purity  in  protoplasm,  Krebs'  results  are  very 
significant.  The  study  of  catalysis  has  shown  that  in 
protoplasm  composed  of  optically  pure  left  isomers  of 
amino-acids  the  appearance  of  small  quantities  of  the 
right  forms  is  inevitable.  Krebs'  data  suggest  that  the 
organisms  have  developed  a  mechanism  for  removing  the 
isomers  of  unsuitable  spatial  configuration.  This  mecha- 
nism would  consist  in  a  deamination  of  the  inappropriate 
right  forms  as  soon  as  they  appear.  The  right  isomers 
would  be  transformed  into  structurally  inactive  keto-acids 
identical  with  those  which  can  be  obtained  from  the  left 
amino  acids.  In  this  manner,  the  organisms  would  by  no 
means  be  so  helpless  in  regulating  the  optical  purity  of 
their  protoplasm  as  was  assumed  by  Kuhn  and  they  would 
possess  an  active  method  of  correction  for  securing  the 
fixity  of  their  internal  medium. 

It  is  to  be  noticed  that  Ritchie  (1933),  before  any  of  the 
researches  that  we  mentioned  on  oxidative  deamination 
had  been  made,  admitted  a  priori  the  possibility  of  the 
existence  of  such  a  method  of  correction.  He  wrote  that, 
while  one  of  the  antipodes  participates  in  cell  metabolism, 
the  other,  which  is  formed  simultaneously  but  at  a  much 
lower  rate,  almost  certainly  is  removed  as  soon  as  it  is 
formed.  Ages  of  evolution  would  be  responsible,  accord- 
ing to  him,  for  the  development  of  such  a  physiological 
regulating  system. 

One  might,  at  first,  be  inclined  to  consider  the  existence 
of  a  special  enzymatic  system  acting  on  unnatural  isomers 
of  amino-acids,  as  a  chance  happening  without  particular 
significance.  But,  then,  what  sense  is  there  in  talking  of  a 
"specificity"  of  any  enzymatic  reactions,  and  in  explain- 
ing this  specificity  as  a  result  of  a  long  process  of  natural 
selection?     {Cf.,  Eric  Holmes,  1937.) 


Krebs  (11)36)  proposed  another  interpretation  of  his 
data.  Following  Emil  Fischer's  somewhat  archaic  views 
on  a  possible  synthesis  in  protoplasm  of  racemic  amino- 
acids  and  of  their  subsequent  splitting  into  optical  iso- 
mers, he  considered  the  deamination  by  a  deaminase 
specific  for  right  amino-acids  as  a  process  by  which  the 
organism  decomposes  the  racemate  and  obtains  the  left 
amino-acids  required.  But  it  has  been  seen  above  that  the 
experimental  data  available  do  not  speak  in  favor  of  the 
hypothesis  of  a  primary  symmetric  synthesis. 

5,  Biological  Advantages  of  Optical  Purity.  In  the 
study  of  the  methods  used  by  nature  to  maintain  optical 
purity,  some  authors  have  considered  the  advantages  for 
living  organisms  of  working  with  asymmetric  material. 
Mills  (1932)  has  attempted  to  show  that  living  systems 
consisting  of  substances  in  the  asymmetric  state  are  more 
efficient  than  their  hypothetical  racemic  competitors  would 
be.  On  the  basis  of  what  is  known  on  the  stereo-specificity 
of  the  action  of,  for  example  invertase,  in  the  hydrolysis 
of  saccharose  one  can  expect  that  the  common  invertase 
activate  onlv  the  clextrorotatorv  saccharose  and  that  the 
optical  isomer  of  this  invertase  act  only  on  the  left  saccha- 
rose. Let  us  consider  the  initial  stage  of  the  reaction, 
when,  with  small  concentrations  of  saccharose,  the  velocity 
of  hydrolysis  is  approximately  proportional  to  the  con- 
centration of  the  enzyme  and  to  the  concentration  of  the 
substance  acted  upon.  In  an  experiment  with  optically 
pure  saccharose  and  corresponding  invertase,  every  mole- 
cule of  saccharose  coming  in  contact  with  the  enzyme  will 
be  subject  to  activation,  while  in  an  experiment  with  a 
racemic  saccharose  and  a  r//-invertase  only  one-half  of  the 
collisions  will  be  effective.  Consequently,  the  reaction  in 
the  racemate  will  take  place  at  a  considerably  lower  rate 
than  that  in  the  optically  active  system. 

It  should  be  noticed  that,  in  the  case  of  two  enantio- 
morphic  systems  of  transformations  working  side  by  side 
(racemic  material),  the  velocities  of  many  processes  might 
be  decreased  when  the  two  dissvmmetric  substances  inter- 


act.  Consequently,  the  synthesis  of  the  components  of 
new  tissues  and  the  growth  of  the  latter  will  proceed  more 
rapidly  with  asymmetric  than  with  racemic  material. 

If  the  fundamental  physiological  processes  are  more 
intense  in  asymmetric  systems,  the  passage  from  racemic 
to  optically  active  protoplasm  was  a  significant  physio- 
logical advance  which  contributed  to  the  survival  of  asym- 
metric protoplasm  in  the  process  of  natural  selection.  Be- 
sides, the  development  of  asymmetry,  by  contributing  to 
the  fixity  of  the  internal  medium,  increased  the  possibility 
of  independent  life  for  any  given  organism,  in  the  sense 
of  Claude  Bernard. 

6.  The  Origin  of  the  Asymmetry  of  Protoplasm.  Assum- 
ing that  the  asymmetry  of  protoplasm  is  maintained  by 
some  mechanism  devised  by  nature,  a  fundamental  prob- 
lem still  remains  to  be  solved,  that  of  the  origin  of  the 
initial  inequality  of  the  right  and  the  left  components  of 

In  the  study  of  the  causes  of  the  initial  asymmetry,  the 
authors  have  followed  two  directions.  Some  have  at- 
tempted to  correlate  the  origin  of  the  asymmetry  of 
matter  with  the  asymmetric  influence  of  terrestrial  mag- 
netism; others  have  considered  asymmetry  as  originating 
in  a  deviation  from  a  statistical  average. 

Since  C^otton  (1896)  had  shown  that  solutions  of  opti- 
cally active  substances  possess  different  coefficients  of 
absorption  for  the  right  and  the  left  circularly  polarized 
light,  it  has  been  thought  that  the  action  of  such  light 
might  furnish  a  promising  method  of  obtaining  active 
compounds  from  racemic  ones. 

It  is  known  that  the  circularly  polarized  light  is  found 
in  nature,  for  instance,  when  the  plane-polarized  light 
from  the  sky  is  reflected  on  the  surface  of  the  sea.  Byk 
(1904)  suggested  that,  because  of  the  rotation  of  the  plane 
of  polarization  of  light  by  terrestrial  magnetism,  there 
must  be,  in  the  total  quantity  of  light  circularly  polarized 
at  the  surface  of  the  earth,  a  predominance  of  one  of  the 
two  forms  of  light.     This  predominant  form  acting  for 


long'  periods  of  time  on  racemic  compounds  would  initiate 
optical  activity. 

More  recently  Kuhn  and  Braun  (1929)  and  Kulni  and 
Knopf  (1930)  have  shown  that,  in  laboratory  experiments, 
when  circularly  polarized  light  is  used  in  the  photochemi- 
cal decomposition  of  racemates,  it  causes  the  appearance 
of  optically  active  isomers. 

Ritchie  (1933)  and  later  Langenbeck  and  Triem  (1936) 
supported  the  hypothesis  just  described. 

The  second  explanation  of  the  origin  of  optical  asym- 
metry (cf.,  Pearson,  1898;  Fitzgerald,  1898;  Bartrum, 
1898;  Errera,  1898;  Kipping  and  Pope,  1898;  Byk,  1925; 
Mills,  1932)  is  based  on  the  assumption  that  the  equality 
of  the  right  and  left  components  represents  a  statistical 
mean  value  around  which  fluctuations  occur.  Kipping  and 
Pope  (1898)  observed,  for  example,  that,  while  the  occur- 
rence of  either  right  or  left  component,  in  crystallization 
experiments,  furnished  a  mean  value  of  50.08%  ±  0.11, 
the  proportion  varied  from  24.14/^  to  77.36%  in  separate 
experiments  (46  of  them).  An  inequality  of  the  right  or 
the  left  form  of  a  substance  might  have  originated  acci- 
dentally in  this  manner  when  some  living  systems  were  in 
formation  and  this  inequality  might  have  spread  by  asym- 
metric catalysis  (Strong,  1898). 

Lately  Spiers  (1937)  supported  the  chance  deviation 
hypothesis  of  the  origin  of  asymmetry. 

7.  General  Survey  of  the  Problem  of  the  Origin  and 
Maintenance  of  Optical  Asymmetry.  The  various  stages 
in  the  development  and  maintenance  of  the  asymmetric 
state  are  represented  diagramatically  in  Fig.  4. 

Let  us  note,  first,  that  there  are  two  levels  of  stability 
for  the  state  of  symmetry  or  asymmetry:  1.  the  level  of 
thermodynamic  stability  which  characterizes  the  racemic 
state ;  2.  the  level  of  protoplasmic  stability  which  is  main- 
tained by  living  matter.  In  inorganic  nature,  the  race- 
mates  are  stable  because  they  possess  the  least  amount  of 
free  energy.  In  living  nature,  optically  pure  forms  are 
stable  because  they  are  the  most  advantageous  in  natural 















c\  \'  \  A 





Fig.  4.  Diagram  representing  the  processes  involved  in  the  origin  and 
maintenance  of  optical  purity  in  living  matter.  The  arrows  A  represent  the 
Langenbeck  and  Triem  mechanism;  the  upward  arrows  B,  the  Krebs  mecha- 
nism; the  downward  arrows  C,  the  Kuhn  mechanism;  the  horizontal  arrow 
3  illustrates  Curie 's  view  according  to  which  asymmetry  is  simply  transmitted 
from  one  asymmetric  molecule  to  another. 

selection.     So   the   racemic   state   is   stable   in   inorganic 
nature  and  unstable  in  living  matter. 

For  living  systems  to  pass  from  the  level  of  thermo- 
dynamic to  that  of  protoplasmic  stability  and  to  stay  at 
the  latter  level  requires  a  series  of  mechanisms  of  which 
two  have  been  described :  the  Langenbeck  and  Triem 
mechanism  by  which  the  optical  purity  is  increased  in  a 
series  of  interrupted  reactions  (upward  arrows  in  plain 
lines,  A^  in  the  diagram)  and  the  Krebs  mechanism  by 
which  the  unnatural  optical  isomers  are  removed  (upward 
arrows  in  dotted  lines,  B). 

Since  the  racemic  state  represents  a  state  of  thermo- 
dynamic equilibrium,  the  initial  asymmetry  will  have  a 
tendency  to  disappear  (Kuhn's  mechanism,  downward 
arrows,  C,  in  the  diagram). 

The  eifect  of  circularly  polarized  light  in  inducing  some 
asymmetry  will  probably  not  be  sufficient  to  maintain  the 
high  degree  of  optical  purity  exhibited  by  protoplasm. 

It  is  possible  also  that  the  Langenbeck  and  Triem 
mechanism,  which  probably  is  not  efficient  enough  to  main- 
tain the  almost  absolute  purity  of  protoplasm  as  we  know 


it  at  the  present  time,  was  involved  in  the  early  stages  of 
natural  selection  while  Krebs'  mechanism,  which  is  more 
higlily  efficient,  was  developed  only  later  in  evolution. 

The  asymmetric  state  of  protoplasm  and  its  mainte- 
nance by  regulative  mechanisms  appear,  then,  as  a  heri- 
tage of  countless  ages  of  transformations,  and  as  a  result 
of  the  elaboration  by  nature  of  systems  which  seem  to  tend 
to  some  sort  of  physiological  perfection. 


1.  According  to  the  earlier  authors,  asymmetry,  once 
originated,  has  been  transmitted  from  one  substance  to 
another,  as  life  is  transmitted  from  one  living  being  to 

2.  Emil  Fischer  suggested  that  asymmetric  catalysts 
synthesize  asymmetric  compounds  from  symmetric  ones. 
Such  asymmetric  syntheses  were  soon  realized  in  labora- 
tory experiments. 

3.  It  was  then  observed  that,  in  an  asymmetric  synthe- 
sis, the  optical  activity  reaches  a  maximum  and  then 
decreases,  and  that  the  enzyme  does  not  influence  the  equi- 
librium constant  of  the  reaction.  These  observations  have 
been  the  basis  of  theoretical  investigations  by  Kuhn  on 
the  thermodynamics  of  asymmetric  synthesis. 

4.  Kuhn  pointed  out  that  the  separation  of  two  optical 
isomers  requires  an  expenditure  of  work,  while  their  mix- 
ing into  a  racemate  liberates  energy,  the  optically  active 
state  being  a  state  of  disequilibrium.  He  further  showed 
that  the  characters  presented  by  enzymatic  reactions  are 
those  thermodynamically  expected  in  true  catalysis. 

5.  Optical  purity  might  be  conditioned  in  some  cases  by 
the  behaviour  of  "stereo-autonomic  substances,"  i.e.,  of 
substances  whose  properties,  such  as  solubility,  maintain 
one  isomer  in  solution  while  the  other  separates  out. 

6.  To  maintain  the  state  of  disequilibrium  inherent  in 
optical  purity,  nature,  it  seems,  has  developed  regulating- 
mechanisms,  such  as:  {a)  The  use  of  widely  different 
velocities  in  the  formation  of  the  two  optical  isomers  in 


asymmetric  syntheses;  (b)  The  succession  of  reactions 
which  are  interrupted  before  the  optical  activity  has  had 
time  to  disappear  (Langenbeck  and  Triem's  mechanism) ; 
(c)  The  more  rapid  deamination  of  the  unnatural  isomer 
which  then  separates  out  (Krebs'  mechanism). 

7.  Optical  purity  seems  to  impart  to  protoplasm  some 
advantages  in  natural  selection,  in  particular,  it  seems  to 
increase  the  reaction  rate  and  the  growth  activity.  So,  the 
establishment  of  a  state  of  optical  purity  can  be  con- 
sidered as  a  method  used  by  nature  to  stabilize  the  inter- 
nal milieu. 

8.  The  origin  of  asymmetry  has  been  ascribed  by 
several  authors  to  the  influence,  on  some  reactions,  of 
circularly  polarized  light,  which  would  be  predominantly 
right  or  left  on  account  of  its  rotation  by  terrestrial  mag- 
netism ;  other  authors  think  that  the  equality  of  right  and 
left  isomers  is  a  statistical  mean  value  and  that  the 
inequality  resulted  from  fluctuations  from  the  mean. 


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KEEBR,  H.  A.,  Z.  i)hysiol.  Clicm.,  217,  191,  1938. 

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KEIEBLE,  v.,  Journ.  Am<r.  Chcm.  Soc,  34,  71(>,  1912;  35,  1643,  1913. 
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Pasteur  (1860)  wondered  how  living  beings  would  dif- 
fer from  what  they  are  if  the  basic  chemical  substances 
which  compose  them  would  change  the  sign  of  their  opti- 
cal rotation.  Emil  Fischer  (1890)  attempted  to  show  how 
this  question  can  be  answered  experimentally.  ''If  it 
proves  possible",  he  writes,  '"to  feed  plants,  moulds  or 
yeasts  with  unnatural  optical  isomers  of  different  sub- 
stances, should  one  not  expect  that  such  a  change  in  the 
constructive  material  would  result  in  a  modification  of 
the  delicate  molecular  architecture  and  of  the  entire 
structure  of  organisms  ?  The  biologists  have  not  yet 
studied  this  question  because  the  chemists  have  not  given 
them  the  substances  necessary  for  such  experiments".  At 
present,  fifty  j^ears  after  Emil  Fischer  made  this  state- 
ment, we  know  that  such  transformations  of  biological 
structures  are  impossible,  as  the  following  data  will  show. 

1.  The  Impossibility  of  Iiirertinf/  the  Optical  Proper- 
ties of  the  Primary  Constituents  of  Protoplasm.  It  is  now 
well  established  that,  if  one  gives  to  microorganisms 
unnatural  food  material  as,  for  instance,  laevorotatory 
leucine,  they  are  simply  unable  to  make  use  of  such  food 
as  they  do  not  possess  the  suitable  enzymatic  outfit.  This 
was  soon  ascertained  by  Fischer  himself  who  found  that 
laevorotatory  glucose  is  practically  not  fermented  by 
yeast  cells  (Fischer  and  Thierf elder,  1894). 

In  the  light  of  modern  knowledge  one  would  not  expect 
that  a  simple  change  in  nutrient  conditions  would  deter- 


60     orr.M  rn  ..  h i:in:niTy  a\d  I':\]  ihoxmext 

mine  the  sign  of  asymmetry  of  protoplasm,  wliicli  is, 
according-  to  all  evidence,  the  result  of  a  long  evolution- 
ary development. 

Among  more  recent  investigations  on  the  inefficacy  of 
culture  media  on  the  sign  of  optical  activity  of  primary 
constituents  of  protoplasm,  we  shall  mention  those  of 
Gause  and  Smaragdova  (1938).  These  authors  have 
studied  the  etfect  on  the  yeast,  Torula  iitilis,  of  a  pro- 
longed cultivation  in  the  optical  isomers  of  leucine.  The 
yeast  was  cultivated  at  27° C  on  pure  left  leucine  in  one 
series  and  on  pure  right  leucine  in  another.  During  the 
iy2  months  that  the  experiment  lasted,  14  passages  were 
made.  At  the  end  of  this  period  the  rate  of  growth  in 
both  series  was  measured.  A  similar  procedure  was  fol- 
lowed for  a  study  of  the  action  of  right  and  left  valine. 
It  was  found  that,  though  growth  of  Torula  proceeds 
much  more  rapidly  on  the  biological  forms  of  these  amino- 
acids  (laevorotatory  leucine  and  dextrorotatory  valine), 
there  is  some  growth  on  their  optical  antipodes.  It  should 
be  noticed  that  the  majority  of  other  yeasts  cannot  grow 
at  all  on  the  unnatural  isomers  of  amino-acids.  The  very 
possibility  of  a  weak  but  unlimited  growth  of  Torula 
utUis  on  the  right  leucine  and  on  the  left  valine  is  corre- 
lated with  the  fact  that  these  substances  are  first  deamin- 
ated  by  yeast  (leucine,  according  to  Ehrlich,  1906,  is 
transformed  into  iso-amyl  alcohol),  and  the  ammonia 
thus  formed  proves  to  be  a  sufficient  source  of  nitrogen 
for  the  unlimited  growth  in  Torula  utilis.  But  the  supply 
of  nitrogen  in  the  form  of  ammonia  alone  is  not  sufficient 
for  most  of  the  otljer  species  of  yeast  and  a  prolonged 
growth  on  the  unnatural  isomers  of  amino-acids  cannot 
take  place  in  them. 

As  was  to  be  expected,  a  prolonged  cultivation  of  Torula 
on  such  nonbiological  isomers  had  no  essential  influence 
on  the  asymmetric  properties  of  the  protoplasm  of  these 
yeasts,  so  that  growth  always  remained  more  rapid  on  the 
natural  amino  acids.    Structurally  inappropriate  isomers 

orr.  ACT  I  v..  in:in:niTY  \\i)  r:\]Jh'o\]iE\T     61 

cannot  be  directly  involved  in  nietabolisiii.  I'lie  slight 
growth  observed  on  aniino-acids  which  can  be  deaminated 
and  thus  transformed  into  material  deprived  of  dissym- 
metry, from  which  subsequently  molecules  of  suitable 
properties  are  built,  even  confirms  this  view.  This  con- 
clusion is  in  accord  with  a  number  of  recent  observations 
(Conrad  and  Berg,  1937;  Du  Vigneaud  et  al.,  1939;  Rat- 
ner,  Schoenheimer  and  Eittenberg,  1940). 

2.  The  ImpossihUity  of  Modifying  Protoplasm  so  as 
to  Cause  it  to  Invert  the  Optical  Properties  of  the  Prod- 
ucts of  its  Metabolism.  That  some  products  of  meta- 
bolism, that  is,  some  secondary  constituents  of  living  mat- 
ter may  be  generated  in  either  of  the  two  optically 
isomeric  forms,  under  the  influence  of  external  conditions, 
has  been  admitted  for  a  long  time  by  a  number  of  inves- 
tigators. The  case  of  lactic  acid  fermentation  by  some 
microbes  is  classical  in  this  respect.  Concerning  this 
case  we  shall  mention  first  the  fundamental  facts  on  the 
specificity  of  each  bacterial  strain  in  the  production 
of  one  type  of  lactic  acid  and  then  we  shall  review  the 
more  important  investigations  on  the  effect  of  external 
conditions  on  such  production. 

Nencki  (1891)  showed  that  the  optical  form  of  the  lac- 
tic acid  i^roduced  in  microbial  fermentation  is  specific 
for  the  kind  and  strain  of  microbes.  Some  species  pro- 
duce the  pure  dextrorotatory  isomer,  others  give  the 
pure  laevorotatory  one  and  still  others  produce  a  form 
of  lactic  acid  which  is  either  totally  or  partially  racemic. 
The  sign  of  the  asymmetry  of  the  secondary  substances 
seems,  therefore,  to  represent  a  stable  hereditary  char- 
acteristic of  the  physiological  organization  of  the  cell 
which  has  produced  these  substances  and  Nencki  even 
proposed  to  employ  it  for  the  identification  of  bacteria. 
These  observations  were  subsequently  confirmed  by  Cur- 
rie  (1911),  Pederson,  Peterson  and  Fred  (1926)  and  by 
Katagiri  and  Kitahara  (1937). 


As  to  the  problem  of  the  possibility  that  different 
isomers  of  lactic  acid  be  produced  when  conditions  of 
cultivation  are  changed,  the  data  of  the  literature  have 
for  a  long  time  been  somewhat  contradictory. 

a.  I  n  f  1  u  e  n  c  e  of  General  Culture  Con- 
ditions. It  was  Pere  (1893)  who  claimed  for  the  first 
time  that  one  and  the  same  line  of  Bacterium  coli^  in  dif- 
ferent culture  conditions  can  produce  the  two  inverse 
forms  of  lactic  acid  (cf.  also  Pottevin,  1898,  and  Pere, 
1898).  But  to  what  extent  the  strains  of  microbes  used 
by  them  were  bacteriologically  pure  is  not  clear. 

Pederson,  Peterson  and  Fred  (1926)  showed  that  in 
mixed  cultures  of  microbes  consisting  of  producers  of 
the  right  and  left  isomers  of  lactic  acid,  one  can  often 
observe  a  change  in  the  form  of  the  lactic  acid  produced 
when  the  temperature,  for  example,  is  changed.  How- 
ever, in  such  cases,  there  is  evidently  no  inverting  mech- 
anism in  protoplasm.  The  species  and  strains  of  mi- 
crobes which  produce  the  right  and  the  left  isomers  of 
lactic  acid  possess  different  temperature  optima  of 
growth  and  metabolism  and  consequently,  in  some  con- 
ditions of  cultivation,  the  strains  which  produce  the  right 
isomer  and,  in  other  conditions,  those  which  give  the  left 
isomer  of  lactic  acid  predominate.  With  microbic  mate- 
rial of  a  guaranteed  purity  having  originated  from  one 
cell,  the  possibility  of  inverting  the  lactic  acid  produced 
has  not  been  observed  even  in  the  most  dift'erent  culture 
conditions,  though  the  only  isomer  produced  may  subse- 
quently undergo  racemisation  to  various  degrees. 

6.  I  n  f  1  u  e  n  c  e  of  the  Culture  M  e  d  i  u  m. 
In  the  literature  the  work  of  Kayser  (1894)  is  often  re- 
ferred to  as  confirming  Pere 's  data,  whilst,  as  a  matter  of 

lit  is  to  be  pointed  out  that  Bacterium  coli  does  not  cause  a  pure 
lactic  acid  fermentation.  Approximately  half  of  the  sugar  is  fermented 
into  lactic  acid,  the  remainder  is  transformed  into  acetic  acid,  ethyl 
alcohol,  carbonic  acid  and  hydrogen  (Neuberg  and  Gorr,  1925).  After 
this  was  shown,  the  investigators  began  to  work  with  true  lactic-acid- 
producers  such  as  Lactobacillus. 

Orr.  ACT IV..  HFJihUUTY A^'D  ENVIRONMEl^T       63 

fact,  the  results  of  these  two  authors  do  not  agree.  Kay- 
ser  studied  the  formation  of  the  optical  isomers  of  lactic 
acid  by  different  strains  of  microbes  cultured  on  various 
sugars.  He  used  14  bacterial  species  or  strains,  with 
which  he  performed  61  experiments.  His  data,  which  are 
sunmiarized  in  Table  10,  show  that  there  are  strains  which 
always  produce  the  laevorotatory  lactic  acid,  others 
which  always  produce  the  dextrorotatory  isomer  and 
finally  some  which  yield  a  racemic  mixture.  Kayser's 
results  (1894),  therefore,  coincide  not  with  Pere's  (1893) 
but  with  the  data  of  recent  investigators,  particularly 
with  the  thorough  observations  of  Katagiri  and  Kitahara 
(1937).  In  only  one  of  the  61  experiments  of  Kayser  (the 
last  one  marked  w^ith  an  asterisk  in  the  table)  was  dextro- 
rotatory lactic  acid  produced  on  one  sugar  (glucose)  and 
laevorotatory  lactic  acid  on  another  (maltose).  Since 
this  single  excej^tion  might  have  resulted  from  an  in- 
sufficient purity  of  the  bacterial  culture  employed  (cf. 
Pederson  and  his  collaborators,  1926),  one  comes  to  the 

TABLE  10 

ixfluexce  of  various  sugars  i.\  the  nutritive  medium  ox  the  optical 

Properties  of  the  Lactic  Acid  Produced  by  Different  Bacteria 

(Kayser,  1894) 
(The  letters  a,  b,  c,  .  .  .  refer  to  the  species  and  strauis  of  bacteria, 
most  of  which  were  not  completely  identified;  the  letters  1,  d.  and  dl 
indicate  the  optical  rotation  of  the  lactic  acid  produced;  the  figures 
(1)  and  (2)  after  Maltose  and  Lactose  mean  that  two  media  of  dif- 
ferent composition  were  used  with  each  one  of  these  sugars.) 














































Maltose  (1) 












Maltose  (2) 


Lactose  (1) 










Lactose  (2) 





















64       OPT.  A CTn  .,  HEREDITY  A^D  EX  1  IROXMEXT 

conclusion  that  Pere's  results  are  by  no  means  confirmed 
by  Kayser's. 

This  same  table  shows  that  racemization  is  greatly  in- 
fluenced by  the  culture  medium.  A  given  strain  of  bac- 
teria, when  cultured  on  a  definite  sugar,  forms  an  almost 
optically  pure  lactic  acid  (Pederson  and  collaborators, 
1926,  had  shown  that  it  is  never  entirely  optically  pure), 
while  on  another  sugar,  it  forms  a  racemic  mixture.  This 
is  the  case,  for  instance,  in  the  strains  g,  m,  n,  o,  p.  Ped- 
erson and  his  collaborators  (1926)  made  further  observa- 
tions on  this  point. 

There  are  also  the  recent  researches  of  Tatum  and  his 
coworkers  (1932)  in  which  4  strains  of  lactic  acid  bacte- 
ria producing  laevorotatory  acid,  3  strains  producing  the 
dextrorotatory  acid  and  13  different  strains  of  Clostri- 
dium acetohutylicwn  were  used.  These  authors  found 
that  lactic  acid  bacteria  produce  the  optically  pure  form 
of  lactic  acid  when  grown  separateh/  and  the  racemic 
form  when  grown  in  association  with  the  microbe  caus- 
ing acetonebutylic  fermentation  {Clostridium  acetohuty- 
licum ) . 

At  first  Tatum  (1932)  interpreted  his  results  in  the 
light  of  the  hypothesis  of  Orla- Jensen  (1919)  according 
to  which  there  are  in  the  bacterial  cell  two  independent 
enzymes,  one  of  which  produced  the  right  and  the  other 
the  left  lactic  acid.  In  consequence  of  the  association 
of  lactic  acid  bacteria  with  the  butylic  bacteria  the  meta- 
bolism of  the  former  would  change  in  such  a  manner  that 
both  optical  isomers  of  lactic  acid  would  start  to  be  pro- 
duced. However,  in  his  later  work  (1936),  Tatum  showed 
that,  in  the  association  of  the  two  types  of  bacteria,  lactic 
acid  is  always  initially  formed  m  the  optically  active 
state  by  the  lactic  acid  bacteria,  and  that  Clostridium  is 
only  responsible  for  the  subsequent  racemization.  (It  is 
interesting  to  note  that  racemization  takes  place  in  the 
presence  of  antiseptics,  therefore  it  is  of  enzymatic  na- 
ture.)     The  investigations  were  continued  by  Katagiri 

OPT. .  1  r '77 1 ..  // i:ri:dit\  amj  i:\  virosmext     65 

and  Kitahai-a  [VXu)  who  eslablislicd  that  the  lactic-acid 
bacteria  which  produced  racemic  acid  are  also  capable 
of  racemiziiig  a  ready-made  active  acid.  This  is  per- 
formed by  a  special  enzyme,  called  by  these  authors  race- 
miase.  Those  species  and  strains  of  bacteria  which,  in 
fermentation,  form  as  a  tinal  product  optically  active  lac- 
tic acid  cannot  racemize  a  ready-made  active  acid,  they 
have  no  racemiase.  The  formation  of  racemiase  is  closely 
dependent  on  the  culture  conditions. 

The  results  of  the  experiments  of  Katagiri  and  Kita- 
hara  (1937)  are  represented  in  Table  11.  They  show 
clearly  that,  with  various  strains  of  Leuconostoc  mesen- 
teroides  and  Lactobacillus  sake,  a  change  of  the  condi- 
tions of  cultivation  never  brings  about  a  change  in  the 
type  of  the  lactic  acid  formed ;  a  greater  or  lesser  degree 
of  racemization  of  the  substance  produced  accounts  for 
all  the  observed  facts. 

c.  I  n  f  1  u  e  n  c  e  of  T  e  m  p  e  r  a  t  u  r  e.  Similar 
results  were  reported  also  in  investigations  on  the  in- 

TABLE  11 

Inflxjence  of  the  Sugar  Fermented  ox  the  Optical  Foi:m  of  the 

Lactic  Acid  Produced  in  the  Fermentation 

(Katagiri  and  Kitahara,  1937) 

(The  letters  1,  d  and  dl  indicate  the  optical  rotation.) 

Microorganism  Glucose '  Fructose 

Mannose  Galactose  Arabinose  Xylose 


No.  34 







No.  52 







No.  13 







No.  14 








No.  41 







'       No.  24 







'        No.  53 







No.  37 







'        No.  42 







No.  45 







No.  57 







"       No.  58 

dl  +  d 







fiuence  of  nitrogen  nutrition  and  of  temperature  upon  the 
optical  form  of  the  lactic  acid  obtained  in  bacterial  fer- 
mentation. The  effects  of  various  incubation  tempera- 
tures are  presented  in  Table  12.  One  sees  that  the  tem- 
perature does  not  influence  the  sign  of  the  optical  rotation, 
but  that  the  degree  of  racemization  of  the  acid  regularly 
increases  with  the  rise  of  temperature. 

Thus  the  old  data  of  Kayser  (1894)  become  clear.  In 
ditferent  conditions  of  culture,  the  lactic  acid  formed  by 
a  specific  strain  of  bacteria  possesses  a  different  degree 
of  optical  purity  depending  on  the  quantity  of  racemiase 
contained  in  the  bacterial  cells. 

Recently  Kopeloff  (1937)  has  shown  that  racemiase  is 
sometimes  lost  in  the  transition  of  the  R-f  orms  of  lactic 
acid  bacteria  into  the  S-forms. 

To  summarize,  the  production  of  a  specific  optical 
isomer,  in  the  case  of  such  secondary  substances  of  the 
protoplasm,  or  products  of  metabolism,  as  lactic  acid, 
represents  a  fixed  hereditary  character  which  is  not  de- 
pendent on  the  conditions  of  cultivation.  It  is  only  such 
processes  as  the  velocity  of  a  catalytic  racemization  of 
secondary  substances  initially  formed  in  the  optically 
pure  state  and  the  formation  of  racemiase  which  are  de- 
pendent on  the  culture  conditions.    The  hereditary  char- 

TABLE  12 

Influexce  of  the  Temperature  of  Incubation  upon  the  Optical  Form 

OF  the  Lactic  Acid  Obtained  in  Fermentation 

(Katagiri  and  Kitahara,  1937) 

(The  letters  1,  d  and  dl  indicate  the  optical  rotation.) 






Leuconostoc     No.  14 




No.    6 




Lactodacillus  No.  41 




No.  42 



dl  +  d   (17%) 

No.  24 

dl+d   (39%) 

dl+d   (59%) 


No.  45 

dl-l-d  (10%) 

dl+d   (47%) 

orr.  A(:ti\  ..  // hredity  asd  environment     67 

acter  of  optical  activity  in  secondary  constituents  of  pro- 
toplasm and  its  independency  on  the  external  conditions 
indicates  that  some  physiological  mutations  peculiar  to 
some  specific  strains  of  bacteria  must  have  occurred 
some  time  in  the  past  in  those  of  them  which  produce  opti- 
cally unusual  isomers. 

Let  us  now  attempt  to  penetrate  into  the  nature  of  the 
process  by  which  a  given  isomer  arises  instead  of  its 
antipode.  This  problem  is  directly  related  with  the  study 
of  some  of  the  basic  principles  which  underly  the  forma- 
tion of  physiological  mutations. 

3.  Mechanisms  Controlling  the  Production  of  a  Given 

Optical  Isomer. 

a.  Production  of  Dissymmetric  S  u  b- 
stances  from  Symmetric  P  h  e  n  y  1  -  G  1  y  o  x  a  1. 
The  observations  of  various  authors  concerning  the  trans- 
formations of  phenyl-giyoxal,  a  substance  deprived  of 
dissjmimetry,  into  mandelic  acid  which  possesses  an  asym- 
metric carbon  atom,  are  important  in  the  study  of  the 
question  here  discussed.  These  transformations  are  cat- 
alysed by  enzymes  known  generally  as  ketonaldehydemu- 
tases.  Starting  from  a  symmetric  initial  product  these 
enzymes  synthesize  directly,  without  any  intermediate 
racemic  stage,  the  optically  active  mandelic  acid.  Fur- 
thermore, ketonaldehydemutases  of  ditferent  species  of 
bacteria  synthesize  from  the  same  initial  product  sub- 
stances which  are  optically  inverse,  as  the  results  re- 
ported by  different  authors  and  represented  in  Table  13 

The  action  of  the  ketonaldehydenmtases  is  probably  to 
be  attributed  to  the  asymmetric  state  of  these  enzymes. 

There  are  many  observations  more  or  less  directly  re- 
lated to  those  just  given.  Neuberg  and  Simon  (1926),  for 
example,  found  that  an  acetic-acid  bacterium,  B.  ascendes, 
produced  laevorotatory  amyl  alcohol  from  a  racemic 
valeric  aldehvde,  while  another  bacterium  of  acetic  acid 


fermentation,  B.  pasteurianuni,  formed  dextrorotatory 
amyl  alcohol  (an  excess  of  5  to  18  per  cent)  from  the  same 
initial  aldehyde.  Analogous  results  were  also  obtained 
with  Bacterium  pasteurianum  in  acetone  preparations. 

6,  P  r  o  d  u  c  t  i  0  n  of  Optical  Isomers  by 
Esterases.  The  data  of  Willstatter  and  his  collabor- 
ators on  the  stereochemical  specificity  of  esterases,  the  en- 
zymes which  catalyse  the  hydrolysis  of  the  ethers  of  dif- 
ferent organic  acids,  are  of  special  interest  in  the  present 
problem.  Some  of  these  data  are  presented  in  Table  14, 
but  for  more  complete  information  we  refer  the  readers  to 
the  review  by  Rona  and  Amnion  (1933). 

In  the  majority  of  cases  the  esterase  from  liver  and 
the  esterase  from  pancreas  catalyze  the  hydrolysis  of  op- 
tically inverse  forms  in  initial  racemic  substrates. 

c.  P  r  o  d  u  c  t  i  o  n  of  Optical  Isomers  by 
Optically  Active  Alkaloid  Catalysts. 
Bredig  and  Fajans  (1908)  and  Fajans  (1910),  in  their 
classical  investigations  on  the  decomposition  of  racemic 

TABLE  13 

Optical  Activity  of  Maxdelic  Acid  Produced  by  Various 
Microorganisms  from  Phenyl-Glyoxal 




Mandelic  Acid 


1.  Bacterium  ascendes 



about  100% 

Mayer,  1926 

2.  Lactobacillus  48 


1(  +  ) 



3.  The  same;  Acetone 


1(  +  ) 


4.  B.  (lelbruccki 


1(  +  ) 


Neuberg  and 
Simon,  1927 

5.  B.   lactis  aerogenes 

f  ( 




6.  B.  proteus 

7.  The  same;  Acetone 






Hayashi,  1929 


8.  B.  fluorescens 





9.  B.  jyyocyaneum 





10.  B.  procligiosum 





11.  B.  coli 



68    to    75% 


12.  Parts  of  green 



about  100% 

Kotrba,  1926 


cam]ilioro-cai'boiiic  acid  into  caini)lior  aiul  carbonic  acid 
under  the  inHiience  of  catalysts  (optically  active  alka- 
loids), have  established  that  laevorotatory  quinine  cata- 
lyses a  more  rapid  decomposition  of  the  left  camphoro- 
carbonic  acid,  while  dextrorotatory  quinidine  causes  a 
more  rapid  decomposition  of  the  right  camphoro-car- 
bonic  acid. 

TABLE  14 

Sign  of  the  Optical  Rotation  of  the  Component  which  is  more  Rap- 

inLY  HYPitni.YSED  IX  A  Race:\iic  Ether  rxDER  the  Action  of 

Esterases  of  Different  Origin 

(CF.  Rona  and  Ammon,  1933) 

Initial  i-acemic  substrate 

Esterase  from 
Pig's  Pancreas 

Esterase  from 
Pig's  Liver 

Mandelic  acid — methyl  ether 
"  "       ethyl  ether 

"  "       monoglyceride 

Phenylmethoxyacetic  acid — methyl  ether 
Phenylchloroacetic  acid — methyl  ether 
Phenylaminoacetic  acid — propyl  ether 
Tropic  acid — methyl  ether 

(  +  ) 
(  +  ) 

(  +  ) 
(  +  ) 
(  +  ) 
(  +  ) 
(  +  ) 

A  similar  condition  has  been  observed  in  the  synthesis 
of  optically  active  substances  from  structurally  inactive 
material.  Bredig-  and  his  collaborators,  in  their  study  of 
the  synthesis  of  nitrites  from  hydrocyanic  acid  and  dif- 
ferent aldehydes  with  the  aid  of  optically  inverse  cata- 
lysts of  known  chemical  constitution,  have  obtained  the 
results  reported  in  Table  15. 

So  the  optically  inverse  catalysts,  quinine  and  quini- 
dine, bring  about  the  synthesis  of  optical  antipodes  of  the 
nitrite  of  mandelic  acid  from  initial  structurally  inactive 
material.  Quinine  behaves  in  this  respect  analogous  to 
emulsin,  while  quinidine  has  the  properties  of  the  anti- 
pode  of  emulsin.  If  the  optically  active  catalyst,  there- 
fore, is  of  a  given  pign,  it  affects  in  a  definite  direction 
the  products  of  the  catalyzed  reaction. 

''/.  I^  r  ()  d  u  c  t  i  o  n  of  a  G  i  v  e  n  0  p  t  i  c  a  1 
Isomer  by  a  Chemical  Alteration  of 
the     Catalyst.     In  the  cases  studied  in  the  preced- 


ing  pages  substances  of  different  optical  signs  result  from 
the  action  of  optically  active  catalysts  of  different  signs. 
One  of  the  two  inverse  catalysts  might  have  originated  by 
an  inverson  from  the  other,  but  another  possibility  is  that 
the  original  catalyst  has  been  changed  chemicall}^  so  as 
to  produce  an  optically  inverse  substance  without  being 
itself  inverted.  The  following  case  illustrates  this  last  pos- 
sibility. In  the  study  of  the  enzymatic  hydrolysis  of 
racemic  ethyl  mandelate  by  the  esterase  of  the  human 
liver,  it  has  been  found  that  if  one  adds  some  strych- 
nine, one  obtains  a  strongly  laevorotatory  mandelic  acid 
instead  of  the  usual  dextrorotatory  one  (Bamann  and 
Laeverenz,  1930).  Strychnine  does  not  influence  the  vel- 
ocity of  hydrolysis  of  the  right  ether,  but  it  strongly  in- 
creases that  of  the  left  ether  thus  causing  the  formation 
of  an  excess  of  laevorotatory  material  (for  further  de- 
tails see  Rona  and  Amnion,  1933).  There  was  no  optical 
inversion  of  the  enzyme  but  the  chemical  properties  of 
the  latter  have  been  changed  by  combination  with  strych- 

e.  C  o  n  t  r  o  1  of  the  Production  of  Op- 
tical Isomers  by  Intermediate  * '  P  a  t  h- 
w  ays  ".     Let  us  now  consider  in  greater  detail  the  case 

TABLE  15 

Optical  Pkoperties  of  the  Nitriles  Synthesized  from  Hydrocyanic 
A(  ID  AND  VAiiioiw  Aldehydes  undei:  the  Action  of  Different 

Organic  Catalysts 

Initial  aldehyde 


Synthetic   nitrile 




d — nitrile 





d — nitrile 

Bredig  and 
Fiske,  1912 



1 — nitrile 


Cinnamic  aldehyde 


d — nitrile 


((                 (( 


d — nitrile 

Bredig  and 
Minaeff,  1932 

a                           « 


1 — nitrile 



so  much  investigated  of  the  production  of  one  optical 
form  of  hictic  acid  by  one  kind  of  organism  and  of  the 
production  of  the  other  isomer  of  lactic  acid  by  other 

An  important  contribution  to  the  study  of  this  phe- 
nomenon has  been  brought  forward  by  Embden,  Baldes 
and  Schmitz  (1912)  who  discovered  that  in  the  transfor- 
mation of  glucose  into  lactic  acid  by  different  animal  tis- 
sues dextrorotatory  lactic  acid  is  produced  exclusively. 

Another  important  advance  was  the  finding  of  Neuberg 
(1913)  that  extracts  of  animal  tissues  transform  ethyl- 
glyoxal,  a  structurally  inactive  body,  into  laevorotatory 
lactic  acid.  A  number  of  papers  were  then  published  on 
the  methyl-glyoxal  reactions.  It  was  found  that  in  all 
cases  when  methyl-glyoxal  is  converted  into  optically  ac- 
tive lactic  acid  the  latter  is  laevorotatory.  This  was  ob- 
served, in  particular  by  Neuberg  and  Kobel  (1927)  with 
the  yeast,  Sacfiharomyces  cerevisiae,  by  Neuberg  and 
Simon  (1928)  with  Mucor  javanicus  and  by  Widmann 
(1929)  with  Bacterium  fluorescens. 

From  these  observations  Embden,  Deuticke  and  Kraft 
(1933)  drew  the  important  conclusion  that  since  in  tis- 
sues of  higher  animals  pure  dextrorotatory  lactic  acid  is 
always  formed  and  since  the  same  tissues  transform 
methyl-glyoxal  into  laevorotatory  lactic  acid,  methyl- 
glyoxal  cannot  be  the  precursor  of  the  dextrorotatory 
lactic  acid  which  appears  in  normal  metabolism.  Embden 
then  developed  his  theory  of  glycolysis  in  muscle  which 
received  general  acknowledgment.  But,  so  far  as  we  are 
concerned  in  the  present  review,  the  essential  fact  is  that 
both  optical  isomers  of  a  certain  substance  can  appear  in 
metabolism  when  different  intermediate  substances  are 
involved.  The  left  isomer  of  lactic  acid  is  obtained 
from  glucose  if  the  intermediate  is  methyl-glyoxal,  and 
the  right  isomer  of  lactic  acid  if  the  intermediate  is, 
according  to  current  views,  pyruvic  acid.  Embden  sug- 
gested that  one  or  the  other  of  these  ^'pathways"  could 


'JU.(  / , 

72       OPT.  AVTl  1  .,  HEREDITY  AM)  EX  1  Ih'OXMEXT 

be  followed  in  the  cells  of  different  organisms  and  then 
the  production  of  the  right  or  the  left  isomer  of  lactic 
acid  by  various  types  of  bacteria  or  tissues  would  be 
accounted  for.  A  physiological  mutation  which  brings 
about  an  optical  inversion  of  the  secondary  protoplasmic 
constituents  may  consequently  consist  in  a  change  of  the 
intermediate  pathways  in  the  transformation  of  these 

It  appears  then  that  the  right  and  the  left  form  of  a 
substance  should  not  be  considered  so  fundamentally  op- 
posed as  far  as  their  production  is  concerned,  since  one 
has  only  to  change  the  path  followed  in  the  transforma- 
tions to  obtain  one  or  the  other. 

What  happens  when  a  right  or  left  isomer  originates 
might  also  happen  when  the  relative  configuration  of 
optically  active  organic  substances  is  concerned.  In  the 
majority  of  cases  optical  isomers  entering  into  the  com- 
position of  living  systems  possess  the  same  relative  con- 
figuration. Thus  the  configuration  of  natural  alanine  is 
the  same  as  that  of  natural  ephedrine  (Freudenberg  and 
Nikolai,  1934) ;  the  configuration  of  natural  proline  is  the 
same  as  that  of  natural  nicotine  according  to  Karrer 
(see  Pfeilfer  and  Christeleit,  1937).  But  there  are  also 
cases  in  which  the  substances  which  constitute  living  sys- 
tems belong  to  different  series.  Thus  dextrorotatory  lac^ 
tic  acid,  which  is  so  generally  found  in  the  tissues  of 
higher  animals,  possesses  the  same  relative  configuration 
as  the  unnatural  laevorotatory  tartaric  acid,  which  is 
never  found  in  organic  material.  (It  also  has  the  same 
configuration  as  natural  dextrorotatory  alanine;  cf. 
Freudenberg  and  Rhino,  1924,  and  Freudenberg,  Brauns 
and  Siegel,  1923).  The  unity  or  the  diversity  of  the  rel- 
ative configuration  of  organic  substances,  as  well  as  the 
character  of  being  dextro-  or  laevorotatory,  might  depend 
onl}^  on  the  biochemical  path  followed  in  the  formation 
of  the  substance. 

OI'T.  A(TI\  ..  H  Eh'HniTY  WD  i:S  \  I ROX  M  EXT       73 

/.  V  o  11  t  r  ()  1  of  the  I  *  r  o  d  u  c  t  i  o  n  o  t'  U  p  - 
t  i  c  a  1  isomers  by  an  Inversion  of 
t  li  e  W  a  1  d  e  n  Type.  "Walden  (1905)  has  shown 
that  some  optically  active  substances,  when  subjected  to 
a  series  of  substitution  reactions,  come  out  inverted.  For 
example,  dextrorotatory  alanine  treated  w^ith  bromides 
forms  l-bromopropionic  acid  and,  upon  reaction  with  am- 
monia, alanine  is  again  obtained,  but  laevorotatory  alan- 
ine. Such  a  process  is  known  as  the  ''Walden  inver- 
sion" and,  according  to  Eniil  Fischer,  it  is  "the  most 
remarkable  finding  in  the  field  of  optical  activity  since  the 
fundamental  investigations  of  Pasteur". 

The  mechanism  of  this  inversion  is  far  from  clear. 
In  reactions  of  a  certain  type  the  asymmetric  carbon 
atom  must  be  acted  upon  in  such  a  manner  that  the  con- 
figuration of  the  molecule  is  inverted.  In  the  example 
given  above  one  cannot  even  say  if  this  is  accomplished  in 
the  transformation  of  alanine  into  bromopropionic  acid 
or  in  the  transformation  of  bromopropionic  acid  into 

Mills  (1932)  had  attempted  to  explain  the  Walden  in- 
version on  the  basis  of  some  peculiarities  of  substitution 
reactions.  According  to  Levene,  Rotheii  and  Kuna  (1937), 
there  does  not  seem  to  be  any  general  agreement  on  this 

Some  have  assumed  that  in  biochemical  reactions  the 
presence  of  a  special  enzyme,  the  waldenase,  would  be 
responsible  for  the  Walden  inversion  of  some  amino- 
acids.  This  assumption,  however,  does  not  seem  to  stand 
a  critical  stud3\ 

Walden  inversion  might  perhaps  play  a  role  in  some 
biochemical  processes,  such  as  in  the  formation  by  some 
bacteria  of  laevorotatory  lactic  acid  from  dextrorota- 
tory glucose  (see  Freudenberg,  Brauns  and  Siegel,  1923), 
while  other  bacteria  form  dextrorotatory  lactic  acid.  This 
assumption,  however,  is  not  in  the  trend  of  current  bio- 
chemical theories.     It  is  generally  .supposed  that,  in  the 


formation  of  the  left  lactic  acid,  the  structurally  inactive 
methyl-glyoxal  represents  an  intermediate  stage  and, 
according  to  Embden's  scheme,  in  the  formation  of  dex- 
trorotatory lactic  acid,  the  structurally  inactive  pyruvic 
acid  is  the  intermediate  stage.  The  dissymmetric  con- 
figuration of  the  molecules  is  believed  to  disappear  in  the 
intermediate  stages  of  transformation  and  then  to  re- 
appear again.  In  this  interpretation  one  assumes  that 
the  asymmetry  of  molecular  aggregates  has  disappeared 
in  the  intermediate  stages  because  of  the  loss  of  dis- 
symmetry of  the  molecules. 

However,  it  is  not  necessarily  so  and  Neuberg  (1913), 
questioning  such  intermediate  loss  of  dissymmetry, 
brought  forward  the  theory  of  ''temporary  dissymmetric 
substances."  If,  for  instance,  in  the  intermediate  stages 
of  transformation,  methyl-glyoxal  possesses  some  H  and 
OH  groups  attached  to  it,  the  dissymmetric  configuration 
of  molecules  will  not  disappear  nor  the  asymmetric  struc- 
ture of  molecular  aggregates;  then  it  would  be  possible 
that  in  the  production  of  one  of  the  two  optical  isomers 
of  lactic  acid  from  an  initial  active  glucose  by  one  type  of 
microbes  a  Walden  inversion  of  the  configuration  of  mole- 
cules takes  place. 

The  various  questions  studied  in  the  last  two  sections 
suggest  the  two  following  generalizations  which  may  be 
of  significance  in  understanding  the  basic  principles  of 
vital  activity :  1 .  The  impossibility  of  altering  the  optical 
properties  of  the  primary  substances  of  protoplasm  fits  in 
with  the  assumption  that  the  activity  of  the  fundamental 
physiological  systems  is  based  upon  the  principles  of 
''fixed  pathway",  i.  e.,  all  the  intermediate  transforma- 
tions in  these  physiological  systems  would  proceed  along 
definitely  fixed  paths.  On  the  contrary,  the  optical  prop- 
erties of  the  secondary  protoplasmic  substances  can  be 
altered  to  a  certain  extent.  Consequently,  the  formation 
and  the  transformations  of  the  secondary  substances  are 
not  bound  by  the  principles  of  fixed  pathway.    2.  Fur- 


thermore,  in  the  fundamental  protoplasmic  systems,  there 
are  devices  to  avoid  racemization,  which  were  discussed 
previously;  similarly  it  seems  that  there  are  devices  to 
avoid  inversion,  such  as  those  regulated  by  the  ''prin- 
ciple of  fixed  pathway".  Neither  of  these  devices  oper- 
ates in  the  transformations  of  secondary  protoplasmic 


1.  It  is  not  possible  to  invert,  by  external  influences, 
the  asymmetric  structure  of  the  primary  constituents  of 
protoplasm  which  is  the  result  of  a  long  evolutionary 

2.  As  to  secondary  substances  of  protoplasm  such  as 
products  of  metabolism  (for  example,  lactic  acid  in  fer- 
mentative processes),  the  sign  of  their  optical  activity 
also  represents  a  fixed  hereditary  character  of  the  spe- 
cies or  strain  which  elaborated  them,  but  external  in- 
fluences can  affect  the  catalytic  racemization  of  these 
products  which  were  initially  formed  in  the  optically  pure 

3.  Concerning  the  mechanism  by  which  the  produc- 
tion of  a  given  optical  isomer  is  controlled  in  metabolic 
activities,  one  should  note  that:  (a)  From  the  same 
symmetric  initial  substrate,  enzymes  of  ditferent  organ- 
isms can  synthesize  optically  dilferent  substances;  (b)  It 
is  often  through  optically  inverse  catalysts  that  optical 
antipods  are  synthesized;  (c)  Some  catalysts  can,  after 
chemical  alterations  which  do  not  constitute  an  inver- 
sion, synthesize  substances  in  a  form  which  is  the  optical 
inverse  of  the  form  that  was  synthesized  before  the  al- 
teration of  the  catalyst;  ( d)  The  sign  of  the  optical  rota- 
tion of  the  final  product  of  a  series  of  metabolic  reactions 
may  depend  on  the  "pathway"  followed  in  intermediate 
reactions;  (e)  Inversions  of  the  Walden  type  (transfor- 
mation of  one  optical  isomer  into  its  antipod  in  a  series 

76       OPT.  A  CTI I  . ,  HEREDITY  AND  EN  VI RON M EN T 

of  chemical  transformations)  may  play  a  role  in  biologi- 
cal phenomena. 

4.  Physiological  mutations  which,  in  the  evolutionary 
development  of  an  organism,  bring  about  optical  inver- 
sions of  the  secondary  protoplasmic  constituents  may  con- 
sist in  a  change  of  the  intermediate  "pathways"  in  a 
series  of  reactions. 

5.  Protoplasmic  systems  are  provided  wdth  mechanisms 
by  which  "pathways"  that  would  lead  to  an  inversion  of 
the  asymmetric  structure  are  avoided.  Primary  constit- 
uents of  protoplasm  are  then  regulated  by  a  principle 
called  here:  ''Principle  of  fixed  pathway".  Such  mech- 
anisms do  not  operate  in  the  transformations  of  the  sec- 
ondary substances  of  protoplasm. 


BAMANN.  E.  and  LAEVERENZ,  P.,  Ber.  vhem.  Ges.,  63,  394,  1930. 

BREDIG,  G.  and  FAJANS,  K.,  Ber.  chem.  Ges.,  .',1.  752,  1908. 

CONRAD.  R.  and  BERG,  C  J.  Biol.  Chem.,  Ill,  351,   1937. 

CURRIE.  J.  N.,  Bioch.  Bull.,  1,  103,  191. 

DU    VIGNEAUD,    V.,    COHN    M.,    BROWN,    G.,    IRISH,    O.,    SCHOEN- 
HEIMER.  R.  and  RITTENBERG,  D.,  J.  Biol.  Vhem.,  131,  273,  1939. 

EHRLICH,   F.,    Biochem.   Z..   1,   8,    1906. 

EMBDEN.   G..   BALDES,   K.   and    SCHMITZ,   E.,   Biochem..  Z..  J,5,   108, 

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1.  Morphological  Dissymmetry  and  Morphological  In- 
version. The  attention  of  biologists  has  for  a  long  time 
been  attracted  by  the  existence  of  dextral  and  sinistral 
spirally  twisted  forms  in  some  animal  or  plant  popula- 
tions. Ludwig  (1932,  1936)  published  two  extensive  re- 
views in  which  he  summarized  a  large  number  of  scattered 
observations  on  this  subject.  These  reviews  show  that 
practically  all  the  studies  of  dextrality  and  sinistrality  in 
plants  and  animals  consist  in  descriptions  of  the  morpho- 
logical aspects  of  the  phenomenon  and  that  the  physio- 
logical mechanism  which  underlies  the  morphological 
processes  has  been  left  almost  untouched. 

One  of  the  basic  attributes  of  spiral  structures  is  their 
ability  to  undergo  genotypic  inversion.  The  work  of 
Boycott,  Diver,  Hardy  and  Turner  (1929)  on  the  heredity 
of  sinistrality  in  the  mollusc  Limnaea  peregra  has  shown 
that  the  usual  twist  of  the  coil  of  this  mollusc  to  the 
right  (clockwise)  is  determined  by  a  dominant  gene,  while 
the  twist  to  the  left  is  controlled  by  the  recessive  gene, 
and  that  the  sinistral  mutant  individuals  appear  in  the 
population  from  time  to  time.  Consequently,  in  almost 
all  the  cases  in  which  some  experimental  work  was  car- 
ried out  with  organisms  possessing  a  spiral  form,  it 
was  possible  to  detect  among  the  usual,  typical  individ- 
uals a  few  hereditary  inverse   specimens.      (We   shall, 



hereafter,  call  these  two  kinds  the  typical  and  the  in- 
verse individuals.) 

It  may  be  supposed  that  the  direction  of  the  spiral  is 
determined  by  some  dissymmetric  substance  which  is 
labile,  in  the  sense  that  it  can  undergo  an  inversion  of 
its  molecular  configuration  with  comparative  ease,  and 
that  by  means  of  such  a  mutation,  the  form  of  the  or- 
ganism can  change.  Such  an  idea  is  due  to  Koltzoff 
(1934)  and  to  Needham  (1934),  according  to  whom  the 
origin  of  dextrality  and  sinistrality,  as  observed  in  the 
eggs  of  certain  snails  and  later  in  their  body,  is  connected 
with  the  stereo-chemical  properties  of  some  of  their  com- 
ponent protein  molecules.  But,  at  present,  these  rela- 
tions are  very  obscure. 

Koltzoff  expresses  himself  as  follows  :  ''Particularly  in- 
teresting is  the  case  when  in  a  pond-snail,  Limnaea  ru- 
hella,  in  one  and  the  same  species  genotypes  are  found 
which  are  characterized  by  either  the  left  or  the  right 
spiral  types  of  shell.  The  cleavage  of  the  ovum  in  those 
genotypes  proceeds,  correspondingly,  according  to  the 
right  or  left  spiral  types.  Here,  already  at  the  first 
division  of  the  ovum,  the  difference  between  both  types 
is  marked  in  a  sufficiently  distinct  manner  by  the  posi- 
tion of  spindles.  It  is  very  probable  that  the  right  and 
the  left  types  are  distinct  already  in  the  unfertilised 
ovum,  because  they  can  be  detected  in  the  relative  posi- 
tion of  both  directing  bodies.  Hybridological  analysis 
shows  that  this  character  is  determined  by  one  pair  of 
allelomorphs.  The  right  twist  of  the  spiral  is  determined 
by  the  dominant  gene,  the  left  twist  by  the  recessive  one. 
The  mother  homozygous  as  to  the  recessive  gene  can 
itself  have  the  right  spiral  (because  the  ovocyte  from 
which  it  evolved  could  be  heterozygous),  but  all  its  eggs 
develop  according  to  the  left  type,  even  if  they  were 
fertilized  by  the  sperm  of  the  homozygous  dextral  fa- 
ther. This  shows  that  genotypical  peculiarities  of  the 
male  nucleus  are  not  manifest  on  this   stage.     On  the 

SPINA L  TW Tf< T  AND    OPT.   AdlVITY  8 1 

other  hand,  one  can  see  here  the  proof  of  the  fact  that 
the  basic  features  of  the  whole  plan  of  structure  of  an 
organism  can  be  the  result  of  the  action  of  a  single  gene. 

''What  kind  of  influence  this  gene  exercises  on  the 
structure  of  the  ovum,  we  certainly  do  not  know.  As  a 
hypothesis  I  can  express  the  suggestion  that  this  or 
other  type  of  cleavage  is  here  determined  by  the  presence 
in  the  protoplasm  of  the  ovum  of  the  right  or  of  the  left 
optical  isomer  of  some  organic  substance.  This  sub- 
stance goes  out  of  the  nucleus  of  the  ovum  during  the 
ripening  of  the  latter,  forming  itself  preliminarily  in 
connection  with  corresponding  genes  of  the  chromosome 
apparate  of  the  ovocyte.  Hence  it  may  be  inferred  that 
both  genes  of  a  given  couple  of  allelomorphs  are  optical 
isomers  in  respect  to  each  other. ' ' 

Koltzotf 's  hypothesis  is,  of  course,  not  the  only  possible 
interpretation  of  the  observed  facts.  The  optical  inver- 
sion of  genes  is  certainly  possible,  but  a  change  of  their 
chemical  properties,  without  the  inversion  of  their  con- 
figuration, may  also  be  supposed.  In  the  latter  case  the 
optical  inversion  of  some  organic  substance  determining 
the  structure  of  the  animal  would  take  place  only  in  a 
subsidiary  reaction.  The  facts  discussed  in  the  preceding- 
chapter  would  confer  about  the  same  degree  of  proba- 
bility on  the  hypothesis  of  gene  inversion  and  on  the 
hypothesis  of  a  chemical  modification  of  the  genes  with- 
out inversion. 

The  solution  of  some  basic  biological  problems  de- 
pends on  the  answer  to  this  question.  According  to  the 
first  interpretation,  the  substance  of  the  genes  which 
determine  the  morphological  structure  of  an  animal  would 
belong  to  the  group  of  secondary  protoplasmic  constit- 
uents, those  which  play  the  role  of  storage  substances  or 
of  products  of  metabolism.  These  products  would  then  be 
quite  important  in  the  mechanism  of  evolution. 

2.  Morphological  Dissymmetry  luuJ  Morphological  In- 
version in  Bacillus  Mycoides.  The  typical  strain  of  Bacil- 



lus  mycoides,  when  grown  on  the  surface  of  agar  pep- 
tone medium,  produces  colonies  spirally  twisting  to  the 
left,  i.  e.,  counter-clockwise  (according  to  the  terminology 
adopted  by  Ludwig,  1932).  After  one  has  introduced  a 
small  quantity  of  inoculating  material  in  the  centre  of  a 
Petri  dish  of  agar-peptone,  one  soon  sees  it  grow ;  the  thin 
filaments  of  the  growing  culture  begin  to  deviate  to  the 
left  (cf.  Fig.  5). 



Fig.  5.  Dextral  (D)  and  sinistral  (L)  spiral  twisting  of  the  growing 
filaments  of  colonies  of  Bacillus  mycoides,  as  observed  on  peptone 
agar,   in   Petri  dishes. 

The  inverse  form  of  this  organism,  growing  in  dextral 
coils,  rarely  occurs.  It  was  first  recorded  by  Gersbach 
(1922),  who  described  this  interesting  case  as  an  ''isom- 
erism in  bacteria".  He  further  established  that  the 
dextral  and  sinistral  strains  are  entirely  identical  in  all 
their  properties. 

Later  a  single  dextral  strain  among  a  great  number  of 
sinistral  ones  was  observed  by  Oesterle  (1929). 

Lewis  (1932)  isolated  several  dextral  strains  in  Texas. 

In  an  extended  series  of  investigations  with  Bacillus 
mycoides  at  the  Microbiological  Institute  of  the  Academy 


of  Sciences  in  Moscow,  the  dextral  form  was  found  only 
three  times,  though  numerous  isolations  from  different 
soils  were  made. 

The  dextralitj"  and  sinistrality  in  Bacillus  mycoidcs  is 
a  hereditar}^  feature.  Dextral  forms  are  always  obtained 
from  dextral  forms,  and  sinistral  from  sinistral  ones. 

It  can  be  shown  that  the  spiral  form  of  the  colonies  of 
this  organism  is  a  secondary  feature  which  is  the  result 
of  the  primary  spiral  structure  of  the  growing  cells  which 
constitute  the  filaments.  If  one  stains  the  filaments  on 
the  surface  of  the  agar  with  neutral  red  or  with  toluidin 
blue  (1:5000)  and  examines  them  under  the  microscope, 
one  can  occasionally  observe  the  twisting  of  two  filaments 
which  have  encountered  each  other.  The  motion  of  the 
growing  filament  consists  of  two  components :  an  elonga- 
tion and  a  rotation  around  the  axis  of  the  filament,  these 
will  result  in  a  spiral  motion.  Similar  observations  have 
been  made  also  by  Stapp  and  Zycha  (1931)  and  by  Eob- 
erts  (1938).  If  during  the  free  growth  of  a  filament  on 
the  agar  surface,  the  filament  rotates  around  its  longitu- 
dinal axis  counter-clockwise,  the  interaction  of  the  firm 
surface  of  the  agar  and  of  the  growing  filament  will  cause 
the  latter  to  follow  a  spiral  path  in  a  counter-clockwise 
direction.  Consequently,  the  secondary  sinistral  coil  of 
the  growing  colony  of  bacteria  will  arise  as  a  result  of  the 
primary  sinistral  spiral  growth  of  the  cells  of  the  fila- 
ment. This  is  confirmed  by  the  fact  that  a  certain  con- 
sistency of  culture  medium  is  necessary  for  the  typical 
spiral  growth  of  colonies  (Pringsheim  and  Langer,  1924; 
Hastings  and  Sagen,  1933).  The  latter  authors  state  that 
on  agar  of  usual  strength  the  growth  of  Bacillus  my- 
coides  spreads  from  the  place  of  inoculation  in  the  form 
of  coarse  filaments  which  twist  counter-clockwise,  form- 
ing a  symmetrical  pattern.  On  less  consistent  agar  this 
pattern  does  not  appear  or  is  diffuse. 

3.  Morphological  Dissymmetry  and  Morphological  In- 
version in  the  Snail,  Fruticicola  lantzi.  We  shall  consider 


next  the  morpliological  dissymmetry  of  an  animal  which, 
in  the  natural  classification,  stands  far  from  the  bacteria, 
namely,  the  land  snail,  Fruticicola  lantzi.  In  this  animal 
the  typical  individuals  are  dextrally  spiralled  as  is  the 
case  in  the  majority  of  species  of  snails.  Numerous  ob- 
servations have  led  to  the  conclusion  that,  in  snails,  the 
sinistrally  twisted  individuals  are  ecologically  weaker 
than  the  dextral  forms.  In  joint  occurrence  of  the  two 
forms  the  sinistral  ones  often  disappear  in  a  rather 
short  time.  Zvetkov  (1938)  has  recently  shown,  in  a 
study  of  the  distribution  of  Fruticicola  lantzi  in  Middle 
Asia,  that  most  of  the  populations  consist  of  typical 
forms,  dextrally  spiralled.  Populations  consisting  al- 
most exclusively  of  inverse,  sinistrally  spiralled  forms 
were  found  only  in  some  districts  separated  from  the  re- 
maining area  by  mountain  barriers.  Such  isolated  col- 
onies of  inverse  forms  in  both  bacteria  and  hermaphro- 
ditic molluscs,  it  is  thought,  have  originated  from  a  sin- 
gle inverted  ancestor. 

I-.  Some  Physiological  Properties  of  the  Dextral  and 
the  Sinistral  Strains  of  BaciUus  mycoides.  a.  A  c  t  i  o  n 
of  temperature.  Recent  experiments  made  by 
Gause  (1939)  have  shown  that  there  is  a  ditference  in  the 
action  of  temperature  on  the  growth  of  the  dextral  and 
on  that  of  the  sinistral  strains  of  Bacillus  mycoides. 
Three  series  of  experiments  were  performed  as  follows : 
A  small  quantity  of  inoculating  material  was  placed  in  the 
center  of  the  Petri  dish,  on  agar,  in  the  form  of  a  circle 
0.5  mm.  in  diameter.  Twenty  hours  after  growth  had 
started  the  diameter  of  the  colony  was  about  6  mm.  at 
20° C  and  about  25  mm.  at  32° C.  Taking  then  the  diam- 
eter of  colonies,  either  dextral  or  sinistral,  growing  at 
20° C,  as  a  unit,  curves  of  growth  in  terms  of  temperature 
were  constructed.  Such  curves  are  represented  in  Figure 
6.  If  the  rate  of  growth  of  the  usual  sinistral  strain  is 
normal,  the  inverted  dextral  strain  presents  the  jdIic- 
nomenon  of  ''heat  injury." 



While  the  preceding  experiment  was  made  on  the  rough 
form  (usually  designated  as  the  R-forni)  of  bacteria,  we 
repeated  it  with  the  smooth  form  (S-form).    By  "disso- 

20°  24°   28' 

32""  36°C 

Fig.  6.  Growth-temperature  relation  in  dextral  (D)  and  sinistral 
(L)  strains  of  Bacillus  mycoides  (R  type)  grown  on  solid  medium. 
The  three  sets  of  curves  represent  three  series  of  experiments.  The 
size  of  the  colonies  grown  at  various  temperatures  is  indicated  in 
terms  of  the  size  of  the  colonies  grown  at  20°  as  a  unit.  (From  Gause, 


^^PIRAL  7'TT7>ST  AND    OPT.  ACT  I  \  IT  Y 

ciation"  botli  dextral,  DR,  and  sinistral,  LR,  strains  of 
Bacillus  mycoides  develop  into  smooth  ones,  which  form, 
on  growing  on  solid  medium,  flat  spherical  colonies,  LS 
and  DS  (for  literature  see  Arkwright,  1930).  The  study  of 
the  action  of  temperature  was  made  according  to  the  pre- 
vious plan.  It  was  found  that  the  phenomenon  of  heat 
injury  characteristic  of  the  dextral  strains  was  about  as 
marked  in  the  S-f  orms  as  in  the  R-f  orms. 

It  was  decided  then  to  try  the  experiment  with  the 
DS  and  LS  strains  in  liquid  medium.  The  rate  of  growth 
was  now  determined  by  a  bacterial  count  in  a  Thoma 
chamber,  under  the  microscope,  forty  hours  after  the 
inoculation.  The  relation  of  growth  to  temperature  is 
represented  in  Figure  7.  One  sees  that  in  the  dextral 
strain  the  characteristic  heat  injury  appears  in  the  range 
of  temperatures  extending'  from  24°  to  28° C. 

Similar  results  were  thus  obtained  with  the  R-forms, 
with  the  S-forms  and  on  liquid  as  well  as  on  solid  culture 


I  50 

100  - 

Fig.  7.  Growth-temperature  relation  in  dextral  (DS)  and  sinistral 
(LS)  strains  of  Bacillus  ^nycoides,  grown  on  liquid  medium.  Abscissae: 
Temperature  in  degrees  C;  Ordinates:  Number  of  cells  per  1/160  cc. 
(From    Gause,    1939.) 


media.  There  is  definitely  in  the  dextral  form  a  special 
sensitivity  to  heat  injury  at  the  temperatures  indicated. 
It  is  interesting  to  compare  this  characteristic  weakness 
of  the  inverted  dextral  form  with  the  following  property 
pointed  out  by  Le^\ds  (1933)  and  observed  again  by  Gause 

b.  Enzymatic  properties.  Lewis,  working 
with  dextral  and  sinistral  strains  of  Bacillus  mycoides, 
reported  a  specific  physiological  difference  between  them. 
It  is  known  that  this  bacillus  possesses  the  ability  to 
decompose  glucose  and  saccharose  and  to  acidify  the  me- 
dium. On  glucose  the  acid  production  is  similar  in  sinis- 
tral and  in  dextral  strains  but  not  on  saccharose.  Accord- 
ing to  Lewis  the  formation  of  acid  on  saccharose  is  rapid 
with  the  left  spiralled  strain  and  it  ceases  with  the  right- 
spiralled  type. 

Gause  (1939)  repeated  these  experiments  using  the  S- 
form  of  Bacillus  mycoides.  Tw^o  per  cent  saccharose  and 
a  little  quantity  of  a  weak  (0.02  per  cent)  solution  of 
phenol  red  (according  to  Clark)  were  added  to  an  agar- 
peptone  medium  of  usual  composition.  At  pH  7.7,  which 
is  the  optimal  hydrogen  ion  concentration  for  the  gro^\i:h 
of  Bacillus  mycoides,  phenol  red  has  an  orange  tint.  The 
culture  w^as  kept  at  28° C.  Nineteen  hours  after  the  be- 
ginning of  the  experiment  the  color  of  the  sinistral 
strains  differed  very  sharply  from  that  of  the  dextral. 
The  former  showed  a  rapid  production  of  acid,  the  pH 
of  the  colony  being  about  6.8.  The  dextral  strains  showed 
no  production  of  acid.  The  reaction  of  the  colony  was 
alkaline,  its  pH  being  about  8.4.  Lewis'  results  were 
therefore  confirmed  with  the  S-form  of  the  bacillus. 

It  might  be  worth  mentioning  the  following  detail. 
While  the  dextral  strains  are,  without  exception,  unable 
to  produce  acid  on  sucrose,  the  sinistral  strains  were  all 
able  to  form  acid  except  in  two  cases,  one  mentioned  by 
Lewis  and  another  (doubtful)  observed  by  Gause. 



Lewis'  reaction  might  be  considered  as  a  fermentative 
deficiency  of  the  dextral  strain. 

(7.  G  r  o  w  t  h  on  two  optical  isomers.  It 
is  of  interest  to  know  how  an  organism  which  presents  a 
morphologically  dissymmetric  structure  (right  or  left 
spiral)  behaves  when  grown  on  a  medium  which  is  molec- 
ularly  diss^anmetric.  The  dextral  and  sinistral  strains 
of  Bacillus  mycoides  were  growm  on  the  optical  isomers 
of  arginine  (Gause,  1939).  The  results  are  summarized 
in  Tables  16  and  17. 

A  safe  conclusion  that  one  can  draw  from  these  data  is 
that  both  the  dextral  and  the  sinistral  strains  of  Bacillus 
mycoides,  in  both  the  rough  and  the  smooth  forms,  grow 

TABLE  16 

Growth  of  Sinistral   (LR)   and  of  Dextkal   (DR)   Forms  of  Bacillus 
Mycoides  on  Optical  Isomers  of  Arginine 


Number  of 

Ratio  of 

growth  on  d-ar- 

ginlne    to 

growth  on 


Number  of 

Ratio  of 
growth  on 


cells  in  LR 

cells  in  DR 

to  growth 
on    dl-ar- 


31.3      1 
15.7      1 

19.7   i 



12.4   f 



28.9     ) 

21.2    I 


14.  6    i 


13.2   \ 


TABLE  17 

Growth  of  Smooth  Sinistral   (LS)    anu  of  Smooth  Dextral    (DS) 
Forms  of  Bacillus  Mycoides  on  Optical  Isomers  of  Arginine 


Number  of 
cells  in  LR 

Ratio  of 
growth  on  d-ar- 
ginine to 
growth  on 

Number  of 
cells  in  DR 

Ratio  of 
growth  on 
to  growth 

on  dl-ar- 


40.1     ( 
31.9      1 
43.5     / 
23.3     ) 



66.8   [ 
31.0   t 
45.5   ) 
33.0   \ 


^^rih'AL  T\\  IHT  AND    OPT.  ACTIVITY  89 

better  on  iiahiral  d-arginiiie  than  on  the  racemic  dl-ar- 
giuine.  Therefore,  the  dextrally  and  the  sinistrally  twist- 
ed organisms  are  alike  in  the  optical  properties  of  their 
basic  protoplasmic  constituents,  since  nutritive  sub- 
stances of  the  natural  configuration  are  more  favorable 
for  both  of  them. 

d.  E  e  s  p  i  r  a  t  i  o  n.  The  oxidation  of  glucose  by  the 
dextral  and  sinistral  strains  of  Bacillus  mycoides  was 
determined  by  the  Warburg  technique  at  three  tempera- 
tures:  22°,  25°  and  28°C.  As  is  characteristic  of  biolog- 
ical processes  generally,  the  velocity  of  respiration  rose 
exponentially  with  the  rise  of  temperature,  and  practi- 
cally at  the  same  rate  in  the  sinistral  and  in  the  dextral 
strains  of  the  bacillus.  Consequently  the  phenomenon  of 
heat  injury,  which  was  characteristic  of  the  growth  of 
the  dextral  strain,  was  not  observed  in  respiration  on 

The  general  conclusions  to  draw  from  these  investiga- 
tions is  that  the  inverse,  dextral  strains  of  Bacillus  my- 
coides are  weaker  than  the  typical,  sinistral  ones.  This 
was  observed  in  the  rate  of  growth  at  24°  to  28°  and  in 
the  deficiency  of  an  enzymatic  action. 

5.  Some  Physiological  Properties  of  the  Dextral  and  of 
the  Sinistral  Strains  of  the  Snail,  Fniticicola  lantzi. 
Anabolic  gain,  I'esistance  to  starva- 
tion, mortality  rate.  The  results  of  the  in- 
vestigations on  Bacillus  mycoides  are  paralleled  by  the 
data  obtained  with  Fruticicola  lantzi. 

Gause  and  Smaragdova  (1940)  made  a  comparative 
study,  under  well  controlled  laboratory  conditions,  of  the 
physiological  behavior  of  the  dextral  and  sinistral  indi- 
viduals of  this  snail.  They  investigated  (1)  the  velocity 
of  anabolic  assimilation  as  judged  by  the  change  in  weight 
w^hen  the  snails  were  fed  for  a  long  time  on  carrots;  (2) 
the  velocity  of  the  catabolic  loss  as  determined  by  the 
decrease  in  weight  when  the  animals  were  kept  in  a  moist 
chamber  without  food;  (3)  the  mortality  rate  in  the  sec- 
ond group  of  experiments. 



It  was  found  that  after  having  been  fed  for  a  prolonged 
time  on  carrots  tlie  typical,  dextrally  twisted  individuals 
practically  did  not  change  their  weight,  while,  under  per- 
fectly identical  conditions,  the  sinistrally  twisted  snails 
considerablv  decreased  in  weight  (cf.  Figure  8). 

320  - 


260  - 

240  - 

220  - 



^  -"' "  "P^^ 

■    -u 

/     ,» -^ 

\.            /^ 

1           1 

t                    1 




■           1 

T : 








Fig.  8.  Change  in  weight  observed  in  the  dextral  and  sinistral  forms 
of  the  snail  Fruticicola  lantzi  when  they  were  fed  for  a  long  time  on 
carrots.  Abscissae:  Time  in  days;  Ordinates:  Weight  in  milligrams. 
(From  Gause  and  Smaragdova,  1939.) 

In  the  study  of  the  behavior  of  Fruticicola  in  starvation 
it  was  observed  that  the  sinistral  individuals  lost  weight 
more  rapidly  and  died  off  more  quickly  than  the  dextral 
forms  (cf.  Figure  9). 

The  relative  weakness  of  inverse  left  spiralled  indi- 
viduals is  evident  in  the  three  series  of  experiments. 
Similar  results  were  obtained  also  in  the  study  of  the 
loss  of  dry  weight. 








X     o 












Fig.  9.  Average  decrease  in  fresh  weight  in  starving  adult  dextral 
(D)  and  sinistral  (S)  forms  of  the  snails  FrvAicicola  lantzi.  Abscissae: 
Time  in  days;  Ordinates:  Weight  in  %  of  the  initial  value.  (From 
Gause   and    Smaragdova,    1939.) 

6.  On  the  Relation  hetiveen  MorpJiological  Inversion 
and  Molecular  Inversion.  Having  considered  the  physio- 
logical differences  of  the  dextral  and  sinistral  forms,  we 
shall  now  turn  to  the  problem  of  the  possible  relation 
between  morphological  and  molecular  inversions.  Let  us 
at  first  note  that  the  heat  injury  in  the  dextral  strains  of 
Bacillus  mycoides  reminds  one  of  the  heat  injury  observed 
when  different  lower  organisms,  such  as  yeast,  were  cul- 
tured on  unnatural  isomers  of  amino  acids  (Gause  and 
Smaragdova,  1938).  When  the  yeast  Torula  utilis  was 
grown  on  the  natural  isomer  of  leucine,  which  enters  into 
the  composition  of  all  living  organisms,  the  velocity  of 
growth  was  that  always  observed  in  typical  growth-tem- 
perature curves,  but  when  it  was  cultured  on  the  unnat- 
ural isomer  of  leucine,  the  increase  in  the  velocity  of 
growth  became  always  less  and  less  with  the  rise  of  tem- 


.Sl'Ux'AL  T]\J,ST  AM)    OPT.  ACTITITY 

These  experiments  were  rei:)eated  with  the  optical 
isomers  of  the  following-  amino  acids :  leucine,  histidine, 
phenyl-alanine  and  valine  (Gause,  1939).  The  results 
obtained  are  given  in  Figure  10.  Typical  heat  injury  at 
temperatures  extending  from  18°  to  28°  may  be  observed 
in  the  growth  of  Torula  nfills  on  the  unnatural  isomers 
of  leucine  and  of  histidine  but  not  on  those  of  valine  and 






140        iQO      22°    26° 

18°       22°   26°C 


Fig.  10.  Growth  of  the  yeast  Torula  iitilis  on  optical  isomers  of 
various  amino  acids,  at  different  temperatures.  Abscissae:  Temperature 
in  degrees  C;  Ordinates:  Increase  in  the  number  of  cells  in  40  hours. 
(Prom  Gause,   1939.) 

s/'iir\L  T\\  1ST  A\n.  oi'T.  Acrn  ITY  93 

Similar  data  were  obtained  also  in  the  study  of  the 
growth  of  the-  mould  Aspergillus  niger  on  the  optical 
isomers  of  leucine  and  valine. 

The  same  relation  between  lenii)erature  and  rate  of 
growth  is  thus  observed  in  the  unusual  strain  of  Bacillus 
mycoides  growni  on  natural  substrates  and  in  the  yeast 
or  fungi  grown  on  unnatural  substrates.  In  both  cases, 
there  nuist  be  an  inhibitive  factor  of  growth.  It  may  be 
conjectured  that  in  the  case  of  yeast  or  fungi  the  un- 
natural isomer  of  the  amino  acid  dissolved  in  the  cul- 
ture medium  surrounding  the  cells  caused  a  retardation 
of  growth  because  its  spatial  contiguration  did  not  coin- 
cide with  the  spatial  configuration  of  the  basic  constit- 
uents of  protoplasm.  In  the  case  of  Bacillus  mycoides 
the  retardation  of  growth  in  the  unusual  form  would  be 
caused  by  the  presence  inside  of  the  cells  of  the  unnatural 
optical  isomer  of  some  organic  substance  which  partici- 
pated in  the  determination  of  the  morphology  of  the 

7.  Morpliological  Inversion  and  the  Theory  of  Spiral 
Growth.  The  investigations  on  various  physiological 
properties  of  dextral  and  of  sinistral  strains  in  Bacillus 
mycoides  and  in  Fruticicola  lantzi  have  brought  out  the 
two  following  points  :  ( 1)  In  the  optical  properties  of  their 
protoplasm  these  strains  are  alike.  This  follows  from 
their  behavior  towards  optically  isomeric  nutritive  sub- 
stances. It  has,  furthermore,  been  confirmed  by  direct 
observations  made  by  Kiesel,  Efimochkina  and  Rail 
(1939),  wdio  isolated  the  same  natural  amino  acids  from 
both  dextral  and  sinistral  strains  of  the  snail  Fruticicola 
lantzi.  (2)  The  inverted  individuals  of  both  bacteria  and 
snails  are  physiologically  weaker  than  the  typical  ones. 
These  observations  suggest  that  while  in  the  typical  in- 
dividuals the  organic  substances  which  participate  in  the 
determination  of  the  twist  might  well  have  the  same  laevo- 
rotatory  configuration  as  the  other  constituents  of  proto- 
plasm, in  the  inverted  individuals  some  enzymatic  dis- 
turbance might  have  occurred. 


Castle  (1936)  has  recently  undertaken  the  study  of  the 
mechanism  of  spiral  growth  in  Phy corny ces.  He  claims 
that  the  spiral  structure  of  the  growing  cell  wall  is  not 
strictly  predetermined  but  depends  on  the  interaction  of 
forces  which  exert  their  action  in  the  growth  region.  The 
twist  of  the  growing  elastic  elements  of  the  wall  may  be 
the  result  of  their  resistance  to  turgor.  Castle  construct- 
ed a  model  to  illustrate  this  process.  If  the  elastic  ele- 
ments of  the  wall  are  distributed  symmetrically,  dextral 
spirals  ^\i\\  be  obtained  in  50  per  cent  of  the  cases  and  sin- 
istral spirals  in  the  other  50  per  cent.  As  the  left  direc- 
tion of  the  spirals  is  typical  for  Phycomyces,  one  must 
assume  a  dissymmetric  distribution  of  the  elastic  ele- 
ments of  the  cell  wall,  which  later,  under  the  action  of 
turgor,  lead  to  the  formation  of  sinistral  spirals. 

As  Castle  himself  points  out,  the  mechanism  of  spiral 
growth  can  be  different  in  different  organisms,  and  one 
cannot  directly  transfer  his  explanation  of  the  mechanism 
of  twisting  to  the  bacteria,  the  more  so  since  the  cell  wall 
of  the  latter  is  thought  to  consist  of  some  specific  pro- 
tein material  closely  related  by  its  nature  and  origin  to 
cellular  protoplasm  (John-Brooks,  1930). 

But  one  can  assume  that  in  the  spiral  growth  of  the  cell 
wall  of  a  bacterium,  as  in  that  of  Phycomyces,  tw^o  fac- 
tors are  involved:  (1)  Some  pre-existing  asymmetric 
system  (distribution  of  the  elastic  elements  of  the  wall 
in  Phycomyces;  optically  active  secondary  protoplasmic 
constituents  in  bacteria) ;  (2)  a  system  of  forces  directly 
inducing  the  spiral  twist  (turgor  in  Castle's  experi- 
ments). The  interaction  of  these  two  factors  would  bring 
about  the  dextrality  or  sinistrality  of  the  spiral  growth 
according  to  the  following  scheme : 

Secondary    substance  Asymmetric    structure   Sniral  growth 

of  metabolism  ^  of  the  cell  wall  ^      ^ 


Forces  directly  inducing 
*  the  spiral  twist 


One  may  conjecture  that  the  inversion  of  the  direction 
of  the  spiral  growth  in  Bacillus  mycoides  is  related  to  an 
optical  inversion  of  some  secondary  substance  in  meta- 
bolism. The  latter  would  bring  about  the  inversion  of 
some  structures  in  the  cell  wall  and,  from  the  interaction 
of  these  with  the  forces  inducing  the  spiral  twist,  there 
would  result  an  inversion  in  the  direction  of  the  spiral 
grow^th  of  the  cells. 

But  to  what  extent  can  one  assume  that  the  secondary 
substances  of  metabolism  which  participate  in  the  struc- 
ture of  the  wall  of  the  bacterial  cell  can  undergo  an  optical 
inversion?  Some  recent  data  on  the  chemical  structure 
of  bacterial  capsules  obtained  by  Bruckner  and  Ivanovics 
(1937)  in  the  laboratory  of  Professor  Szent-Gyorgyi,  are 
of  interest  in  this  connection.  As  is  kno^vn,  the  cell  wall 
in  bacteria  consists  of  two  layers:  (1)  A  very  thin  in- 
ternal cuticle,  and  (2)  An  external  gelatinous  layer  which 
is  sometimes  developed  into  an  envelope  called  a  capsule. 
(John-Brooks,  1930,  remarks  that  the  bacteriologists  have 
come  to  look  upon  capsule  formation  as  a  general  feature 
which  is  common  to  all  bacteria,  but  which  reaches  the 
proportions  that  we  know,  only  in  certain  species.)  Bruck- 
ner and  Ivanovics  (1937)  w^ho  studied  the  chemical  prop- 
erties of  the  capsule  of  Bacillus  antJiracis  and  of  some 
other  species  of  bacteria,  all  of  which  are  aerobic  spore 
formers,  standing  near  Bacillus  mycoides  in  the  classifi- 
cation, found  that  the  capsule  of  these  bacteria  consists  of 
a  polypeptide  substance,  the  hydrolysis  of  which  yields 
d(-) glutamic  acid.  The  laevorotatory  isomer  of  this 
amino  acid  is  unnatural,  and  it  has  not  been  found  pre- 
viously anywhere  in  the  organic  nature.  So,  the  presence 
of  the  unnatural  glutamic  acid  in  the  structure  of  the 
envelope  of  the  anthrax  and  of  some  other  bacilli  has 
already  been  recorded  in  the  literature.  Further  investi- 
gations in  that  direction  may  reveal  significant  data  on 
the  present  problem. 

96  S/'lh'AL  TW'/sr  A.\l>    OI'T.   ACTH  IT) 


1.  In  organisms  which  possess  a  spiral  structure,  as  in 
some  bacteria,  in  snails,  etc.,  one  observes  a  larger  num- 
ber of  "typical"  individuals,  that  is,  of  individuals  twist- 
ed in  one  direction,  while  the  "inverse"  specimens  are 

2.  The  properties  of  protoplasm  related  to  optical  ac- 
tivity are  alike  in  dextral  and  sinistral  forms.  The  same 
natural  amino  acids  have  been  isolated  from  either  the 
dextral  or  the  sinistral  snails  {Fruticicola  laiitzi).  Both 
dextral  and  sinistral  bacteria  {B.  my  cold  es)  grow  better 
on  the  natural  than  on  the  unnatural  isomers  of  amino 

3.  The  "inverse"  forms  are  physiologically  weaker 
than  the  "typical."  When  the  culture  temperatures  are 
varied  from  20"  to  36%  the  "inverse"  bacteria  present  a 
decreasing  growth  rate  not  observed  in  "typical"  bacte- 
ria; furthermore,  the  "inverse"  forms  show  some  enzy- 
matic deficiencies.  In  the  "inverse"  snails  the  velocity 
of  catabolic  loss  and  the  mortality  rate,  on  starvation, 
exceed  those  of  the  "typical"  individuals. 

4.  It  is  suggested  that  some  secondary  substances  which 
may  determine  the  morphological  inversion  are  optically 
inverted,  or  that  some  subsidiary  process  in  metabolic 
activities  is  changed  in  the  nmtant  snails  and  bacteria, 
whereas  the  basic  protoplasmic  constituents  are  not.  This 
would  explain  ihv  disturbance  in  the  enzymatic  coordi- 
nation and  the  physiological  weakness  observed  in  the 
inverted  specimens. 


BOYCOTT,  A.,  DIVER.  C,  HARDY.  S.  and  TURNER.  F..  Proc.Roy.8oc: 
B..  !()'/.  152,  1929. 

BRUCKNER,  V.  and  IVANOVICS,  G.,  Z.physiol.Chem..  2 ',7,  281,  1937. 

CASTLE,  E..  Proc.Xat.AcSci.U.S.A..  22.  336.  1936. 

CAUSE,  G.F.,  Biol.BulL.  Hi,  448,  1939. 

GAUSE,  G.F.  and  SMARAGDOVA,  N.P.,  Am. Naturalist.  7  ;.  1940. 

GERSBACH,  A.,  Zbl.Bakt.,  Abt.  I,  .S,s,  97,  1922. 

HASTINGS,  E.  and  SAGEN,  H.,  J.Bact..  2.),  39,  1933. 

Si/'lh'AL  TWIST  A\D    O/'T.  At'TH  ITY  97 

JOHN-BROOKS,  R.,  System  of  Bakteriol.,  1,  104,  1930. 

KIESEL.  A..  EFIRIOCHKINA,   E.   and   RALL,   J.,   C.r.Acad.Sci.U.S.S.R., 

25,  481,  1939.   ' 
KOLTZOFF,  N.,  Biol.J.   (Russian)  ,!,  420,  1934. 
LEWIS,  J.,  J. Bad.,  2',.  381,  1932;  25,  359,  1933. 
LUDWIG,  W..  Das  Rechts-Links  Problem.     Berlin.     1932. 

,  Yer1i.Zool.Ges..  -iS,  21,  1936. 

NEEDHAM,  J.,  Nature.  W,,  277.  1934. 

OESTERLE,  F.,  ZhL  Bakt..  Abt.  II,  7.';,  1,  1929. 

PRINGSHEIM,  E.  and  LANGER,  J..  ZM.Bakt.,  Abt.  II,  61,  225,  1924. 

ROBERTS.  J.,  Science.  87,  260,  1938. 

STAPP.  L.  and  ZYCHA.  H.,  Arcli.Mikrohiol..  2,  493,  1931. 

ZVETKOFF,  B.,  BuU.Soc.Natur. Moscow,  1938. 

chapt?:r  V 




Asymmetric  Analysis.  When  one  analyses  the  action 
upon  protoplasmic  functions  of  dextrorotatory  and  of 
laevorotatory  isomers  of  various  organic  substances,  one 
often  notices  a  difference  in  the  effectiveness  of  the  two 
isomers.  The  existence  or  the  absence  of  such  a  dif- 
ference, as  also  its  quantitative  value,  are  evidently  re- 
lated to  the  physical  structure  and  the  chemical  compo- 
sition of  protoplasm.  One  can,  therefore,  study  the 
mechanism  of  various  biological  processes  by  examining 
how  they  are  influenced  by  optical  isomers  of  various 
substances.  It  is  thought  that  this  method  of  analysis, 
which  we  call  ''Asymmetric  Analysis,"  could  contribute 
to  the  clarification  of  several  important  problems  of 
comparative  physiology. 

With  the  idea  of  elaborating  some  systematic  methods 
of  "asymmetric  analysis",  Gause  and  his  associates  have 
undertaken  the  following  investigations :  1.  An  analysis 
was  made  of  the  mechanism  of  toxic  action  of  optically 
isomeric  nicotines  upon  lower  and  higher  animals.  2. 
The  mechanism  of  toxic  action  of  optically  isomeric  or- 
ganic acids  upon  lower  and  higher  animals  was  similarly 
studied.  These  two  investigations  will  be  reviewed  and 
discussed  in  the  first  section  of  this  chapter.  The  study 
of  the  effect  of  nicotine  isomers  in  various  animals  led 
to  important  observations  on  the  evolution  of  the  ner- 
vous system.  These  observations  will  be  discussed  in  the 
second  section.  3.  A  study  was  made  of  the  action  of 
optically  isomeric  cinchonines  upon  various  functions 
of  the  cell.  This  study  will  be  summarized  in  the  third 







A  Case  of  Identical  Mechanism  of  Action  in  the  Two 
Optical  Isouters.  Pictet  and  Eotscliv,  in  1904,  prepared 
pure  dextrorotatory  (unnatural)  nicotine,  tested  its  tox- 
icity on  rabbits  and  guinea  pigs,  and  ascertained  that  it 
was  less  toxic  than  the  natural  1-nicotine.  They  ex- 
pressed the  view,  which  subsequently  was  adopted  by  a 
number  of  authors,  of  a  different  mechanism  of  toxic 
action  liy  the  dextro  and  by  the  laevo  isomers,  the  symp- 
toms of  poisoning  having  been  found  different. 

Maclit  (1929)  studied  the  pharmacological  synergism 
of  stereoisomeric  nicotines.  He  found  that  the  toxic 
action  of  a  mixture  of  the  1-  and  dl-  forms  was  stronger 
than  the  additive  action  of  these  isomers.  The  con- 
clusion that  he  reached  then  was  that  "an  individual 
cell  may  possess  receptor  groups  of  a  laevo  and  dextro 
type,  and  a  mixture  of  two  stereoisomers  would  thus  have 
a  double  point  of  attack  in  place  of  a  single  one,  in  case 
only  one  of  the  optic  isomers  was  used."  The  three  fol- 
lowing points  in  the  work  of  Macht  are  open  to  criti- 
cism. First,  his  important  final  conclusion  is  based  on 
a  very  small  number  of  experiments.  Then,  the  author 
did  not  attempt  to  obtain  a  concentration-toxicity  curve 
which  would  allow  one  to  make  some  quantitive  calcula- 
tions. Moreover,  dl-nicotine  is  not  the  most  suitable  for 
such  experiments,  as  it  usually  contains  some  hydronico- 
tine  which  influences  the  physiological  effect  (Gause, 
1936) ;  only  the  purest  dextro  nicotine  obtained  by  re- 
peated crystallizations  with  laevotartaric  acid  should  be 

In  the  experiments  of  Gause  and  Smaragdova  (1939) 
the  dextro  isomer,  in  accord  with  the  data  of  Pictet  and 
Eotschy,  was  found  less  poisonous  than  the  laevo  form. 

A^O'MMirr/nc   AXALYSf,^  101 

but  tlu'  relation  ot*  tlie  increase  in  toxicity  with  the  con- 
centration was  the  same  in  the  two  isomers  and  a  com- 
plete identity  of  the  temperature  characteristics  of  toxic 
action  of  the  dextro  and  laevo  forms  was  also  observed 
(in  cold-blooded  animals:  fishes  and  tadpoles).  The 
identity  of  the  relation  of  toxicity  to  concentration  and 
the  identity  of  temperature  characteristics  are  taken  as 
an  indication  of  the  identity  of  the  mechanism  of  toxic 
action  of  the  two  isomers.  Both  of  them  seem  to  act  on 
the  same  link  in  the  system  of  physiological  processes, 
though  with  diiferent  speed. 

To  illustrate  these  conclusions,  let  us  consider  in  some 
detail  the  results  of  recent  experiments  made  with  a  brood 
of  the  fish,  Leuciscus  idus  var.  orfiis  (Gause  and  Smar- 
agdova,  1939).  The  animals  were  placed  in  neutralized 
solutions  of  nicotine  of  different  concentrations,  pre- 
pared with  redistilled  water,  and  the  killing  time  in  sec- 
onds was  recorded.  Figure  11  (upper  part)  represents 
the  relation  of  killing  time  to  the  concentration  of  nico- 

It  is  to  be  pointed  out  that  in  the  calculation  of  the 
relative  toxicity  of  1-  and  d-  nicotine  one  cannot  use  indis- 
criminately results  taken  at  various  arbitrarily  chosen 
concentrations.  The  relative  efficacy  of  the  isomers 
changes  with  change  in  absolute  concentration.  For  com- 
parison of  the  physiological  effect  of  the  optical  isomers 
one  has  to  employ  such  characteristics  of  corresponding 
curves  of  toxicity  which  are  determined  not  by  any 
values  of  the  absolute  concentration  of  the  poison  but 
by  some  physiological  action.  The  most  convenient  is  to 
take  the  minimal  lethal  concentration  of  the  poison  (the 
constant  n,  cf.  formula  below).  In  1-nicotine  fh  =  0.0022%  ; 
in  d-nicotine  >/,i  =  0.0064%.  The  coefficient  of  relative  toxic 
action  (a)  =  y?d/>^i,  which  indicates  how  nuicli  the  1-isomer 
is  more  powerful  than  the  d-isomer,  is  2.91.  (This  co- 
efficient will  be  called,  hereafter,  the  "stereo-coeffi- 



C     500 



'*-      3  0 


^      2.5 


2  0 

0  010% 

0  02  0% 


10  lb  20  25 

Log.  of  effective  concentration  i.v-ii) 
Fig.  11.     Killing  action  of  the  optical  isomers  of  nicotine  on  the  fish 
Lencisciis   idiis.     The   lower   graph    represents   the    toxicity    curves    in 
logarithmic  coordinates.    (From  Cause  and  Smaragdova,  1939.) 

According  to  the  principles  of  quantitative  toxicology, 
concentration-toxicity  curves  can  usually  be  expressed 
by  the  empirical  equation  of  Ostwald : 


^'  ^  (x-n)  ™ 
where  u  is  the  killing  time,  x  the  concentration  of  the 
poison,  n  its  minimal  lethal  concentration,  and  k  and  m 
are  constants.  The  constant  m  shows  how  rapidly  the 
toxicity  increases  with  the  concentration;  it  thus  charac- 
terizes the  dynamics  of  the  killing  process.  If  one  plots 
log  y  on  ordinates  and  log  {x-n)  on  abscissae,  the  relation 
between  these  variables  will  be  represented  by  a  straight 
line.  The  slope  of  this  straight  line  is  measured  by  the 
constant  m. 


The  lower  part  of  Figure  11  represents  the  data  on  the 
toxicity  of  dextrorotatory  and  laevorotatory  nicotines 
for  Leuciscus,  plotted  in  the  manner  just  indicated.  It  is 
evident  that  the  slopes  of  the  straight  lines,  characteriz- 
ing the  dynamics  of  the  increase  of  toxicity  with  concen- 
tration, are  identical.  It  is  therefore  reasonable  to  con- 
clude that  in  these  experiments  the  mechanism  of  killing 
action  in  the  two  optical  isomers  of  nicotine  is  identical 
in  the  sense  defined.  The  unnatural  dextro  nicotine  is 
weaker  only  in  the  sense  that  a  higher  dose  is  required  to 
attain  killing.  Similar  results  were  obtained  also  in  ex- 
periments with  birds  {Acanfhis  flammea),  lizards  {La- 
certa  viridis)  and  tadpoles  {Bana  temporaria).  Xo  dif- 
ference in  the  symptoms  of  poisoning  by  the  two  optical 
isomers  was  observed. 

Investigations  were  then  carried  out  to  determine  the 
temperature  coefficients  of  toxicity  of  dextrorotatory  and 
laevorotatory  nicotine  for  various  animals.  It  is  known 
that  if  one  plots  the  logarithms  of  the  killing  rate  against 
reciprocals  of  absolute  temperature,  one  usually  obtains 
a  linear  relation.  The  slope  of  this  straight  line  is  gen- 
erally represented  by  |li,  which  is  known  as  the  tempera- 
ture characteristic  (cf.  Crozier,  1924).  This  characteris- 
tic shows  how  the  killing  process  is  speeded  up  by  the 
rise  of  temperature.  Physiological  processes  of  differ- 
ent nature,  i.e.,  in  which  ditferent  mechanisms  are  at  play, 
usually  possess  different  temperature  characteristics. 

The  temperature  characteristics  of  toxicity  for  tadpoles 
and  for  the  fish  Leuciscus  were  determined  according  to 
the  following  procedure.  Two  solutions  of  dextro  and 
laevo  nicotines  were  placed  in  a  constant  temperature 
bath.  After  the  temperature  equilibrium  was  attained,  a 
number  of  fish  or  of  tadpoles  were  immersed  in  the  ves- 
sels and  the  killing  time  was  recorded.  Figure  12  shows 
the  killing  rate  ( a  value  inverse  to  the  killing  time  in 
seconds)  in  the  fish  Leuciscus,  due  to  the  action  of  optic 
isomers  of  nicotine  at  ditferent  temperatures,    Approxi- 



^  0.020  - 









2.0  - 



Reciprocal  of  absolute  temperature 
Fig.   12.     Effect  of  temperature  on  the  killing  rate  of  the  fish  Lciicis- 
ciis  idus  by  the  optical  isomers  of  nicotine.    The  lower  graph  represents 
the   killing   rate   plotted   logarithmically.      (From   Cause   and    Smarag- 
dova,  1939.) 

mately  isotoxic  concentrations  of  the  isomers,  i.e.,  0.007% 
for  1-nicotine  and  0.014%  for  d-nicotine,  were  used.  The 
temperature  characteristics  of  the  two  isomers  are  prac- 
tically identical:  in  the  d-form  \i  =  37,500,  and  in  the 
1-form  pi  =  36,800.  Such  an  identity  of  temperature  char- 
acteristics was  also  observed  in  experiments  with  tad- 
poles; in  the  d-nicotine  \x  =  14,400,  and  in  the  1-nicotine 
|ii  ^  14,600.  Hence  the  relation  of  toxic  action  to  temper- 
ature strongly  supports  the  view  that  the  mechanism  of 
toxic  action  is  identical  in  the  two  optically  isomeric 

The  same  relations,  that  is,  (1)  a  high  toxicity  of  the 
natural  isomers,   (2)  the  same  relation  between  the  in- 

.1  .s r .1/ 1/ r/rinc  asal vms 


crease  in  toxicity  and  the  concentration,  and  ( .'5)  tlie  same 
temperature  characteristics  for  the  two  isomers,  have 
been  ol)served  by  Gaiise  and  Smarag'dova  (ll)o8,  ]9o9) 
with  nicotine  on  vertebrates  (natural  ==  laevorotatory), 
with  tartaric  acid  on  fishes  (natural  =  dextrorotatory), 
and  with  cinchonine  on  ])aramecia  (natural  =  laevoro- 
tatory. Figure  13  shows  that  the  dynamics  of  toxic  action 
are  identical  for  dextrorotatory  and  for  laevorotatory  tar- 
taric acids  on  the  brood  of  the  fish  Lehistes  reticulatus. 
The  temperature  characteristics  of  toxic  action  for  dex- 
trorotatory  tartaric   acid   was   found   to   be   10,200    (cf. 

02  04  06  08  10  12 

Log.  of  effective  concentration  i.v-ii) 

Fig.  13.  Killing  action  of  the  optical  isomers  of  tartaric  acid  on  the 
fish  Lehifites  reticulatus.  The  lower  graph  represents  the  toxicity 
curves  in  logarithmic  coordinates.  (From  Gause  and  Smaragdova, 



Fig.  14)  and  for  laevorotatory  tartaric  acid  9,700,  in  otlier 
words,  they  were  of  the  same  order  of  magnitude.  Sim- 
ilar data  were  obtained  also  in  experiments  with  the 
brood  of  another  species  of  fish,  Platypoecilus  maculatus 
(  Gause  and  Smaragdova,  1938). 

^  0.00200 


















Ji  =  9.700 




Reciprocal  of  absolute  temperature 

Fig.  14.  Effect  of  temperature  on  the  killing  rate  of  the  fish  Lebistes 
retiCKlatiis  by  the  optical  isomers  of  tartaric  acid.  The  lower  graph 
represents  the  killing  rate  plotted  logarithmically.  (From  Gause  and 
Smaragdova,  1938.) 



Further,  in  experiments  on  the  toxic  action  of  opti- 
cally isomeric  einchonines  upon  paramecia,  it  was  found 
that  the  laevorotatory  isomer  inhibits  the  mechanism  of 
ciliary  movement  more  rapidly  than  does  the  dextro  form 
(Gause,  Smaragxlova  and  Alpatov,  1938).  The  dynamics 
of  toxic  action  in  dextro  and  laevo  einchonines  were  found 
to  be  identical  (cf.  Fig.  15).  A  study  of  the  temperature 
characteristics  of  toxicity  has  also  shown  that  these  are 
practically  identical,  14,200  in  the  laevorotatory  and 
14,000  in  the  dextrorotatory  isomer  (cf.  Fig.  16). 

14  16  I  8  2  0  2   2 

Log.  of  effective  concentration  {.v-)i) 

Pig.  15.  Killing  action  of  the  optical  isomers  of  cinchonine  on 
Paramecium  caiulatum.  The  lower  graph  represents  the  toxicity  curves 
in  logarithmic  coordinates.  (From  Gause,  Smaragdova  and  Alpatov, 




1.  A  Case  of  Different  Mechanism  of  Action  of  the  Two 
Optical  Isomers.  In  the  cases  reported  so  far  the  natural 
isomer  was  more  powerful  in  its  physiological  action  than 
the  unnatural,  the  relation  of  increasing  toxicity  to  con- 

0.00330  000340 

Reciprocal  of  absolute  temperature 

Fig.  16.  Effect  of  temperture  on  the  killing  rate  of  Paramecium 
caudatum  by  the  optical  isomers  of  cinchonine.  The  lower  graph  rep- 
resents the  killing  rate  plotted  logarithmically.  (From  Gause,  Smar- 
agdova  and  Alpatov,  1938.) 

ASYMMF/rRIC   .  1  A   1  /> )  N/N' 


centration  and  the  temperature  characteristics  of  toxic 
action  were  identical  for  tlie  two  isomers.  There  are  cases 
in  which  it  seems  that  none  of  these  relations  hold.  GaUvSe 
and  Smarag-dova  (1938)  reported  this  situation  in  the 
action  of  malic  acid  on  the  brood  of  two  species  of  vivi- 
parous fish,  Lehistes  rrticidafus  and  Platypoecilus  macii- 

In  these  experiments  they  compared  the  natural  laevo- 
rotatory  with  the  racemic  malic  acid  (the  significance  of 
the  use  of  a  racemate  will  be  indicated  below).  It  was 
found  that  the  natural  laevorotatory  malic  acid  is  less 
toxic  than  the  racemic.  The  toxic  action  of  weak 
(0.05%)  solutions  of  the  laevorotatory  and  racemic  malic 
acids  on  Lehistes  reUculatus  at  different  temperatures 
(16%  18%  21°,  26°,  and  31°)  is  recorded  in  Figure  17.  It 
is  quite  apparent  that  the  temperature  characteristics  of 






























21*                 26* 











0.00330  0.00340  O00350 

Reciprocal  of  absolute  temperature 

Fig.  17.  Effect  of  temperature  on  the  killing  time  of  the  fish 
Lehistes  reticulatus  by  the  optical  isomei-s  of  malic  acid.  The  lower 
graph  represents  the  killing  rate  plotted  logarithmically.  (From  Gause 
and  Smaragdova,  1939.) 


toxic  action  are  different  in  the  racemate  and  in  the  laevo- 
rotatory  isomer.  At  temperatures  from  16°  to  26°  C  the 
racemate  is  more  toxic  than  the  laevorotatory  isomer, 
whereas  at  the  temperature  of  31°  C  the  latter  is  rela- 
tively more  toxic  than  the  racemate.  The  temperature 
characteristics  of  toxic  action  are  also  quite  different.  In 
the  laevorotatory  isomer  n  =  12,300,  and  in  the  racemic 
form  |Li  =  9,340. 

In  similar  experiments  with  the  fry  of  Platypoecilus 
maculatus  results  of  the  same  kind  as  those  obtained  with 
Lebistes  were  recorded  (cf.  Fig.  18).  The  temperature 
characteristic  of  toxic  action  of  the  left  isomer  of  malic 
acid  is  16,930  and  that  of  the  racemic  form  12,880. 

The  results  obtained  with  fish  were  duplicated  in  a 
study  of  the  action  of  optically  isomeric  malic  acids  on 
tadpoles  of  Rana  temporaiia  (Gause  and  Smaragdova, 

Some  experiments  on  the  action  of  l(-)  and  of  d(  +  ) 
leucine  on  the  yeast  Torula  utilis  (Gause  and  Smarag- 
dova, 1938)  also  bring  confirmatory  evidence  that  the 
unnatural  form  d(-|-)  exerts  a  stronger  action  than  the 
natural  and  that  their  effect  is  of  different  nature. 

Concerning  the  experiments  in  which  racemic  malic 
acid  was  used,  it  should  be  mentioned  that,  in  dilute 
aqueous  solutions,  the  racemic  acid  is  completely  disso- 
ciated into  dextrorotatory  and  laevorotatory  constituents 
(Ostwald,  1889).  Therefore  the  greater  biological  activ- 
ity of  the  racemate  must  probably  be  attributed  to  a 
higher  toxicity  of  the  unnatural  dextrorotatory  compo- 

If  our  last  assumptions  are  correct  there  would  be  a 
series  of  cases  in  which,  contrary  to  what  has  been  de- 
scribed above,  the  unnatural  optic  isomers  are  physio- 
logically more  effective  and  in  which  the  mechanism  of 

lit  is  to  be  remembered  that  the  natural  dextrorotatory  tartaric  acid 
and  the  natural  laevorotatory  malic  acid  belong  to  the  same  steric 



0.00  300      0.00350       0.00400 

Reciprocal  of  obsolute  temperature 

Fig.  18.  Effect  of  temperature  on  the  killing  time  of  the  fish 
Platypoecilus  maculatus  by  the  optical  isomers  of  malic  acid.  The 
lower  graph  represents  the  killing  rate  plotted  logarithmically. 


action  of  the  two  optic  isomers  is  ditTerent.  One  could 
not,  then,  speak  of  a  single  receptive  protoplasmic  sub- 
stance which  would  simply  react  to  a  ditferent  degree  to 
the  two  isomers,  as  is  probably  the  case  when  the  mech- 
anism of  action  of  the  two  isomers  is  the  same. 

2.  Dual  Activity  of  Organic  Acids.   The  mechanism  of 
toxic  action  of  the  optical  isomers  of  organic  acids  can  be 
also  investigated  from  another  point  of  view.  Heilbrunn 
(1928),  among  others,  called  attention  to  the  dual  nature 
of  the  action  of  organic  acids  upon  living  systems:  (1) 
Organic  acids  produce   an  electro-chemical  effect  upon 
the  surface  of  the  cells,  primarily  due  either  to  a  destruc- 
tion of  the  negative  charge  of  the  cell  surface  by  posi- 
tively charged  hydrogen  ions  or  to  other  physico-chem- 
ical surface  'pJienomena;   (2)   Owing  to  their  relatively 
weak  electrolytic  dissociation,  the  solutions  of  organic 
acids  contain  a  considerable  proportion  of  non-dissociated 
molecules  which  penetrate  into  the  interior  of  the  cells 
where  they  produce  transformations  of  a  chemical  nature. 
Koltzotf's  experiments  (1915)  on  the  action  of  ditferent 
acids  on  the  feeding  activity  of  fresh-water  vorticellids 
furnish  an  example  of  the  first  type  of  action.    There  the 
biological  effect  of  the  organic  acid  depends  only  on  the 
pH  and  the  mechanism  of  this  action  consists  in  electro- 
chemical changes  upon  surfaces  directly  accessible  to  hy- 
drogen ions.     The  sinniltaneous  occurrence  of  the  first 
and  second  type  of  effects  is  illustrated  in  the  experi- 
ments of  Stiles  and  Rees   (1935)   who  showed  that  the 
killing  action  of  monobasic  organic  acids  of  the  aliphatic 
series  first  diminishes  with  the  elongation  of  the  chain 
of  carbon  atoms  in  the  molecule,  then  reaches  a  minimum 
with  valeric  acid  and  finally  again  increases  with  the  fur- 
ther elongation  of  the  chain.     This  phenomenon  was  ex- 
plained on  the  idea  that  the  degree  of  electrolytic  disso- 
ciation diminishes  with  the  increase  in  the  weight  of  the 
molecule,  while  the  killing  action  of  the  non-dissociated 
molecules  increases  with  the  increase  of  molecular  weight. 


The  observed  lethal  action,  which  is  the  resultant  of  the 
partial  lethal  action  of  hydroo^en  ions  and  of  that  of  non- 
dissociated  molecules,  would  then  decrease  first  and  in- 
crease afterwards  as  we  indicated.  Other  investigations 
on  the  mode  of  action  of  organic  acids  have  been  sum- 
marized by  Lepeschkin   (1937). 

Since  optical  isomers  have  all  their  physical  and  chem- 
ical properties  identical,  except  those  which  are  directly 
related  to  their  structural  configuration,  one  will  observe 
that,  if  the  common  properties  only  are  involved  in  the 
killing  mechanism,  the  two  isomers  should  produce  the 
same  effect,  while,  if  the  properties  which  are  ditferent 
in  the  two  isomers  are  involved  in  the  killing  action,  the 
two  isomers  will  produce  a  different  effect.  It  is  further- 
more assumed  that  the  properties  which  are  specific  to 
each  isomer  will  be  involved  in  the  interaction  of  these 
isomers  with  the  protoplasm  itself,  within  the  cell,  in  op- 
tically active  medium,  while  the  properties  common  to 
the  two  isomers,  such  as  the  electric  charge,  the  electric 
conductivity  (observed  by  Ostwald,  1889,  to  be  the  same 
in  the  isomers  of  tartaric  acid),  the  osmotic  pressure, 
etc.,  will  be  involved  in  such  processes  as  conduction  to- 
ward the  protoplasmic  matter  itself.  Consequently,  if 
our  assumptions  are  correct,  when  solutions  of  dextroro- 
tatory and  of  laevorotatory  acids  are  equally  toxic  for  a 
given  animal,  one  may  infer  that  the  killing  results  from 
physico-chemical  injuries  concerned  with  conduction  or 
the  like.  If,  on  the  other  hand,  the  two  optical  isomers 
are  not  equally  toxic,  it  is  natural  to  think  that  the  sur- 
face effects  just  described  could  not  induce  death,  so  that 
non-dissociated  molecules  have  time  to  penetrate  inside 
the  cells  and  there  carry  out  their  stereo-specific  destruc- 
tive actions. 

With  these  ideas  in  mind,  Gause  and  Smaragdova 
(1938)  determined  the  coefficient  of  relative  toxicity  of 
the  optical  isomers  of  tartaric  acid  on  various  fresh  water 
animals.     Some  of  their  results  are  given  in  Table  18. 


TABLE  18 

Coefficients  of  Relative  Toxicity  of  Dextbokotatory  Tartaric  Acid 

AND  Significance  of  Differences  in  Relative  Toxicity  in 

Different  Groups  of  Animals. 

(From  Gause  and  Smaragdova,  1938.) 

(M  is  the  coefficient  of  toxicity;   P.E.  is  the  probable  error.) 

(1)  Protozoa 

M±P.E.       0.981±0.019 

(2)  Worms       (3)  Crustacea        (4)  Pisces 


1.064±0.010  1.305±0.011 

The  figures  represent  the  mean  vahie  (M)  of  the  data  for 
all  the  animals  of  a  given  phylmn.  The  probable  error 
(P.E.)  from  the  mean  is  also  given. 

The  coefficient  of  relative  toxicity  in  Protozoa  is  close 
to  unity,  which  means  that  the  dextrorotatory  and  laevo- 
rotatory  tartaric  acids  are  equally  effective.  On  the  con- 
trary, in  fishes,  the  optical  isomers  of  tartaric  acid  dif- 
fer strongly  in  their  killing  power,  the  stereo  coef- 
ficient being  1.305.  The  other  groups  of  invertebrates 
investigated  occupy  an  intermediate  position  between  the 
protozoa  and  the  fishes  in  their  differential  sensitivity  to 
the  two  isomers,  the  coefficient  of  relative  toxicity  reach- 
ing 1.0-1-8  in  the  worms  and  1.064  in  the  Crustacea. 

Similar  results  were  obtained  also  with  the  optical 
isomers  of  malic  acid. 

According  to  the  assumptions  made,  these  data  would 
show  that,  in  the  killing  of  lower  animals  by  tartaric 
and  malic  acids,  there  predominates  some  electro-chem- 
ical surface  injury,  while  in  higher  animals  internal  chem- 
ical injuries  caused  by  non-dissociated  molecules  would 

Cushny  (1903,  1926)  called  into  question  the  obser- 
vations on  the  differences  in  the  killing  power  of  the  dex- 
trorotatory and  the  laevorotatory  isomers  of  tartaric  acid 
in  vertebrates,  because  the  weak  specific  action  of  tar- 
taric acids  might,  according  to  his  opinion,  be  totally 
concealed  by  the  more  powerful  effect  of  the  hydrogen  ion 


concentration  which  is  known  to  be  identical  in  tlie  solu- 
tions of  both  optic  isomers.  But  the  objections  of  Cushny 
must  be  considered  in  the  light  of  the  following  recent 
observations :  1.  It  is  at  present  doubtful  that  the  ef- 
fect of  hydrogen  ions  is  always  dominant  over  the  spe- 
cific action  of  non-dissociated  molecules  of  organic  acids 
(cf.  Gause,  1936),  2.  Furthermore,  Sizer  (1937),  in  a 
work  on  the  stimulative  effect  of  organic  acids  on  various 
animals  has  shown  that  Balanus  halanoides  is  more  sus- 
ceptible to  the  action  of  hydrogen  ions,  while  in  Fimdulus 
heteroclitus  the  effect  of  these  ions  does  not  predom- 
inate over  the  specific  action  of  nondissociated  mole- 

There  is  another  essential  point  in  the  investigations 
of  Gause  and  Smaragdova.  If  the  animals  studied  are 
arranged  in  the  order  of  increasing  difference  in  the 
toxic  jDOwer  of  the  two  optical  isomers :  Protozoa 
<  Worms  <  Crustacea  <  Pisces,  one  obtains  the  phylo- 
genetic  series  of  gradually  increasing  differentiation. 
This  is  not  surprising  if  one  considers  the  fact  of  the 
progressively  diminishing  relative  vital  importance  of 
the  physico-chemical  injury  of  integuments  when  one 
ascends  the  animal  series.  The  nature  of  susceptible 
integuments,  the  injury  of  which,  according  to  our  as- 
sumptions, brings  about  death  in  lower  animals,  is  not 
known.  It  is  possible  that  the  respiratory  surfaces  are 
among  the  most  susceptible.  In  Protozoa  the  whole  sur- 
face of  the  cell  is  the  respiratory  surface.  When  one 
ascends  the  animal  series,  respiratory  surfaces  become 
more  localized  and  more  differentiated  and  the  physico- 
chemical  injury  of  these  surfaces  progressively  dimin- 
ishes in  magnitude  as  a  cause  of  death.  The  results  of  fur- 
ther investigations  along  this  line  have  recently  been  pub- 
lished by  Gause  and  Smaragdova  (1939). 




1.  Stereo-coefficients  of  Action  of  the  Optical  Isomers 
of  Nicotine  in  the  Phijlogenetic  Series.  Since  the  two 
optical  isomers  of  nicotine  exert  their  killing  action  by 
the  same  mechanism  but  with  a  different  strength  one 
can,  by  measuring  this  difference  of  potency  in  various 
animals,  study  the  properties  of  the  specific  receptive 
substance  in  different  species.  In  higher  animals,  as  has 
been  already  recorded  above,  there  is  some  specific  sen- 
sitive substance  which  is  affected  to  dift'erent  degrees  by 
the  toxic  action  of  the  dextro  and  the  laevo  isomers  of 
nicotine.  Protozoa  do  not  possess,  as  some  observations 
have  shown,  such  a  sensitive  substance,  and  the  dextro 
and  laevo  isomers  of  nicotine  are  for  them  equally  toxic. 
The  question  arises  of  the  nature  of  this  specific  sub- 
stance and  of  the  stage  of  evolution  at  which  it  first 

Greenwood,  as  early  as  1890,  carried  out  an  extensive 
comparative  investigation  on  the  action  of  connnon  laevo- 
rotatory  nicotine  on  invertebrates,  attempting  to  establish 
a  parallelism  between  the  toxic  eifect  of  this  alkaloid 
which  affects,  as  is  known,  the  nervous  system  of  ani- 
mals, and  the  evolution  of  the  nervous  system.  On  the 
basis  of  purely  qualitative  observations  he  reached  the 
conclusion  that  ''the  toxic  effect  of  nicotine  on  any  or- 
ganism is  determined  mainly  by  the  degree  of  develop- 
ment of  the  nervous  system.  Thus  for  Amoeba  the  sub- 
stance cannot  be  regarded  as  exciting  or  paralysing ;  it  is 
rather  inimical  to  continued  healthy  life.  As  soon  as  any 
structural  complexity  is  reached,  the  action  of  nicotine 
is  discriminating  in  such  a  fashion  that  the  nervous  ac- 
tions which  are  the  expression  of  automatism,  that  is, 
which  imply  coordination  of  impulses,  are  stopped  first. 
This  is  seen  dimly  in  Hydra,  and  it  is  more  pronunced 
among  the  medusae.   When  structural  development  goes 


farther,  the  selective  action  of  nicotine  is  traced  readily, 
as  for  example  in  PaJaeniou".  Greenwood  writes  fui'ther 
that:  ''Animals  which  have  enough  in  common  to  stand 
near  each  other  in  classification,  may  yet  react  differently 
to  nicotine,  each  according  to  what  I  may  perhaps  call 
its  own  balance  of  organisation." 

Gause  and  Smaragdova  (1939)  made  quantitative  de- 
terminations of  the  toxic  action  of  the  two  optically 
isomeric  nicotines.  The  advantage  of  the  use  of  the  two 
isomers  will  appear  in  the  discussion  of  the  results. 

Experiments  on  vertebrates  showed  that  the  stereo- 
coefficients  of  toxic  action  of  optical  isomers  of  nicotine 
(a)  are  of  the  same  order  of  magnitude  in  all  ;ininials 
studied : 

Bird  (AcanfJtis  flaminra)     a  =  3.1 

Lizard         {Lacerta  viridis)  a  =  2.4 

Tadpoles     {Rana  temporaria)      a  =  3.0 
Fish  (Leuclscus  idus)  a  =  2.9 

Fish  {Lebisfes  reticulatus)  a  =  2.4 

Mean  a  =  2.8 
Inasmuch  as  the  mechanism  of  toxic  action  is  identical 
in  optically  isomeric  nicotines,  one  can,  by  the  difference 
of  their  effects,  judge  of  the  difference  in  spatial  proper- 
ties of  the  specific  receptive  substance  assumed.  As  the 
difference  of  effects  remains  constant,  one  can  conclude 
that  the  chemical  nature  of  the  receptive  substance  in 
the  vertebrates  also  remain  essentially  constant. 

Since  the  procedure  for  the  introduction  of  nicotine 
was  not  the  same  for  all  the  animals  used — the  poison 
was  introduced  in  the  muscle  of  Lacerta  while  Lehistes 
were  immersed  in  the  solutions  of  nicotine — the  identity 
of  the  stereo-coeffcient  is  an  experimental  proof  that  the 
conditions  of  the  penetration  of  nicotine  do  not  affect 
significantly  either  the  mechanism  of  toxic  action  or  the 
reaction  of  the  specific  receptive  substance. 

Furthermore,  the  absolute  sensitiveness  to  nicotine 
in  Acanihis  is  considerably  higher  than  in  Lacerta  (0.8 



mg.  per  100  gr.  of  weight  as  compared  to  5.6  mg.  per  100 
gr.),  but,  practically,  this  difference  in  sensitiveness  does 
not  influence  the  stereo-coefficient.  The  constancy  of  the 
latter,  despite  a  different  sensitiveness,  is  also  significant 
in  the  study  of  the  properties  of  the  specific  receptive 

The  results  of  investigations  on  the  toxic  action  of  the 
two  optical  isomers  of  nicotine  on  fresh  water  and  marine 
invertebrates  are  given  in  Table  19.  One  sees  that  all 
the  invertebrates  examined  by  Gause  and  Smaragdova 
can  be  divided  into  two  groups.  The  first  includes  the 
animals  for  which  the  dextro  and  laevo  isomers  are  equal- 
ly toxic,  and  for  w^hich  the  toxicity  curves  of  the  two 
isomers  fullv  coincide.     The  second  includes  the  organ- 

TABLE  19 
Comparative  Killing  Action  of  the  Optical  Isomers  of  Nicotine  on 

(Tiie  sign  =  means  that  d  and  1  nicotines  are  equally  toxic;  the  coeffi- 
cient (X  indicates  to  what  degree  1  is  more  toxic  than  d  nicotine.) 







1.  Paramecium  cauda- 


Saccocirrus  papillo- 



a  — 2.3 

2.  Euplotes  patella 


Perinereis  cultrifera 

a -1.9 

3.  Stentor    coeruleus 


Arenicola  grubii 

a   >1 

4.  Spirostomtim    ambi- 


Pristina    longiseta 

a— 2.09 



Limnodrilus  hoff- 



a— 3.45 

5.  Hydra  fusca 



Helobdella  stagnalis 

a— 4.0 

6.  Cladonema  radiatum 


Nais  C07nm.unis 

a  =2.41 



Chaetogaster    langi 

a  —  3.13 



Stylaria  lacusti'is 

a   >1 

7.  PolyceUs  nigra 

, , 


Aelosoma  variegatum 

a -1.76 

8.  Phaenocora  sp. 


Aelosoma  hemprichi 

a -1.84 

9.  Dalyellia    brevimana 


10.  Procerodes  lohata 


Sagitta  setosa 

a— 2.7 

11.  Leptoplana  tremel-  ■ 




Daphnia  magna 



Cyclops  serrulatus 

12.  Euchlanis  triquetra 


Gammarus  marinus 

13.  Rotifer  vulgaris 


Drosophila  melan- 



14.  Lineus  lacteus 

(2-days    old    larvae    were 
immersed     in    nicotine 


isms  in  wliicli  the  laevo  isomer  of  nicotine  is  more  toxic 
than  the  dextro- isomer.  Tlie  two  groups  correspond  to 
large  divisions  of  the  animal  kingdom,  and  witliin  each 
division,  there  are  hardly  any  exceptions. 

All  the  representatives  of  Protozoa,  Coelenterata,  Tur- 
bellaria,  Rotatoria  and  Nemertinea  studied  belong  to  the 
first  group.  They  are  devoid  of  spatially  specific  recep- 
tive substances  in  the  process  of  poisoning  by  nicotine. 

It  should  be  mentioned  that  the  stereo-coefficients  in  in- 
vertebrates are  not  atfected  by  the  differences  in  the  ab- 
solute sensitiveness  to  nicotine,  exhibited  by  various  spe- 
cies, as  it  has  been  noticed  in  vertebrates.  Thus,  for  ex- 
ample, Leptoplana  is  considerably  more  sensitive  to  nico- 
tine than  Procerodvs,  but  both  these  turbellarians  are 
characterized  by  an  equal  effect  of  the  dextro  and  laevo 
isomers.  There  are  many  other  examples  of  the  inde- 
pendence of  these  characters. 

The  lowest  groups  in  the  phylogenetic  series,  in  which 
a  stronger  eifect  of  the  laevo  isomer  of  nicotine  is  ob- 
served, are  the  annelids,  and  particularly  the  Archian- 
nelids  {Saccocirrus),  the  Polychaeta  and  the  Oligochaeta 
and  the  primitive  representatives  of  Deuterostomia  {Sa- 
gitta  setosa).  In  Arthropoda  (Crustacea  and  Insecta) 
this  etfect  is  absent,  an  equal  toxicity  of  the  dextro  and 
the  laevo  isomers  is  again  observed. 

Let  us  now  compare  the  stereo-coefficients  in  verte- 
brates and  in  those  invertebrates  which  show  a  higher 
sensitivity  to  the  laevorotatory  nicotine.  The  following 
values  were  recorded  in  invertebrates : 

Saccocirrus  papillocerciis 

Perinereis  cult rif era 

Pristina  longiseta 

Limnodrilus  Jiofmeisteri 

Helobdella  stagnalis 

Nais  communis 

Ch act og aster  langi 

Aelosoma  variegatum 

Aelosoma  hemprichi 

Sagitta  setosa  

Mean  a 


























120  AswiMtyriiw  A\ALysii<i 

The  limits  of  error  in  measuring  the  coefficient  a  may 
extend  over  a  rather  wide  range.  Thus  the  following 
values  were  obtained  in  two  independent  measurements : 
in  Nais  2.57  and  2.25;  in  Liwiwdrilus  2.9  and  4.0;  in 
Aelosoma  variegaium  1.79  and  1.74;  in  Aelosoma  Jiem- 
prichi  1.50  and  2.18.  Nevertheless  the  order  of  magnitude 
of  the  average  is  significant.  We  find  nearly  the  same  value 
in  invertebrates  (2.6)  and  in  vertebrates  (2.8). 

The  data  above  mean  that  the  Protozoa,  Coelenterata, 
Turbellaria,  Rotatoria  and  Nemertinea  are  deprived  of 
the  spatially  specific  receptive  substance  which  responds 
differentially  to  the  left  isomer  of  nicotine.  Annelides, 
Chaetognatha  and  Vertebrates  possess  this  receptor, 
while  in  Arthropoda  it  is  absent  again. 

2.  The  Acetylcholine  System  and  the  Dlfferottial  Ef- 
fect of  the  Optical  Isomers  of  Nicotine.  Considering  that 
it  is  the  nervous  system  in  animals  which  is  affected  by 
nicotine  and  that  there  is  an  identity  of  stereo-coeffi- 
cient in  invertebrates  and  in  vertebrates,  in  spite  of  es- 
sential differences  in  the  morphology  of  their  nervous 
system,  we  come  to  the  conclusion  that  there  is  some 
uniform  receptive  substance  distributed  in  the  various 
nervous  systems  of  these  animals.  However,  this  chem- 
ical constituent  is  not  an  obligatory  component  of  every 
nervous  system;  even  some  quite  differentiated  nervous 
systems  of  lower  invertebrates  (Turbellaria  and  Nemer- 
tinea) are  deprived  of  it. 

A  study  of  the  present  views  on  the  mechanism  of  nic- 
otine toxic  action  will  furnish  more  information  on  the 
nature  of  the  receptive  substance.  Thomas  and  Franke 
(1924,  1928,  1933)  have  shown  that  it  is  the  paralysis  of 
the  peripheral  neuro-muscular  junctions  of  the  respira- 
tory muscles  which  is  the  cause  of  death  of  higher  ani- 
mals in  acute  nicotine  poisoning.  This  view  was  con- 
firmed by  Gold  and  Brown  (1935).  We  are  thus  led  to 
the  old  classical  observations  of  Langley  (1904)  that  in 
the  ''neuro-muscular  junction"  there  is  a  certain  sensi- 

A.SYMMI-JTinv   A^ALYSI^S  121 

tive  "receptive  substance"  wliicli  is  tlie  tirst  to  be  af- 
fected by  nicotme. 

On  tile  other  hand,  since  the  cUissical  works  of  Loewi, 
it  is  known  that,  in  the  transmission  of  impulses  from 
nerves  to  effectors  the  various  steps  are  as  follows  (1) 
nerve  impulse — ^  (2)  chemical  mediator — ^  (3)  receptive 
substance — v  (-t)  specific  response  (for  literature  see 
Cannon  and  Eosenblueth,  1937).  There  are  some  indi- 
cations that  the  chemical  mediator  in  the  voluntary  mus- 
cles of  higher  animals  is  acetylcholine.  Its  action  on  the 
receptive  substance  in  this  case  reminds  one  of  that  of 
nicotine:  in  small  doses  it  excites,  and  in  larger  doses  it 
paralyses,  and  according  to  the  current  views,  nicotine, 
in  case  of  an  acute  poisoning,  atfects  in  some  irreversible 
way  the  receptive  substance,  upon  which  acetylcholine 
mediation  is  no  more  effective.  In  other  words,  nicotine 
(at  least  in  experiments  of  our  type)  acts  upon  neuro- 
effector  synapses  of  voluntary  muscles.  In  its  action  it 
reminds  one  of  acetylcholine,  the  substance  which  trans- 
mits the  excitation  in  these  synapses.  Consequently  the 
receptive  substance  in  nicotine  poisoning  has  some  close 
relation  to  the  receptive  substance  for  chemical  media- 

The  experiments  just  described  permit  one  to  divide 
the  animals  into  two  groups  according  to  the  nature  of 
the  receptive  substance  atfected  by  nicotine.  It  might 
be  that  animals  possessing  a  receptive  substance  differ- 
entially atfected  and  those  possessing  a  receptive  sub- 
stance identically  affected  by  optically  isomeric  nicotines 
ditfer  also  in  their  receptivity  to  the  normal  chemical  me- 
diator, and  consequently  in  peculiarities  of  the  transmis- 
sion of  nerve  impulses. 

An  examination  of  the  data  on  the  distribution  of 
acetylcholine  in  different  groups  of  invertebrates  will 
throw  a  new  light  on  this  problem.  Despite  the  often 
questionable  findings  concerning  the  presence  of  this 
substance  which  is  ascertained  bv  the  action  of  extracts 


on  different  organs  while  not  a  single  of  the  ordinarily 
used  organs  is  strictly  specific,  as  Cannon  and  Rosen- 
blueth  (1937)  pointed  out,  the  results  may  be  regarded 
as  sufficiently  reliable  if  they  are  repeatedly  observed 
with  several  different  procedures.  The  most  extensive  and 
elaborate  investigations  were  carried  out  by  Bacq  (1935) 
at  the  Biological  Station  of  Naples.  He  did  not  find 
acetylcholine  nor  the  enzyme  which  destroys  it,  choline- 
esterase,  in  the  tissues  of  different  Coelenterates.  The 
muscles  of  Annelids  and  of  lower  Deuterostomia  (Holo- 
thuria)  contained  acetylcholine  and  choline-esterase.  In 
the  muscles  of  Crustacea  he  found  so  little  acetylcholine 
that  he  concluded  that  the  transmission  of  impulses 
from  the  motor  nerve  to  the  muscle  in  these  animals  is 
not  accomplished  by  means  of  this  mediator.  He  insisted 
on  this  point  at  the  conference  devoted  to  this  problem 
held  in  Cambridge  in  1937.  On  the  other  hand,  there 
are  some  preliminary  communications  by  Nachmanson 
(1937),  according  to  which  there  is  some  choline-esterase 
in  the  ganglions  of  Crustacea.  What  is  certain,  however, 
is  that  neuro-effector  synapses  of  the  muscles  of  Crus- 
tacea are  not  typical  acetylcholine  systems,  if  only  for 
the  reason  that  they  are  extremely  insensitive  to  the 
action  of  externally  applied  acetylcholine. 

In  the  accompanying  table  w^e  compare  the  observa- 
tions of  Bacq  with  those  of  Gause  and  Smaragdova.  In 
six  animal  groups  the  two  series  of  independently  obtain- 
ed results  coincide.  If  our  suggestions  are  correct,  the 
differential  killing  action  of  optical  isomers  of  nicotine 
could  be  employed  to  detect  the  presence  of  the  specific 
receptor  characteristic  for  the  acetylcholine  system  in 
the  neuro-effector  synapse  of  voluntary  muscles  (Gause 
and  Smaragdova  1939).  But  further  investigations  are 
necessarv  for  a  final  conclusion  on  this  problem. 

A S 1  -1/ .1/ /•; 77.' / ('    - 1 XALYSIS 


TABLE  20 

Comparative  SmiY,  of  thic  Presence  in  Various  Animals  of  a  Stereo- 
Differential  Toxic  Action  of  the  Optical  Isomers  of  Nicotine 


OF  Nerve  Impulse 



Action  of  Nicotine 

(Gause  and  Smarag- 


(Bacq.  1935) 












Lower  Deuterostomia 


for      ace- 

tylcholine  and 


natha   for  nicotine) 

















The  following  attempt  at  aii  ''Asymmetric  Analysis" 
of  physiological  functions  in  protozoa  is  based  on  the 
fundamental  principle  of  dissociability  of  physiological 
processes.  The  action  of  the  optical  isomers  of  some 
organic  substance  will  be  studied  on  some  particular 
function  and  the  stereo-coefficient  of  action  determined 
for  that  function.  From  the  similarity  or  dissimilarity 
of  the  coefficient  various  conclusions  can  be  drawn  on  the 
nature  or  mechanism  of  the  function. 

It  should  be  noticed  that  a  similar  method  is  followed 
in  the  temperature  analysis  of  biological  processes  (cf. 
the  recent  discussion  of  this  subject  by  Hoagland,  1935). 
"When  two  separate  processes  reveal  different  tempera- 
ture relations  it  is  believed  that  they  are  not  directly 
controlled  by  some  common  ''master  reaction".  (Con- 
cerning the  caution  with  which  the  notion  of  "master 
reaction"  should  be  used,  cf.  Burton,  1936  and  Hoag- 
land, 1937.) 

124  Al^Y.}[}[ErRIC  ANALYSLS 

The  experiments  of  Gause,  Sniaragdova  and  Alpatov 
(1938)  to  be  reported  here,  consisted  in  the  analysis  of 
the  action  of  the  optical  isomers  of  cinchonine  on  the 
rate  of  the  following  functions  of  the  infusorian  Para- 
mecium caudatiim:  (1)  The  feeding  rate,  as  measured  by 
the  number  of  food  vacuoles  formed  in  water  suspensions 
of  india  ink;  (2)  The  velocity  of  expulsion  of  gastric 
vacuoles;  (3)  The  division  rate;  (4)  The  velocity  of  loco- 
motion in  thin  glass  tubes,  according  to  the  method  of 
Glaser  (1924) ;  (5)  The  death  rate,  death  being  diagnosed 
by  the  complete  cessation  of  all  motion. 

It  was  found  that  the  stereo-coefficient  of  action  of 
cinchonine  (a)  was  of  the  same  order  of  magnitude  (about 
1.3)  in  the  case  of  the  inhibition  of  the  following  three 
functions :  the  formation  of  the  gastric  vacuoles,  the  ex- 
pulsion of  these  vacuoles,  and  the  division  rate.  In  other 
words  cinchonine  inhibits  some  susceptible  system  which 
controls  these  three  functions.  The  gastric  vacuoles  in 
paramecia  separate  from  the  gullet,  being,  so  to  say, 
pulled  away  by  the  active  protoplasm  (cf.  Metalnikoff, 
1910  and  Bozler,  1924).  Their  formation  and  their  ex- 
pulsion are  evidently  connected  with  the  degree  of  activ- 
ity of  the  protoplasm.  These  two  functions,  as  Avell  as 
the  rate  of  division,  are,  therefore,  expected  to  be  con- 
trolled by  the  rate  of  metabolism  in  the  endoplasm  of  the 
Paramecium.  In  all  probability  optically  isomeric  cin- 
chonines,  inhibiting  one  of  the  phases  of  metabolism  in 
the  endoplasm,  depress  all  the  three  functions  together. 

On  the  other  hand,  the  cessation  of  the  motion  in  para- 
mecia by  cinchonine  is  evidently  connected  with  the  pois- 
oning of  the  svstem  of  locomotory  cilia.  This  svstem  is 
localized  in  the  ectoplasm  (cf.  Kalmus,  1931).  The  stereo- 
coefficient  of  action  of  the  optical  isomers  of  cinchonine 
is  significantly  ditferent  from  that  previously  recorded,  it 
reaches  1.98  (the  left  isomer  being,  as  before,  more  pow- 
erful than  the  right).  These  data  are  presented  in 
Table  21. 

yi^'vi/i//;77.'/r  .i,v.i/.r.s7.s'  125 

TABLE  21 

Stereo-Coefficients  of  Action  of  the  Optical  Tso.mkus  of  Cinchoxine 

ox  Vauioi's  Functions  in  Paramecium  caudatum. 

(Froji  Gaise,  Smaragdova  and  Alpatov,  1938.) 

Function  Stereo-coefficient 

Inhibition     of    f  1.  Formation  of  gastric  vacuoles  j  ^  =:  1.36 

endoplasm    ■{  2.  Release   of  gastric  vacuoles 
[  3.  Division  rate 

ot  =  1.36 
a  =  1.24 

Inhibition     of     \ 

ectoplasm    (  1.  Mechanism  of  ciliary  motion  fi  =  ^-^^ 

The  differences  ol)served  in  the  vakie  of  the  stereo- 
coefficient  suggest  that,  in  the  ectophism,  cinchonine  in- 
hibits a  receptive  substance  diiferent  from  that  of  the 
endophism.  A  physiological  differentiation  of  the  cells 
into  ectoplasm  and  endoplasm  would  then  be  brought  into 
evidence  in  Paramecium  caudatum  by  our  method  of 
''asymmetric  analysis". 

However,  in  another  species  of  paramecia  {Para- 
mecium hursaria),  the  stereo-coefficients  of  the  action  of 
optically  isomeric  cinchonines  on  various  functions  did 
not  disclose  such  a  dilfereuce;  the  same  stereo-coeffi- 
cient of  inhibition  was  observed  for  the  endoplasmic  and 
ectopia smic  function. 

For  the  study  of  the  effects  of  the  optical  isomers  of 
cinchonine  on  the  rate  of  movement  of  paramecia  the 
procedure  Avas,  in  general,  as  follows.  To  2  cc.  of  cin- 
chonine solution  of  a  given  concentration  5  drops  of  a 
culture  of  Paramecium  caudatum  were  added.  A  little 
quantity  of  the  cinchonine  solution  with  infusoria  was 
then  transferred  with  a  pipette  into  a  thin  glass  tube 
and  the  latter  was  placed  on  a  graduated  glass  plate  on 
which  the  velocity  of  motion  was  measured  with  the  aid 
of  a  stop-watch.  The  determinations  were  made  every 
ten  minutes  for  eighty  minutes. 

While,  for  a  time,  no  significant  ditference  in  velocity 
could  be  observed  in  the  control  and  in  the  right  isomer 
solution,  the  paramecia  in  the  left  isomer  of  the  same 


strength  i^reseuted  a  considerable  increase  in  the  rate  of 
movement.  The  left  isomer  of  cinchonine  definitely  call- 
ed forth  at  first  a  strong  stimulation  of  movement;  sub- 
sequently the  motion  slowed  down  and  finally  the  para- 
mecia  died.  With  the  right  cinchonine  the  stimulation 
phase  was  entirely  absent  under  all  concentrations  em- 
ployed, only  the  inhibition  phase  could  be  observed. 

So  only  the  laevorotatory  isomer  has  the  specific  power 
of  stimulating  the  ciliary  movement.  One  can  suppose 
that  the  left  isomer,  because  of  peculiarities  of  its  spatial 
configuration,  interacts  with  the  system  of  reactions 
which  control  the  ciliary  motion,  while  this  system  re- 
mains as  if  "closed"  for  the  dextrorotatory  isomer.  In 
distinction  from  this  stimulating  effect,  the  less  specific 
process  of  toxic  destruction  of  the  locomotory  force  of 
the  cilia  is  carried  out  qualitatively  in  the  same  way  by 
both  optic  isomers  of  cinchonine,  the  rate  of  the  reaction 
only  is  different.  This  situation  has  its  parallel  in  the 
following  observation  of  Krebs  (1936).  He  has  recently 
pointed  out  that  in  the  metabolism  of  amino  acids  some 
specific  transformations  such  as  the  splitting  of  the  imi- 
dazole ring  in  histidine  (Edlbacher  and  Neber,  1934),  or 
the  oxidation  of  the  ring  in  tyrosine  (Bernheim,  1935), 
are  open  only  to  the  natural  amino  acids  of  the  left  series 
and  are  closed  for  the  right  forms.  On  the  contrary,  in 
other  less  specific  reactions,  such  as  deamination,  both 
optic  isomers  of  amino  acids  can  participate. 

Further  data  on  the  action  of  optical  isomers  of  cin- 
chonine upon  various  protozoa  are  given  in  the  orig- 
inal paper  by  Gause,  Smaragdova  and  Alpatov  (1938). 


1.  The  study  of  the  mechanism  of  various  biological 
processes  by  examining  how  they  are  influenced  by  opti- 
cal isomers  of  various  substances  is  presented  as  a 
method  of  investigation  called  '^ Asymmetric  analysis." 
This  method  is  applied  here  in  the  study  of    (1)   the 


meclianism  of  toxic  action,  (2)  the  evolution  of  the  ner- 
vous system,  (3)  the  mechanism  of  various  physiological 
functions  in  protozoa, 

2.  The  two  optical  isomers  of  a  toxic  substance  may 
exhibit  different  degrees  of  toxicity  (the  natural  isomer 
being-  more  toxic)  but  possess  the  same  mechanism  of 
toxic  action,  as  judged  by  the  identity  of  the  relation  of 
increasing  toxicity  to  concentration  and  by  the  identity 
of  the  temperature  characteristics.  Such  conditions  have 
been  observed,  in  particular,  in  nicotine.  There  are  cases 
in  which  none  of  the  two  relations  just  mentioned  hold. 
The  last  series  of  cases  cannot  be  accounted  for  by  the 
assumption  of  a  receptive  substance  diversely  affected 
by  the  two  isomers. 

3.  The  coefficient  of  relative  toxicity  of  the  two  isomers 
of  tartaric  acid  increases  from  1  to  1.305  when  one 
passes  from  the  protozoa  to  the  fishes  through  the  worms 
and  the  Crustacea.  The  killing  action,  in  the  lower  forms, 
seems,  then,  to  be  due  to  factors  which  are  common  to  the 
two  isomers,  while,  in  the  higher  forms,  it  is  due  to  factors 
which  differ  in  the  two  isomers.  It  is  suggested  that  the 
factors  of  the  first  type  are  those  which  act  mostly  on  the 
surface  of  organisms,  and  the  factors  of  the  second  type, 
those  which  act  internally.  The  problem  of  the  mode  of 
action  of  toxic  substances  is  then  linked  to  that  of  the 
evolution  of  the  integuments  in  fresh  water  animals. 

4.  The  study  of  the  toxic  action  of  nicotine  in  animals 
of  variously  developed  nervous  systems  points  to  the 
absence  of  a  spatially  specific  receptive  substance  in  Pro- 
tozoa, Coelenterata,  Turbellaria,  Rotatoria  and  Nemer- 
tinea,  and  to  the  presence  of  such  a  substance  in  Annelids, 
Chaetognatha  and  Vertebrates.  In  Arthropoda  it  is  ab- 
sent again.  A  comparison  of  its  distribution  with  that  of 
acetylcholine  in  different  groups  of  animals  leads  to  sig- 
nificant data  on  the  evolution  of  the  nervous  system.  The 
receptive  substance  in  nicotine  poisoning  shows  some 
close  relation  to  the  receptive  substance  for  chemical 
mediation  in  the  transmission  of  the  nerve  impulse. 


5.  The  results  of  the  toxic  action  of  the  optical  isomers 
of  cinchonine  on  Paramecium  caudatum  bring  into  evi- 
dence a  difference  in  the  physiological  functions  con- 
trolled by  the  ectoplasm  and  those  controlled  by  the  en- 
doplasm.  Of  the  two  isomers  of  cinchonine  only  the 
laevorotatory  showed  the  specific  power  of  stimulating 
ciliary  movement. 


BACQ.  Z.,  Erg.  Physiol..  :i7,  82,  1935. 

BERNHEIM,  F.,  J.  Biol.  Chem.,  Ill,  217,  1935. 

BOZLER,  E.,  Arch.  Protistenk.,  J,9,  163,  1924. 

BURTON,  A.,  J.  Cell.  Comp.  Physiol..  9,  1,  1936. 

CANNON,  W.  and  A.  ROSENBLUETH,  Autonomic  Neuro-Effector  Sys- 
tems, New  York,  1937. 

CROZIER.  W.,  /.  Gen.  Physiol.,  7.  1924. 

CUSHNY,  A.,  J.  Physiol..  SO,  176,  1903. 

,  Biological  Relations  of  Optically  Isomeric  Substances,  Bal- 
timore, 1926. 

EDLBACHER,  S.  and  W.  NEBER,  Z.  physiol.  Chem..  22Jf,  261,  1934. 

GAUSE,  G.  F.,  Raumaufbau  des  Protoplasmas,  Erg.  Biol.,  l-l  54,  1936. 

,  Nature.  ISS.  976,  1936. 

,  and  N.  P.  SMARAGDOVA,  Biol.  Zhiirn..  7,  1938;  Phy- 
siol. Zooh.  hi.  1939;  Zool.  Zhurn.,  18,  1939;  Bull.  biol.  et  med.  exp. 
Moscow,  7,  105,  108,  1939. 

,  and  W.  W.  ALPATOV,  Biol.  Zhourn.,  7,  763, 


GLASER,  O.,  J.  Gen.  Physiol.,  7,  177,  1924. 

GOLD,  H.  and  F.  BROWN,  -/.  Pharmacol..  J},  463,  1935. 

GREENWOOD,  M.,  ,/.  Physiol..   11,  573,  1890. 

HEILBRUNN,  L..  The  Colloid  Chemistry  of  Protoplasm.  Berlin,  1928. 

HOAGLAND,  H.,  J.  Cell.  Comp.  Physiol.,  10,  29,  1937. 

KALMUS,  H.,  Paramecium,  Jena,  1931. 

KOLTZOFF,  N.,  Trans.  Shaniavsky  Univ.  Biol.  Lab..  1,  189,  1915. 

KREBS.  H.  A.,  Ann.  Rev.  Biochem..  .>,  247,  1936. 

LANGLEY,  N.,  J.  Physiol.,  33,  374.  1905. 

LEPESCHKIN,  W.,  Zell-Nekrobiose  und  Protoplasma-Tod.  Berlin,  1937. 

MACHT,  D.,  Proc.  Nat.  Acad.  Sci.,  U.S.A.,  15,  63,  1929. 

METALNIKOFF,  S.,Trans.  St.  Petersburg  Biol.  Lab.,  11,  3,  1910. 

NACHMANSOHN,  D.,  Nature.  1937. 

OSTWALD,  W.,  Z.  physikal.  Chem..  3.  369,  1889. 

PICTET,  A  and  A.  ROTSCHY,  Ber.  chem.  Ges..  37,  1225,  1904. 

SIZER,  S.,  Physiol.  Zool.,  10,  327,  1937. 

STILES.  W.  and  W.  REES,  Protoplasma.  22,  518,  1935. 

THOMAS,  J.  and  F.  FRANKE,  J.  Pharmacol.  23,   150,  1924;    34.   Ill, 
1928;  .'/8,  199,  1933. 




When,  in  11I2:I,  ()tto  Warburg  reijortod  thai  the  oxyda- 
tive  metabolism  of  cancer  cells  is  somewhat  defective 
and  that  growth  and  multiplication  in  cancerous  tissue 
is  provided  mainly  by  fermentative  processes  accompa- 
nied by  the  formation  of  large  quantities  of  lactic  acid,  it 
was  thought  that  the  solution  of  the  old  mystery  about 
the  nature  of  cancer  had  been  found.  Numerous  at- 
tempts of  cancer  therapy  based  on  this  principle,  and 
consisting  mostly  in  inhibiting  anaerobic  processes  in 
malignant  cells,  were  made.  But  all  these  attempts 
failed.  It  was  then  learned  that  anaerobic  metabolism  is 
not  a  characteristic  feature  of  malignancy,  it  is  observed 
in  many  embryonic  tissues. 

In  view  of  such  failures,  James  Ewing,  director  of  the 
Memorial  Hospital,  New  York,  remarked  before  the  Na- 
tional Academy  of  Science  (April,  1938),  that  the  funda- 
mental nature  of  malignant  growth  is  probably  an  in- 
solvable  problem  and  that  investigations  on  this  prob- 
lem have  consumed  much  time  and  money  without  pro- 
viding knowledge  of  practical  value.  There  is,  accord- 
ing to  him,  urgent  need  for  greater  support  of  clinical 
investigations  which  yield  some  practical  results. 

In  spite  of  that  skeptical  attitude  toward  the  pros- 
pects of  fundamental  cancer  research,  the  year  1939 
brought  forth  an  important  discovery  on  the  structure  of 
the  cancer  cell.  Two  distinguished  Dutch  chemists,  Fritz 
Kogl  and  Hanni  Erxleben  isolated  from  proteins  of  ma- 
lignant cells  the  unusual  optical  isomer  of  glutamic 
acid  (of  the  right  steric  series),  which  never  occurs  in 
proteins  of  healthy  cells.  This  important  finding  was 
rapidly  followed  by  significant  practical  applications. 
Waldschmidt-Leitz  (1939)  discovered  in  the  serum  of 
cancer  patients  proteolytic  enzymes  with  unusual  stereo- 



chemical  behaviour.    These  enzymes  are  absent  from  the 
sermn  of  healthy  persons. 

Kogl  and  Erxlebeu  also  isolated  several  other  amino 
acids  from  proteins  of  normal  and  malignant  tissues  and 
measured  their  optical  rotatory  power.  Serine  and  pro- 
line, which  undergo  easily  a  partial  racemization  in  hy- 
drolysis, were'  obtained  as  partially  racemic  products  in 
healthy  tissues.  Proline  instead  of  specific  rotation 
aa  =  ~  84.9°  gave  a  value  of  «  =  -  82.4°,  and  serine,  in- 
stead of  a  =  H-  14.45°,  gave  a  =  +  8.38°.  But  such  amino 
acids  as  valine,  leucine  and  glutamic  acid  were  practically 
optically  pure  when  isolated  from  healthy  tissues,  while 
partially  racemic  preparations  were  isolated  from  malig- 
nant tissues  (Table  1). 


Rotatory  Powek  of  Some  Amino  Acids  Lsolated  from  Ovarial 


•      (Kogl  and  Erxleben,  1939.) 

Amino  acid 

Expected  specific 

Observed  specific 

Glutamic  acid 


+  4.60 

In  the  case  of  glutamic  acid,  racemization  is  most  evi- 
dent, since  as  far  as  42.7%  consists  of  the  unusual  d(-) 
form.  Such  observations  have  led  Kogl  and  Erxleben  to 
conclude  that  the  unusual  optical  isomers  of  some  amino 
acids  participate  in  the  composition  of  cancer  cells.  The 
latter  would,  then,  be  characterized  by  some  particular 
spatial  molecular  configuration,  on  account  of  which  the 
growth-controlling  enzymes  would  be  disturbed. 

According  to  Kogl  and  Erxleben,  partial  racemization 
of  glutamic  acid  in  cancer  tissues  is  most  evident  and  it 
could  be  checked  easily.  This  observation  has  been  se- 
verely criticized  by  Chibnall  (1939)  and  also  by  Graff 
(1939)  who  reported  to  have  isolated  only  optically  pure 


1(  +  )  giutainic  acid  from  malignant  cells.  Kogl  and  Erx- 
leben  (1939)  inmiodiately  pointed  out  that  their  oppo- 
nents did  not  pay  sufficient  attention  to  the  different  sol- 
ubilities of  the  optical  isomers.  Racemic  dl-glutamic 
acid,  in  the  form  of  both  chlorhydrate  and  barium  salt,  is 
two  times  more  soluble  than  1-glutamic  acid.  The  pure  nat- 
ural isomer  consequently  cristallizes  first  and,  if  the  crys- 
tallization is  not  complete,  the  racemic  isomer  will  be  left 
in  the  mother  liquid. 

Lipmann  and  his  collaborators  (1940)  also  opposed 
their  findings  to  Kogl's  and  Erxleben's  data.  On  ac- 
count of  some  difficulties  in  the  ordinary  isolation  pro- 
cedures, Lipmann  attempted  to  determine  the  total  d- 
amino  acid  content  of  the  human  tumors  and  of  normal 
tissues  by  means  of  d-amino  acid  oxidase  with  the  aid  of 
the  Krebs  enzyme.  He  found  1.85%  of  d-amino  acids  in 
hydrolvzates  of  normal  tissues  and  1.84%  of  d-isomers  in 
those  of  cancer  tissues,  that  is,  practically  the  same  value 
in  the  two  cases.  However,  Lipmann  himself  admits  that 
the  accuracy  of  his  method  is  not  great.  Moreover,  since 
each  hydrolysis  inevitably  leads  to  a  partial  racemization 
of  such  labile  amino  acids  as  serine  and  proline,  the  deter- 
mination of  total  d-amino  acid  content  loses  some  of  its 

On  the  other  hand  Kogl's  data  have  been  confirmed  by 
Arnow  and  Opsahl  (1939).  The  glutamic  acid  which  they 
isolated  from  normal  tissues  had  an  optical  rotation  of 
a  —  --h  31.0^,  and  that  isolated  from  malignant  tissue  had 
an  optical  rotation  of  a  =  H-  5.5°. 

If  one  assumes  that  Kogl's  data  are  correct,  it  is,  how- 
ever, not  clear  whether  the  unusual  optical  isomer  of  glu- 
tamic acid  pre-exists  in  the  cancer  cell,  or  whether  the  par- 
tial racemization  observed  is  of  a  factitious  nature.  If 
glutamic  acid,  in  the  protein  molecule  of  cancer  cells,  en- 
ters into  some  special  labile  compound  different  from  that 
in  which  it  exists  in  usual  protein  molecules,  it  is  con- 
ceivable that  hydrolysis  could  lead  to  a  partial  racemiza- 
tion in  the  cancer  cell  but  not  in  the  normal  cell.     This 


possibility  can  be  checked.  Lipniaiiii  reports  that  most  of 
his  hj^drolyses  were  carried  out  in  HCl  containing*  heavy 
water.  Subsequent  determinations  of  the  content  of  deu- 
terium attached  to  the  alpha  carbon  atom  of  glutamic 
acid  w^ill  show,  according  to  the  suggestion  of  du  Vig- 
neaud  whether  or  not  the  partial  racemization  is  due  to 
the  process  of  hydrolysis. 

If  the  recent  data  of  Waldschmidt-Leitz  and  Mayer 
(1939)  are  confirmed,  they  will  undoubtedly  lead  to  new 
developments  in  the  study  of  the  problem  of  cancer  from 
the  viewpoint  of  protoplasmic  asymmetry.  According 
to  Waldschmidt-Leitz,  if  unusual  optical  isomers  of  some 
amino  acids  really  enter  into  the  composition  of  malignant 
cells,  there  should  be  specific  proteolytic  enzymes  to  cat- 
alyze the  spatially  unusual  metabolic  processes.  It  is 
known  that  peptidases  of  healthy  animal  tissues  do  not 
split  up  such  polypeptides  which  consist  of  unusual  optic 
isomers  of  amino  acids.  Waldschmidt-Leitz  showed  this 
to  be  true  also  of  the  aminopoly peptidase  and  the  dipep- 
tidase  from  the  serum  of  healthy  persons.  But  the  prop- 
erties of  peptidases  from  the  serum  of  cancer  patients  are 
radically  diiferent,  they  can  split  up  polypeptides  con- 
sisting of  unusual  optic  isomers.  This  feature  was  used 
by  Waldschmidt-Leitz  in  his  diagnosis  method. 

One  can  hope  that  more  light  be  shed  on  this  important 
problem  in  the  near  future. 


ARNOW,  E.  and  J.  OPSAHL,  Science,  90,  257,  1939. 
BAYBRLE,  H.,  Biochem.  Z.,  303,  251,  1939. 
CHIBNALL,  A.,  Nature,  14',,  71,  1939. 
EWING,  J.,  Science,  87,  399,  1938. 
GRAFF,  S.,  J.  Biol.  Cheni..  130,  13,  1939. 

KoGL,  F.  and  H.  ERXLEBEN,  Z.  physiol.   Chem.,  258,  57;    2G1,   154; 
Naturiviss,  27,  486;  Nature,  1. ',.',,  Ill;  Z.  Krehsforsch.,  J,9,  291,  1939. 

and  A.  AKKERMAN,  Z.  physiol.  Chem.,  262, 

141,  1939. 
LIPMANN,  F.  et  at.,  Science,  01,  21,  1940. 

WALDSCHMIDT-LEITZ.  E.  and  K.  MAYER,  Z.  physiol.  Chem.,  262,  IV 

WARBURG,  O.,  Uber  den  Stoffwechsel  der  Tumoren.  Berlin.  1926. 


(In  Chronolofjicnl  Onh  r) 

This  bibliograpliical  list  contains  titles  of  publications 
which  concern  the  problem  of  the  Asymmetry  of  Biologi- 
cal Material,  even  if  they  were  not  mentioned  in  the  text 
of  this  book.  On  the  other  hand,  papers  cited  in  the  book 
but  concerning-  only  indirectly  our  subject  have  been 
omitted.  The  list  includes  the  literature  published  up  to 
about  the  middle  of  the  year  1940. 


Fresxel,  A.,  Memoire  sur  la  double  refraction  .  .  .  Bull. 
Soc.Pliilomat.,  p.  147. 

Pasteur,  L.,  Recherches  sur  les  relations  qui  peuvent 
exister  entre  la  forme  cristalline,  la  composition  chimique 
et  le  sens  de  la  polarisation  rotatoire.   Ann.Chim.Pliys., 
2',,  442-459. 


Pasteur,  L.,  Note  relative  au  Peniclllium  glaucum  et  a 
la  dissymetrie  moleculaire  des  produits  organiques  nat- 
urels.  C.R.Acad.ScL,  51,  298-299. 

,  Recherches  sur  la  dissymetrie  molecu- 
laire des  produits  organiques  naturels.  Soc.Chim.Paris. 
Legons  de  chiniie  professees  en  1860.  English  translation 
in  Alembic  Club  Reprints,  No.  14,  1897. 

Pasteur,  L.,  Lettre  aux  redacteurs.  Anii.Chim.  et  Phys., 
61,  484. 

GixTL,  W.F.,  tjber  einige  Bestandtheile  von  Fraxinus 
excelsior.  Journ.pract.Chem.,  JOG,  486. 




LeBel,  J.A.,  Sur  les  relations  qui  existent  entre  les 
formiiles  atomiques  des  corps  organiques  et  le  pouvoir 
rotatoire  de  leurs  dissolutions.  Bull.Soc.Chim,.,  22,  337- 

van't  Hoff,  J.H.,  Sur  les  formules  de  structure  dans 
I'espace.  Arch.Neerland.,  9,  445.  English  translation: 
The  arrangement  of  atoms  in  space.    New  York,  1898, 


JuisTGFLEiscH,  M.E.,  Sur  le  dedoublement  des  composes 
optiquement  inactifs  par  compensation.  Bull.Soc.cJiim. 
Paris,  J,l,  222-233. 

LippMAN,  E.,  tJber  das  Vorkommen  von  Leucin  und 
Tyrosin  in  der  Eiibenmelasse.  Ber.chem.Ges.,  11,  2835- 

Pasteue,  L.,  La  dissymetrie  moleculaire.  Rev.Scient., 
J,,  2-6. 

Wyrouboff,  G.,  Discussion.  Bnll.8oc.Chim.  Paris,  Jjl, 


PiUTTi,  A.,  Ein  neues  Asparagin.  Ber.chem.Ges.,  19, 

Schulze,  E.  and  E.  Bosshard,  Untersuchungen  iiber 
die  Aminosauren,  welche  bei  Zersetzung  der  Eiweisstoffe 
durch  Salzsaure  und  durcli  Barytwasser  entstehen. 
Z.physiol.Ghem.,  10,  134-145. 


OsTWALD,  W.,  Tiber  die  Affinitatgrossen  organischer 
Sauren  und  ihre  Beziehungen  zur  Zusammensetzung  und 
Konstitution  derselben.    Z .physical. Chcm.,  3,  369-422. 


FiscHEE,  E.,  Synthese  der  Mannose  und  Liivulose. 
Ber.chem.Ges.,  2J,'370-394. 

,    Synthesen  in   der   Zuckergruppe.   Ber. 

chem.Ges.,  23,  2114-2141 ;  also  27,  3189-3232,  1894. 



Nencki,  M.,  Die  isomeren  Milchsaurcn  als  Erkennimgs- 
mittel  einzolnor  Si)alt]nlzarten.    ZhJ.Balt.,  0,  304-306. 


Beowx,  H.  aistd  H.  Morris,  A  contribution  to  the  chem- 
istry and  physiology  of  foliage  leaves.  J.Cliem.Soc., 
63,  604-677. 

Chabrie,  C,  Sur  la  toxicite  des  acides  tartriques  ster- 
eoisomeres.  C.R.Acad.Sci.,  116, 1410-1413. 

Pere,  a.,  Sur  la  formation  des  acides  lactiques  isome- 
riques.    Ann.Inst. Pasteur,  7,  737-750. 


Curie,  P.,  Sur  la  symetrie  dans  les  phenomenes  phy- 
siques.  Physique,  3,  393-415. 

Fischer,  E.  and  H.  Thierfelder,  Verhalten  der  ver- 
schiedenen  Zucker  gegen  reine  Hefen.  Berxliem.Ges.,  27, 

Kayser,  E.,  Etudes  sur  la  fermentation  lactique.  Ann. 
Inst.  Pasteur,  8,  737-784. 


Bartrum,  CO.,  Chance  or  vitalism!   Nature,  58,  545. 

Brion,  a.,  tJber  die  Oxydation  der  stereoisomeren 
Weinsauren  im  tierischen  Organismus.  Z .pliysiol.Cliem., 
25,  283-295. 

Eerera,  G.,  Asymmetry  and  vitalism.    Nature,  58,  616. 

Fischer,  E.,  Bedeutung  der  Stereochemie  fiir  die  Phy- 
siologic.   Z .pliysiol.Cliem.,  26,  60-87. 

Fitzgerald,  G.F.,  Chance  or  vitalism.  Nature,  58,  545 ; 
59,  76. 

Japp,  F.R.,  Stereochemistry  and  vitalism.  Presidential 
address.  Nature,  58,  452. 

Kipping,  F.S.  and  W.J.  Pope,  Stereochemistry  and 
vitalism.    Nature,  59,  53. 

Pearson,  K.,  Asymmetrv  and  vitalism.  Nature,  58,  495 ; 
also  5.9,  30,  124. 


Pere,  a.,  Fermentation  lactique  des  corps  siicres  par 
le  Coli-bacille.  Ami.Inst. Pasteur,  12,  63-72. 

PoTTEviN,  A.,  Contribution  a  Petude  de  la  fermenta- 
tion lactique.  Ann.Inst.Pasteur,  12,  49-62. 

Spencee,   H.,   Stereochemistry   and  vitalism.   Nature, 

58,  592. 

Steoxg,  W.M.,  Stereochemistry  and  vitalism.  Nature, 

59,  53. 


Fischer,  E.,  Spaltung-  einig-er  racemischer  Amino- 
sauren  in  die  ojjtisch-aktiven  Komponenten.  Ber.chrm. 
Ges.,  32,  3638-36-t6. 

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Abies,  30 

Acanthis,  103,  117 
Adonis,  29 

Aelosoma,  118,  119,  120 
Alkanna,  29 
Amoeba,  116 
Amomum,  29 
Andropogon,  29 
Anethion,  30 
Apium,  30 
Arenicola,  118 
Asarium.  29 
Aspergillus,  93 
Asymmetric  analysis,  99 

induction,  37 

state,  transmission  of,  35,  37 

synthesis,  35,   36,  37,  38,  39,  41, 
43,  45 
Asymmetry,  and  cancer,  129 

as  a  criterion  of  organic  origin, 

as    a    specific    property    of    pro- 
toplasm, 20 

definition,  10 

of  primary  constituents,  21 

optical  and  geometrical,  11 

origin  of,  52,  53 

Bacillus,  81,  82,  83,  84,  85,  86,  87, 

88,  89,  91,  93,  95,  96 
Bacterium,  62,  67,  68,  71 
Balanus,  115 
Barbados,  29 
Bar  asm  a.  30 
Biological  series  of  isomers,  15,  17, 

Blumea,  29 

Canarium,  30 

Caruvi,  30 

Chaetogaster,  118,  119 

Citrus,  30 

Cladonema,  118 

Clostridiuvi,  64 

Correction,  in  maintaining  optical 

purity,  45,  50 
C rot  on,  8 
Cyclops,  118 

Dahlia,  22,  23 

Dalyellia,  118 

Daphnia.  118 

Dextral  and  sinistral  strains,  physi- 
ology of,  84,  89 

Differential  effect  of  optic  isomers, 
99,  120 

Dissymmetric  substances,  produc- 
tion from  symmetric,  67 

Dissymmetry,  and  configuration  of 
organic  molecules,  14 

and  life,  19 

and  optical  activity,  12 

definition,  9 

in  organic  nature,  19 

in  quartz,  13 

morphological,  79 

the  loss  of,  74 
Drosophila,  118 
Dryobalanops,  29 

Erigeron,  30 

Eucalyptus,  30 

Euchlanis,  118 

Euplotes,  118 

Evasion,     in    maintaining    optical 

purity,  45 
Foeniculum,  30 
Fraxinns,  25 
Fruticicola,  83,  84,   89,  90,   91,   93, 

Fundulus,  115 

Gammarus,  118 

Genes,  optical  inversion  of,  81 

Helobdella,  118,  119 
Hydra,  116,  118 

Inversion,  morphological,  79 
morphological  and  optical,  rela- 
tion of.  91 
optical,  15,  59,  61 

Juniperus,  30 

Ketonaldehydemutases,  67 

Lacerta,  103,  117 
Lactobacillus,  62,  65,  66,  68 
Laurus,  26,  29,  30 




Lavandula,  29 

LeMstes,  105,  106,  109,  110,  117 

Leptoplana,  118,  119 

Leuciscns,  101,  102,  103,  104.  117 

Leuconosioc,  65,  66 

Limnaea,  79,  80 

Limnodrilvfi,  118,  119,  120 

Lindera.  30 

Linens,  118 

Hthospermnm,  29 

Lupinus,  22,  23 

Massoia,  30 

Mechanism,     of    Langenbeck     and 
Triem,  46,  54,  56 

of  Krebs,  48,  54,  55,  56 

of  Kuhn,  54 
Mentha,  30 
Monodora,  30 
Mucor,  71 
Myristica,  30 
Myrrha.  30 
Myrtus,  30 

2^ais,  118,  119,  120 

Natural  isomers,  28 

Nervous  system,  evolution  of,  116 

Nicotiana,  25 

Optical  activity,  and  dissymmetry, 

heredity  and  environment,  59 

stability  of,  42 

Optical  inversion,   15,    59,   61 

of  genes,  81 

of  the  Walden  type  73,  74 

Optical   isomers,  and  intermediate 
pathways,  70 

differential  action  of,  99,  120 

mechanisms  controlling  produc- 
tion, 67 

mechanism  of  action,  100 

production  by  catalysts,   68,   69 

production  by  esterases,  68 

velocity  of  formation,  45 

Optical  purity,  advantages  of,  51 
and   'fixed   internal  milieu,"   45 
maintenance  of,  43,  45 

Organic  acids,  dual  action  of,  112 

Palaemon,  117 

Paramecium,  107,  108,  118,  124,  125, 

"Pathways",   and    optical    isomers, 

Pelargonium,  25 

Perinereis,  118,  119 

Petroleum,  origin  and  asymmerty, 

Peumus,  30 

Phaenocora,  118 

Phycomyces,  94 

Physiological  mutations,  62,  72 

Picea,  30 

Pitivs,  26,  29,  30 

Piper,  30 

Pittosporum,  30 

Platyjioeciliis,  106,  109,  110,  111 

Polycelis,  118 

Porphyra,  23 

Primary     constituents     of     proto- 
plasm, asymmetry  of,  21 
exclusiveness  of  the  asymmetry 
sign,  27 

impossibility  of  inverting,  59 

replaceability  of,  28 
Principle,   Curie's,   36,   43,   54 

of  fixed  pathway,  74,  75 
Pristina,  118,  119 
Procerodes,  118,  119 
Priimis,  26,  44 
Pyrethrum,  29 

Quartz,  optical  activity,  12,  13 

Racemates,  splitting  up  of,  41 
Racemiase,  65,  66 
Racemic  mixture,  definition,  10 
Racemization,  and  ageing,  47 

and  culture  medium,  64 

and  temperature,  66 
Rana,  103,  110,  117 
Relative  configuration,  15,  30,  72 
Rheum,  25 
Rotifer,  118 
Rubus,  25 
Saccharomyces,  71 
Saccocirrus,  118,  119 
Sagitta,  118,  119 



Secondary    constituents    of    proto- 
plasm, asymmetry  of,  24 
inverting  of,  61  - 

non-exclusiveness    of    the    asym- 
metry-sign, 28 
Sempervirum.  25 
Solidago,  30 
Sophora,  29 
SjXirtium.  29 

Spiral  growth,  theory  of,  93 
SpirostoDiioti,  118 
mentor,  118 
Stereo-autouomic     substances,     43, 

44.  55 
Stereo-coefficient,  101,  116 

Stylaria,  118 

Synergism,  of  stereoisomers,  100 

Tanacetum,  29 

Temporary     dissymetric    sub- 
stances,    74 

Thuja,  29 

Thy VI  us,  30 

Torula,  60,  91,  92,  110 

Trapaeolum .  23 

Valeriana,  26,  30 

AValden  inversion,  73,   74 

Xanthoxyluni,  30 


Abderhalden,  48,  137.  138,  146,  151 

Ackermann,  19,  146 

Akkerman,  151 

Alpatov,  107,  108,  124,  125,  126,  149 

Amnion,  68,  69,  70,  145,  146 

Arkwright,  86 

Arnow,  131,  149,  151 

Bacq,  122,  123 

Baldes,  71.  140 

Bamann,  70,  144 

Barcioft,  45 

Bartelt,  26,  29,  30,  139 

Bartium,  53,  135 

Bayerle,  150,  151 

Bayliss,  38 

Becker,  152 

Behrens,  152 

Belloni,  29 

Bendrat,  25,  143 

Bennet-Clark,  24,  147 

Berg,  61,  148 

Bergmann,  152 

Bernard,  45,  52 

Bernheim,  126,  146,  147 

Binder-Kotrba,  68,  142 

Biot,  32 

Blanksma,  29,  139 

Borsook,  40 

Bosshard,  48,  134 

Bouchardat,  29 

Boycott,  79,  143 

Boyland,  150,  151 

Boys,  14,  145 

Bozler,  124 

Bragg,  13,  142 

Branke,  29,  147 

Braun,  E.,  53,  144 

Braun,  I.,  141,  142 

Brauns,  72,  73,  142 

Bredig,  38,  43,  68,  69,  70,  138,  140, 

Brion,  135 

Brockmann,  29,  146 

Brown.  F.,  120 

Brown,  H.,  23,  36,  135 

Brown,  O.,  150 
Bruckner,  95,  147 
Burk,  152 
Burton,  123 
Byk,  52,  53,  137,  142 

Caesar,  151 

Cannon,  121,  122 

Castle,  94 

Chabrie,  135 

Chibnall,  130,  150,  151 

Christeleit,  31,  72,  148 

Clough,  31,  141 

Cohn,  150 

Condelli,  137 

Conrad,  61,  148 

Cotton,  52 

Craft,  145 

Crozier,  103 

Curie,  35,  135 

Currie,  61,  140 

Cushny,  114,  115,  136,  137,  138,  139, 
141,  142 

Dakin,  137 

Deuticke,  71,  145 

Dittmar,  150 

Diver,  79,  143 

Dosser,  146 

Du  Vigneaud,  61,  145,  148,  150 

Edlbacher,  126,  145,  152 

Efimochkina,  93,  150 

Ehrenstein,  31,  142 

Ehrlich,  22,  60,  138,  139,  140 

Ekenstein,  29,  139 

Embden,  71,  140,  145 

Engler,  31,  138 

Erlenmeyer,  144 

Errera,  11,  53,  135 

Erxleben,    23,    129,    130,    131,    150, 
151,  152 

Ewing,  129 

Faerber,  24,  141 
Fajans,  38,  43,  68,  138,  139 
Findlay,  10,  148 

Fischer,   10,   11,   16,   21,   22,   30,   36, 
51,  55,   59,   73,  134,  135,  136,  138 




Fiske,  70,  140 
Fitting,  143 
Fitzgerald,  53,  135 
Foster,  152 
Franlte,  120 

Fred,  61,  62,  143,  145,  147 
Fresnel,  12,  13,  15,  133 
Freudenberg.    16,    17,    72, 

144,  145 
Fruton.  152 

73,    142, 

Gause.  60.  84,  85,  86,  87,  88,  89,  90, 
91,  92.  99.  100,  101,  102,  104,  105, 
106,  107,  108,  109,  110,  113,  114, 
115,  117,  118,  122,  123,  124,  125, 
126.  147,  149,  150,  152 

Gay-Lussac,  10 

Gersbach,  82,  141 

Gerstner,  144 

Gibbs,  142 

Gintl,  25.  133 

Glaser.  124 

Gold,  120 

Gorr,  62.  142 

Goto.  148 

Graff,  130,  150,  152 

Greenwood,  116,  117 

Haller,  29 
Harden,  136 
Hardy,  79,  143 
Hastings,  83 
Hatschek,  153 
Hayashi,  68,  143 
Herken,  152 
Hess,  27,  141 
Hoagland,  123 
Holmes,  50 
Humboldt,  31 
Irish,  148.  150 
Irving,  152 
Ivanovics,  95,  147 

Jaeger,  19.  141,  142 
Japp.  10.  11,  135 
John-Brooks,  94,  95 
Johnson,  152 
Jungfleisch,  11,  134 

Kabit,  152 
Kaiser,  141 

Kalmus,  124 

Karczag,  139 

Karrer,  31.  72,  142 

Katagiri,  26,  61,  63,  64,  65,  66,  148 

Kayser,  62,  63,  64,  66,  135 

Kiesel,  93,  150 

Kipping,  53,  135 

Kisch.  48.  49,  146 

Kitahara,  26,  61,  63,  65,  66,  148 

Knopf,  53.  144 

Kobel.  71,  143 

Kogl.  23.  129,  130,  131,  150,  151,  152 

Koltzoff,  80,  112,  146 

Konikowa,  152 

Konowalowa,  29,  145 

Kopeloff.  66,  148 

Kotake,  141,  148 

Kraft,  71.  145 

Krebs.  48.  49,  50,  51,  126,  145,  146, 

Krieble.  38.  44.  139.  140 
Kuhn.  26.  39,  41,  42,  43,  44,  47,  50, 

53,  55,  144,  147 
Kuna,  73,  148 

Laeverenz.  70,  144 
Langenbeck,  31,  43,  46,  47.  53, 

Langer,  83 
Langley,  120 
LeBel,  134 
Lees,  29 
Leger,  29,  139 
Lehmann.  148 
Lemery.  31 
Lemmlein.   20,   151 
Lepeschkin,  113 
Levene,  31,  73,   148 
Lewis,  82,  87 
Lipmann,  131,  132,  152 
Lippman,  22,  134 
Loewi,  121 
Lomonosoff,  31 
Loring.   145 

Lowry,  12,  13,  15,  16,  19,  20,  146 
Ludwig,  79,  82,  144,  147 

Macht,  100,  144 
Marckwald,  37,  137 


Al  THOR  lyOEX 


Mardaschew,  31,  14S 

Mathieu,  146 

Mayer.  K.,  132,  151,  153 

Mayer.  P.,  23,  68,  137,  138,  143 

McKenzie,  27,  37,  136,  137,  141.  144, 

Mendel,  149 
Menschikov.  27,  148 
Metalnikoff,  124 
Meyerhol'fer,  138 
Mills,  51.  53,  73,  144 
Minaeff,  43,  70,  144 
Morishima,  26,  136 
Morris,  23,  36,  135 
Muller,  153 
Mundell,  149 

Nachmanson,  122 

Nay  lor,  24 

Neber.  48,  126,  145,  147 

Needham,  80,  146 

Nencki,  61.  135 

Neuberg.  23,  24.  32,  62.  67,   68.  71, 

74,    136.    137,    138,    139,   140,   141, 

142,  143 

Nikolai,  72,  145 

Nord.  24.  141 

Nordefeldt,  38,  40,  43,  141 

Oesterle,  82 
Okagawa.  141,  142 
Opsahl.  131.  149,  151 
Orechoff,  29,  145 
Orla-Jensen,  64,  141 
Oshima,  23,  136 
Ostwald.  11,  102,  110,  113,  134 
Oudin.  29,  144 

Parishev,  29,  147 

Pasteur.  9.  10,  11,  12,  13,  19,  20,  21, 
25,  35,  59,  73,  133,  134 

Pearson,  53,  135 

Pederson.  61,  62,  64,  143 

Peebles,  137 

Pere.  62,  63.  64,  135,  136 

Peterson,  61,  62,  143,  145,  147 

Pfeiffer,  31,  72,  148 

Pictet,  100,  137 

Piutti.  134 

Podloucky,  151 

Pope,  53,  135 
Pottevin,  62,  136 
Power,  29 

Pringsheim,  22,  28,  48,  83,  139,  140, 

Rabinowitch,  29,  145 

Rainey,  15,  148 

Rail,  93,  150 

Raoult,  11 

Raske,  30,  138 

Ratner,  61,  153 

Rees,  G.,  150,  151 

Rees,  W.,  112 

Rhino,  31,  72,  142 

Richter,  146 

Ritchie,  37,  50,  53,  145 

Rittenberg,  61,  150,  152,  153 

Roberts,  83 

Rona.  68,  69,  70,  145 

Rosenberg,  32,  138 

Rosenblueth.  121,  122 

Rosenthaler.  38,  70,  139 

Roth.  29,  146 

Rothen,  73,  148 

Rotschy,  100,  137 

Ruhland,  24,  25,  144 

Sagen,  83 
Salkowsky,  23 
Samuely,  48,  137 
Saneyoshi,  140 
Schimmel,  29 
Schittenhelm,  48.  138 
Schmitz,  71,  140 
Schoen, 147 

Schoenheimer,  61,  150,  153 
Schramm,  153 
Schulze,  22,  48,  134,  137 
Schwarze,  24,  25,  145 
Siegel,  72,  73,  142 
Simon.  E.,  67,  68,  71,  143 
Simon,  M.,  152 
Sizer,  115 

Smaragdova,  60,  89,  90,  91,  100,  101, 
102,  104,  105,  106,  107,  108,  109, 
110,  113,  114,  115,  117.  118,  122, 
123,   124,   125,   126,   149,   150,   152 

Spielmann,  31 

Spencer,  136 



Spiers,  53,  149 
Stapp,  83 

Stiles,  112 

Stoklasa,  25,  138 

Stoll,  36,  145 

Strelitz,  149 

Strong,  37,  53,  136 

Study,  15,  140 

Szent-Gyorgyi,  95 

Tatum,  64,  145,  147 
Tetzner,  48,  146 
Teuffert,  142 
Thiele,  25,  140 
Thierfelder,  59,  135 
Thomas,  120 
Tollens,  23,  136 
Tomiyasu,  37,  149 
Town,  153 
Trask,  32 

Triem,  43,  46,  47,  53,  147 
Tristram,  150 
Tromsdorff,  20,  149 
Tschugaeff,  32 
Turner,  79,  143 

Van't  Hoff,  134 
Vernadsky,  19,  32,  146 

Walden,  32,  73,  136,  137 
Waldschmidt-Leitz,    129,    132,    151, 

Walker,  44,  139 
Wallach,  29 
Warburg,  129 
Webster,  147 
Weltzien,  27,  141 
Wendel,  22,  139 
Wetzel,  24,  25,  144 
White,  151 
Widmann,  71,  144 
Wiedemann,  36,  145 
Williams,  150,  151 
Willstatter,  68 
Winterstein,  22,  137 
Wohl,  16,  17,  142 
Wohlgemuth.  136,  137 
Wood,  27,  141 
Wyrouboff,  11,  134 

Zvetkov,  84,  149 
Zycha,  83 


P.  20,  18th  line  from  the  bottom,  read  1939  instead  of  1938. 
P.  29,  line  13,  read  Brockmann  instead  of  Blockmann. 
P.  59,  8th    line    from    the    bottom,    read    uilxtrorotatoky    instead 
